Li Shimin

Chapter 181 So soft, so comfortable!

Chapter 181 So soft, so comfortable!

Hearing this, Li Xuan nodded lightly, "You don't need to buy glass, anyway, glass was invented by me, just ask the glass shop to send a batch of glass, that's all!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chu Suiliang responded quickly, and then remembered that glass is the product of his own king, if the king buys glass all the time, wouldn't he be ridiculed.

"It's a pity that this beautiful house is lost!"

Li Xuan sighed casually, then walked out.

"If Your Majesty likes it, you can come to live in the palace for a period of time every month!"

Chu Suiliang's face brightened, and he said hastily.

"no, I'm fine!"

Li Xuan glanced at it speechlessly, and Chu Suiliang, who had a malicious expression on his face, couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"This place is so big, the king is still afraid to live here!"

Chu Suiliang was taken aback, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, he just wanted to invite you back to the palace for a while, why did he seem to be a bad guy!
"My lord, the front is the back garden. I haven't had time to plant flowers yet. Now it's full of weeds!"

Later, seeing Li Xuan walking towards the back garden, Chu Suiliang hurriedly shouted.

"back yard?"

After listening, Li Xuan didn't stop in his footsteps, and walked directly through the courtyard gate.

Seeing this, Chu Suiliang couldn't help being dazed for a while.

During the Tang Dynasty, the gardens of rich and noble families in Chang'an City had begun to develop into artificial gardens.

The garden in Prince Li Xuan's mansion is like this, with rocks, waterside pavilions, gardens, and forest pavilions, which are very interesting.

However, in the winter now, the garden is still yellow and the pool is empty, with only a piece of black and yellow soil.

The whole garden is very big, Li Xuan felt that the garden in front of him was as big as two acres.

When Chu Suiliang and the others followed up, they saw Li Xuan squatting in front of a piece of weeds half a person's height with a full face of excitement, looking at the white flower buds growing on it, and muttering to himself.

"My lord, these weeds are called Baidiezi. When they grow, the leaves and branches are brown, which is not good-looking. But when they are harvested in autumn, they will grow cocoons one by one, and when the cocoons burst , and this kind of thin white silk will appear. Therefore, many people will plant some in their back gardens and watch them as flowers in winter!"

"This name is Bai Dizi?"

Li Xuan raised his head and looked at Chu Suiliang in surprise.

"Exactly!" Chu Suiliang replied quickly.

"Many people's houses are planting this thing now?"

Li Xuan asked again.

"Exactly, a few plants were also planted in the lower official's house!" Chu Suiliang replied.

"Hey, master, we also have a bunch of white chrysanthemums planted in our house!"

Behind them, Cheng Chusi and the others also came to the back garden at some point, seeing that Li Xuan was interested in Bai Diezi, they hurriedly said.

"Your family also has it?" Li Xuan asked with a happy face.


Cheng Chusi and the others nodded, "If Master likes it, I will pull out that piece of white paper for Master!"

"It's better to pull some more!"

Li Xuan said quickly.


Hearing this, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help but startled.

"What are you still doing, I'm of great use!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but glared.

"Ah? It's Master, I'll go right away!"

After listening, Cheng Chusi hurriedly responded, and ran away.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, thinking of something, Li Xuan shouted again.

"Master, what else is there?" Cheng Chusi asked doubtfully.

"Among the people you know, who else grows this kind of white chrysanthemum, buy it for my master!"

With that said, Li Xuan turned around to look at Chu Suiliang who was at the side, and said, "Chu Changshi, go and get a hundred coins!"

"One hundred strings?"

Now, everyone was shocked.

"Your Majesty, the white chrysanthemum is just a flower that people admire, and it's not worth much at all. Isn't one hundred guan a bit too much!"

"That's right, master, a sycamore is not worth a penny, if you want to buy it, my family's scorpion is worth a lot, you can do whatever you want..."

Cheng Chusi laughed.


Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but glared at this guy.

"My master gave you money, do you dare to accept it?"

"Hey, Master forgive me, I'm just kidding!"

Cheng Chusi shrank his neck quickly, and smiled obsequiously, even if he was the Supreme Emperor, he dared to accept money, but Li Xuan alone dared not accept it no matter what.

"My master wants a lot of baizizi. Take ten pennies and buy it from someone you know! However, I want the white silk in the cocoon of baizizi. I only need to put the flowers of baizizi Just pick it off intact and bring it back, and as for the branches of the white dipper, you don't need to bring it back!"

Li Xuan said.

"Yes, Master!"

This time, Cheng Chusi didn't dare to talk too much, he responded, pulled Chu Suiliang, and ran away.

Li Xuan turned around, and said to Li Chongyi and Changsun Chong who were on the side: "You too, everyone go to get ten guan coins, and go buy white dice for my master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing this, Li Chongyi and Changsun Chong, who were already ready to make a move, responded quickly, and chased after Chu Suiliang who was going away.

Looking at the few people going away, Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then shouted quickly.

"Gao Ming, stop there, what are you doing?"

"Master, I'm going to buy white stacks too!"

Li Chengqian stopped in his tracks and looked at Li Xuan suspiciously.

"White dippers are planted in your east palace?" Li Xuan said.

"Master, there doesn't seem to be such a thing growing in the East Palace!" Li Chengqian replied.

"Then you take the money and buy white dippers on the street?" Li Xuan asked.


Without even thinking about it, Li Chengqian replied directly.

Li Xuan's face was full of helplessness, "You are a majestic prince of the East Palace, holding ten pieces of silver in your hand, shouting to bury Bai Dizi on the street? What do you want to do?"


At this moment, Li Chengqian's expression changed, and he was full of fear.

If he really dared to do this, he would be called to the Taiji Palace in a while and scolded severely.Then, when he returned to the East Palace, he would be reprimanded by Master Li again.

Tomorrow morning, a bunch of censors will be in the court with angry faces, participating in playing him!

"Okay, just wait and be honest, this kind of thing is not something you can do, the prince of the East Palace!"

Li Xuan glanced helplessly at Li Chengqian.

Afterwards, he brought a basket to Li Chang, the housekeeper.

Immediately, Li Xuan directly lifted the basket, walked up to Bai Diezi, and started picking cotton.

At this time of year, the cocoon of cotton has been completely exploded. Li Xuan only needs to grab it with his hands, and a ball of cotton will be caught, and he will throw it into the basket beside him.

However, this small action frightened Li Chang and all the servants beside him into panic.

"My lord, what are you doing? Just leave this kind of rough work to me!"

As he said that, Li Chang hurriedly stepped forward, imitating Li Xuan's movements, and began to pick cotton.

As for calling servants, Li Chang didn't dare.

He can't rest assured that someone else can make something that the king values ​​so much!
To Li Xuan's surprise, such a small piece of white stacks looks like a small amount, but when picked, it is quite a lot, a whole basket full.

Li Xuan couldn't help it, reached in and grabbed it hard.

Soft and very comfortable!
"Xuan Ba, what kind of treasure is this Bai Diezi?"

Seeing Li Xuan's obsessed expression, Li Yuan's eyes lit up.

It seems that, in his impression, only a glass shed can make Li Xuan lose his composure.

"Hey, old man, this time I'll sew a dress for you to make you rare!"

Li Xuan chuckled, and ignored the doubt in Li Yuan's eyes, and looked directly at the butler Li Chang.

"Housekeeper, is there a tailor in the house?"

"Back to Your Majesty, there are four old tailors in the mansion, just give your orders!"

Li Chang quickly replied.


 "Liang Shu·Gaochang Biography" records: There is "grass in the land, which is like a cocoon, and the silk in the cocoon is like a thin silk, and it is called Baidiezi."

(End of this chapter)

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