Li Shimin

Chapter 185 On How to Draw a Big Cake in Advance!

Chapter 185 On How to Draw a Big Cake in Advance!


Now, everyone looked at Li Xuan with puzzled faces.

"Xuanba, what's the use of those Turkic barbarians?" Li Shimin asked.

"That's right, His Royal Highness Jin, those Turkic barbarians brought back, not to mention sending people to guard them to prevent them from causing trouble. In addition, food has to be wasted, why not just bury them on the spot!" Cheng Zhijie shouted.

On the side, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others, although they didn't speak, they all nodded slightly.

Obviously, he also agrees with Cheng Zhijie's words.

"How can it be useless?"

Li Xuan glanced at these people in surprise, "Those Turkic hozen are more useful than their sheep and horses!"


Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie was shocked, looked at Li Xuan in horror, and asked, "His Royal Highness, do you want to eat those barbarians? Those barbarians don't take a bath all year round, and human meat is not as good as mutton." !”.
Li Xuan was stunned.

Fang Xuanling, Li Shimin and others had weird expressions on their faces.

"What nonsense are you talking about, old man?"

Li Xuan took a deep breath and explained: "My Tang Dynasty needs hundreds of thousands of corvees and coolies every year, which makes many ordinary people miserable, and how many ordinary people's agricultural production has been delayed?"

"And if there are these captive Turkic barbarians, a lot of labor and coolies can be saved.

The Turkic barbarians eat meat all the year round, and their strength must be much stronger than the people who eat chestnuts. Wouldn't it be better to use these hozen as corvees?
Most importantly, these Turkic barbarians are not citizens of the Tang Dynasty, so there is no need to feel sorry for them, these barbarians will be exhausted to death.

Moreover, if there are any farmers in the village who are short of manpower, they can also be allowed to cultivate and harvest grain!
After these barbarians have worked for one or two years, and it is confirmed that these barbarians are all loyal to Datang and will not have any objections, you can give each of these barbarians a few plots of land, and give them Datang household registration to become Great Tang. Tang Zimin! "

"But King Jin, these barbarians are used to riding horses and herding sheep, how can they get used to being a farmer?"

Fang Xuanling asked quickly.

"Why not?"

Li Xuan smiled softly, "These Turkic hozens, in Turkic, did they make cattle and horses for those Turkic nobles every day, and in the end they didn't even own the sheep and horses they had raised all their lives, and they were beaten, scolded and humiliated by the nobles all day long." , Even in winter, it is easy to starve to death or freeze to death if you are not careful.

However, as a citizen of my Tang Dynasty, as long as they are willing to farm, they can harvest food in autumn. Except for tax food, the food they grow is their own, and they will not be humiliated and bullied at will.

If they work harder, they can still wear beautiful clothes, eat steamed buns and big fish and meat, eat vegetables and fruits in winter, and live in beautiful, spacious and warm houses. This kind of life, even their nobles can’t enjoy it. Why do they disagree? ..."

After listening, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others couldn't help but widen their eyes.

That's right, they know better than Li Xuan what kind of life Turkic barbarians live.

Even, it was several times worse than what Li Xuan described.

Basically, every year on the grasslands, there are tens of thousands of Turkic barbarians, either starved to death or frozen to death!
"It's just that, I'm afraid there may be criticism from some ministers in the court?"

After thinking about it, Changsun Wuji said slowly.

"Why don't they agree?"

Li Xuanwen was full of doubts.

"With these Turkic barbarians, the coolies that hurt the people the most in the past can be handed over to these Turkic hozen.

Such as building roads, building bridges, dredging rivers, and building palaces... All these tasks can be done by these Turkic barbarians, and they don't have to be afraid of the dead. They only need to manage two meals a day! "

"That is, such a great thing, why don't those rotten scholars agree?"

Cheng Zhijie glared at Changsun Wuji angrily.

"Old man Cheng, if you ask them about this, how would the old man know?"

Changsun Wuji did not show any weakness.

"You two don't need to argue about this matter. It's too early to talk about it now. However, as long as those who oppose it know the benefits of this, they will all agree."

Li Xuan smiled slowly, then looked at Chu Suiliang who was at the side.

"Chu Changshi, I need a lot of Bai Dizi, and I can buy as many as I can. You need to do this right away!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Bai Diezi has always been useless, and many people don't pay attention to it. I'm going to send people to Chang'an City to collect Bai Diezi from house to house."

Chu Suiliang hurriedly clapped his hands in response.

"There are also those peasant households around Chang'an City, who pay a hundred cash per catty for nothing!" Li Xuandao.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chu Suiliang bowed his hand again.

Seeing that Li Xuan didn't have any orders, he quickly quit.


Li Xuan said.

"What is the king's order?"

Li Chang hurried up.

"Put away all the black seeds from those basil seeds in the backyard, I will use those seeds to grow basil seeds next year!" Li Xuan ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After listening for a long time, Li Chang also knew the usefulness of Baidiezi.

Hastily clapped his hands in agreement, and then prepared to go out.

Suddenly, Li Xuan seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly shouted: "Let the tailor make the leftover white folds in the backyard into bedding, cotton clothes, cotton trousers, and cotton gloves!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Chang hurriedly responded again.

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others beside him could not help but twitch their cheeks.

They are also envious of those white stacks!
According to the information they got, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi spent a total of sixty pennies, so how many white stacks would they have to buy back?

Unexpectedly, Li Xuan did such a great job on this matter, and directly used all the white stacks by himself!
Li Xuan could naturally notice Cheng Zhijie's, Li Shimin's and others' resentful gazes.

However, I didn't bother with it!
The white stacks I bought with a lot of money must be for my own use!

Regarding Li Xuan's request, the seamstresses of Prince Jin's Mansion did not dare to delay.

With the experience of making cotton coats for Li Yuan, the sewing was faster this time.


Half an hour later, Chu Suiliang couldn't help frowning as the servants reported back.

Immediately, he hurriedly followed the servants out of the street, but saw a crowd of phenomena that made his eyebrows ache.

"First, do your best to buy Bai Diezi according to the king's request, and I will go to the king to report this matter!"


Immediately, Chu Suiliang ran to Li Xuan anxiously.

"My lord, something has happened!"


Inside the room, Li Xuan, Li Shimin and others were startled.

He looked at Chu Suiliang with a puzzled face.

"What happened that made you so flustered?" Li Xuan asked.

"My lord, according to your order, I sent twenty servants to buy Baidizi, but it seems that I was a step too late!"

Chu Suiliang hurriedly reported.

"One step late, what's the reason?" Li Xuan asked doubtfully.

"My lord, now on the street, people from aristocratic families are buying Baidizi from door to door!"

Chu Suiliang said quickly.


Li Xuan's expression froze.

"These bastards!"

As for Cheng Zhijie, his face was full of anger.

However, Li Xuan had a calm face.

Looking at Chu Suiliang lightly, he asked, "How much did they charge?"


Hearing this, Chu Suiliang was startled, and then his face became strange.

"Your Majesty, the servants of those noble families seem to be paid with regular money. It seems that there are even some servants of noble families who paid extra money!"

 606 monthly pass!
  The author is very moved, really, there have never been so many monthly tickets!
  I also want to add more!

  However, I really can’t move my liver~~
  Every day, when it is released, it is when the author's liver arrives!

(End of this chapter)

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