Li Shimin

Chapter 184 You have to take advantage of the war to not lose money!

Chapter 184 You have to take advantage of the war to not lose money!

Especially mineral salt, which is black and yellow in color and poisonous, no one dares to eat it, even for livestock, it can only be fed a little at a time!

"Old man, there is no rush to make salt!"

Li Xuan pursed his lips, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, so many sages through the ages tried their best to come up with these salt-making strategies. It's really embarrassing for you to come up with a way to increase salt production all at once!"

Li Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

Aside, Li Shimin's eyes also flashed a hint of disappointment.

Immediately, thinking of something, he hurriedly said to Li Yuan, "Aye, why not use mineral salt for soaking wool in salt water!"

"Mine salt?"

Li Yuan was taken aback for a moment, his face was overjoyed.

"Mineral salt is good. Soak it in mineral salt and then wash it with clean water. It's also possible!"

Around, Cheng Chusi and Changsun Wuji were all beaming with joy.

This time, there are two kinds of clothes, white folded and wool.

The clothing problem of the common people in the Tang Dynasty can be greatly improved.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but be surprised in my heart, this king of Jin has made another great achievement related to the people's livelihood and the society.

Fortunately, after the Jin Wang was resurrected, his temperament changed drastically.

Not only did he lose all his memory, but he also just wanted to stay in Lijiazhuang all day long, close the courtyard door, and live his own little life.

Otherwise, countless troubles will arise.

Fortunately, his family's evil animal, in a fit of anger, worshiped this disciple with a shameless face.

In the future, can you beat me less?

At this time, Li Xuan continued to speak: "It is also possible to use mineral salt, but with such a large population in the Tang Dynasty, the wool needed must be very large. I am afraid that the wool in the territory of the Tang Dynasty is far from enough."


Li Yuan and Li Shimin were startled again, staring at Li Xuan closely.

"Xuanba, what do you mean?"

"Didn't those Turkic barbarians raise a lot of sheep?" Li Xuan said.

"Hey, King Jin is right!"

Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie on the side couldn't hold back anymore, grinned and shouted: "Your Majesty, now our Tang Dynasty is strong and strong, and the artisans in the Shaofu Supervisor can refine 10 million catties of pig iron and refined iron every month." Steel, and all the men in the army will not lack weapons and armor."

"And it just so happens that the Turkic bastard is still raising the flocks that the people of the Tang Dynasty need. My old Cheng is willing to lead the army. After the spring plowing, I will lead the army to snatch all the cattle and sheep from the Turkic bubs!"


As soon as Cheng Zhijie finished speaking, the expressions of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui on the side changed slightly, and they hurriedly stopped him.

"Old man Fang, my old Cheng is not asking His Majesty to send troops indiscriminately this time!"

Cheng Zhijie stared, spit and said, "You also know that this year's harvest is good, and many people have surplus food in their families. In addition, with the Quyuan plow invented by the King of Jin, the speed of farming will definitely be much faster next year when spring begins. .

Also, with Jin Wang’s iron and steel smelting method, now Shaofu supervises for a month, at least more than 1000 million jin of refined steel and pig iron can be smelted, right?
Coupled with the assembly line process, the speed of forging weapons and armor has also increased many times.

After next year's spring plowing, the materials and equipment needed to send troops will be sufficient.

Moreover, my old Cheng sent troops for the sake of the people of the Tang Dynasty. He wanted to take back all the sheep raised by the Turkic cubs. How many sheep could the Tang Dynasty get?How much wool can be obtained, and how much woolen cloth can be spun?
These, for the people of Tang Dynasty, are a great thing..."

The more he talked, the more energetic Cheng Zhijie became.

But Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others couldn't find a chance to intervene.

As for Li Shimin on the side, the corners of his mouth twitched.

However, his eyes are also ready to move.

"Your Majesty, the people's livelihood has just recovered. If you rashly send troops to the Turks, there may be no one to harvest the farmland, and the people's livelihood will wither again!"

Fang Xuanling said hastily.

"Withered fart, as long as the Turkic bastards are slaughtered, aren't all the sheep raised by the Turkic bastards belong to my Datang?"

Cheng Zhijie glared at Fang Xuanling fiercely, "You old bastard was also a literati who could follow His Majesty to conquer the world. Why have you been a civil servant for only a few years, and you are like those rotten scholars? Soso, just staring at your three-acre land?"

"Chai Shao and Xue Wanjun have led the army to destroy Liang Shidu in Shuofang. Occupying Shuofang, don't my Tang soldiers want to fight that bastard Jieli anyway?
Furthermore, in the past few years, the interior of the Turks has been plagued by frost, drought and natural disasters.Couldn't that boy Tuli also be bullied by Jieli's bastard, and wants to secretly surrender to me, Datang?Such a great opportunity, you old man is still moaning!
I despise it! "

"Old thief Cheng, don't spit blood on people. The old man's intention is to wait for two years, and everything is ready, and we will send troops again!"

Fang Xuanling's angry beard was about to stick up.

And Du Ruhui, who was on the side, just wanted to open his mouth to help Fang Xuanling, the old thief Cheng Zhijie, and coughed.

Immediately, he shut up with a wink.

The old thief Cheng is so arrogant, he should have seen His Majesty's intention to send troops, and he has already begun to act presumptuously. If he is scolded by the old thief Cheng, he doesn't know how much life will be lost with his bones, so let's just watch Your Majesty quietly. I mean.

Moreover, they quarreled and rejoiced, but it was up to His Majesty to decide whether to send troops or not.

"Okay, stop arguing."

Li Shimin shouted, "It's too early to talk about this matter now. We have to wait until next year's spring plowing to discuss everything!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie glared at Fang Xuanling triumphantly, and bowed his hands with joy on his face.

But Fang Xuanling just sighed secretly, seeing His Majesty's tone, and old thief Cheng suddenly knew so much about the Turkic situation, if His Majesty's intentions were not behind it, he would never believe it.

However, just when Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Li Shimin suddenly asked Li Xuan again.

"Xuanba, you said that in this situation, after the spring plowing next year, should we send troops to the Turks?"

Li Xuan was startled.

Just about to wave his hand to refuse to answer, but he saw Old Man Xiong, Cheng Zhijie, Fang Xuanling and others staring at him closely.

He couldn't help but sighed and organized his words.

"Your Majesty, whether you should send troops or not is ultimately up to you to decide.

However, I think that no matter what kind of battle is fought, there must be logistical guarantees.After all, taking more than [-] soldiers and running so far to fight the Turkic hozen must have gained some benefits.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure logistics and reduce deaths.

Now that there are steel and iron smelting methods, the Shaofu Supervisor and Military Weapon Supervisor can forge a large amount of armor and steel knives.All the soldiers who went out had to be able to wear steel armor and hold steel knives in their hands.

In this way, when fighting against those Turkic hozens, there will be fewer deaths, and the guts of those Turkic people will be defeated, and the Turkic horses and sheep will have to be brought back.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the young and middle-aged Turks must be brought back by His Majesty, they are all excellent labor force.

In this way, this battle is meaningful, not a loss! "

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but shuddered, and looked at Li Xuan with a strange expression on their faces.

If it is true as Li Xuan said, with a hundred thousand elites in heavy armor, what can the Turkic people do to stop them?

"It's just Xuan Ba, what do you want those Turkic youths to do?"

Li Shimin asked again.

"Your Majesty, those young and middle-aged men are the ones who benefit the most from fighting the Turks!" Li Xuan said.

 606 monthly pass!
  The author is very moved, really, there have never been so many monthly tickets!
  I also want to add more!

  However, I really can’t move my liver~~
  I'm not in the right shape today, good night~~~
  Sack, check it out, today is April Fool's Day!
  Dog Days Western Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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