Li Shimin

Chapter 180 The Great King's Mansion!

Chapter 180 The king returns home!

Chang'an is indeed the capital of the Tang Dynasty, but it is different from the small mountain village.

Although it was already cold winter, the streets in Chang'an City were still crowded with people.

On the broad Suzaku Avenue, rows of peddlers who wrapped themselves up tightly and flushed from the cold stomped their feet and yelled feebly on both sides.

Among the crowd, there were load-carriers shouting loudly as they walked, and groups of immature children scurrying around. Among them, some barbarians in strange clothes were walking cautiously on the side of the road. .

As for these foreign hozens, from the old to the young, they are all full of arrogance.

On the street, a group of Marquis Wu with swords can still be seen patrolling around.

The voices were boiling, and Li Xuan inexplicably had a feeling that he had seen the world again.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help shaking his head lightly.

He doesn't envy this kind of noisy life.

Lying paralyzed in his hut all day, sleeping until Old Man Xiong calls the door, when hungry, Cheng Chusi and these little bastards cook, feed and drink; when bored, you can exercise these little bastards and exercise your muscles; In your spare time, you can also go to the forging workshop and make some novelty toys.

However, thinking about it, Li Xuan's eyes were still looking out of the car, looking around.

"Ma'am, please forgive me!"

"Forgive you, why did my mother forgive you..."

Suddenly, there was a noise from a workshop not far away.

Li Xuan couldn't help but looked up and looked over curiously.

At the same time, Cheng Chusi and the others in the other carriages were all curious when they heard the voice, and urged the coachman to move closer to the noisy place.

The noise was even clearer.

Soon, you can see a young woman wearing a pomegranate skirt and a fence, with a relatively plump figure, holding a long wooden board in her hand, chasing the middle-aged man who is running around in front of her with a ferocious face and menace.

Through the crowd, Li Xuan could faintly see that there were even grooves on one side of the long wooden board.

"Ma'am, there is really no money at home!"

"Then you old man, you can't burn the mahjong that my mother bought with great difficulty!"

"Do you know how much my mother spent to buy that mahjong? How much favor did I spend..."

"But ma'am, you just bought mahjong for more than ten days, and you have been playing mahjong day and night. You have lost almost [-] times, and your old family is gone!"

"It's not that you are incompetent, an old bastard, or else my mother accidentally lost so much money to win Liu Wang's money..."

"Ah, my mahjong, don't talk nonsense, you old bastard, return my mahjong..."

The woman's voice was full of anger and anger, from far to near, and then to the distance.

The man, on the other hand, has no confidence in the whole process and is submissive.

The surrounding crowd were all pointing and laughing, and even Marquis Wu in the distance took a look with interest, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Seeing this, Li Xuan's eyes were thoughtful.

This kind of daily beating of husbands and activities of showing affection in public should appear frequently.

"... Ah... After all, it was that bastard who invented the scourge of mahjong. The old man and you are at odds..."

"Ma'am, take it easy... ah..."

Suddenly, a miserable voice came from afar again.

Li Xuan couldn't help shivering, and shouted to the coachman, "Leave quickly, what's so interesting about a hot woman beating her husband in the street!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The coachman responded, hurriedly drove the carriage, and walked forward.

After the scene just now, Li Xuan's thoughts on watching Chang'an City all the way became much weaker.

Fortunately, this time I came all the way to the gate of Prince Jin's Mansion, and there was no drama of family discord because of the mahjong incident.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would feel guilty.


After getting out of the car and standing in front of the car, Li Xuan looked up, his face full of emotion.

The second elder brother in the palace was very careful in giving himself the mansion that King Jin repaired.

The ground was paved with big bluestones of the same size, and outside the gate there were two huge stone lions, mighty and majestic.After that, there is the big red gate, which is even wider and majestic.

Looking at it, Li Xuan couldn't help but secretly startled, this is even bigger than his small courtyard.

"This is Prince Jin's residence, who are you?"

Seeing such a large group of carriages suddenly stop at the door, the guards outside the mansion quickly stepped forward.

"The king returns to the mansion, open the door quickly!"

The chief Shi Chu Suiliang who rushed over from the car behind hurriedly shouted at the guards.

"Chu Changshi?"

Seeing Chu Suiliang, the guards were startled.

After reacting, he saluted Li Xuan respectfully.

"I have seen the king!"

Immediately, he shouted with great joy:

"The king returns to the mansion!"

"The king returns to the mansion..."

After a few high-pitched and excited shouts, all the officials, large and small, who were working in the palace quickly ran out.

Looking expectantly at Li Xuanyi and the others who came in through the gate.

All the officials and servants of Prince Jin's Mansion hurriedly stood on both sides, bowing their hands to Li Xuan and others.

However, when he got up, his eyes were in a daze.

They were all low-level officials, among Li Xuan's group, they only knew Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi, these dudes who often fought in Chang'an City.As for Li Yuan and Li Chengqian, as for Li Xuan, they don't know each other.

However, the old man in the front wearing a sheepskin padded jacket is full of prestige and can walk in the middle. He is obviously a respected figure.

And the young man on the left, in terms of age, is in line with their king's age.

However, with this sheepskin padded jacket, coupled with the curious look on his face wandering around, all the officials have strange expressions on their faces.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing this, Chu Suiliang naturally understood what was going on. Although he felt headaches all over his face when his king acted like a peasant boy entering the palace, he quickly turned serious and shouted at the officials.

"This is the Supreme Emperor, this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, this is the Great King, please hurry and meet!"

Hearing this, the hearts of all the officials and servants trembled.

Why are the Supreme Emperor and His Royal Highness the Prince here?
It was the housekeeper, Li Chang, who was the first to react, and bowed to Li Yuan, Li Xuan and the others with an excited face.

"Villain Li Chang, pay respects to the Supreme Emperor, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the Great King!"

In fact, as a servant of the Li family, Li Chang met Li Yuan and even Li Xuan in Taiyuan a few years ago.

It's just that Li Yuan and Li Xuan are both wearing sheepskin jackets, which made Li Chang not recognize them for a while.

Immediately, a group of officials and servants hurriedly saluted.

For these etiquettes, Li Xuan didn't have much interest, he just nodded to this group of servants and officials, and walked around looking at his palace.

On the contrary, Li Yuan changed his indifference in Lijiazhuang and showed enthusiasm towards every official.

Especially after seeing that the butler Li Chang was more familiar, he even called the butler to him and asked him in detail.

Prince Jin's Mansion is much bigger than Li Xuan imagined.

Roughly in a circle, Li Xuan estimated that there are at least more than 100 mu of land.

And every courtyard is decorated very luxuriously and magnificently.

However, Li Xuan always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, after entering King Jin's study, Li Xuan frowned, and finally remembered that something was wrong.

The house is dark and there is no light!
"My lord, is this study not to your liking?"

Chu Suiliang asked quickly.

"Chu Changshi, why don't these houses have glass windows?"

Li Xuan was puzzled.


Hearing this, Chu Suiliang quickly looked around, and then quickly explained: "Your Majesty, forgive me, it should be that when the general was repairing the palace, he still didn't think of the glass windows according to the usual practice!"

"However, if Your Majesty likes glass windows, I will arrange for you to replace the glass windows in the palace."

In fact, Chu Suiliang had a guess that he didn't dare to say. It should be that the craftsmen of the general prison thought the glass was too expensive and were reluctant to install it for the palace.


 Sacrifice a skull book!

  "The thesis I just made up turned out to be true"

  There is an event: a monthly pass starts at 300 coins, and you can get some wool!There are still more than a dozen places. If you still have tickets, you can go there.
  Well, it’s done by others, the author’s book has not yet met the requirements for operation~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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