Li Shimin

Chapter 186 A group of old people are not ashamed!

Chapter 186 A group of old people are not ashamed!
Suddenly, the whole room fell silent.

Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others also had weird expressions.

"Then have you received Bai Diezi?" Li Xuan asked again.

"Back to Your Majesty, among the twenty servants sent out, only two servants received two catties of white dippers from some farmers!"

Chu Suiliang replied.

"Two catties!"

Li Xuan sighed lightly, and said calmly: "Since all the Baidizi in Chang'an City have been bought by those aristocratic families, let the servants go outside the city to find those farmers! The price remains the same, it is still a catty Bai Diezi, one hundred words.

However, those farmers can be told that as long as they can buy a catty of white dippers for the Wangfu, they will have a chance to go to Lijiazhuang to buy vegetables.Whenever they come to Lijiazhuang to buy vegetables, they will keep them for them! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After listening, Chu Suiliang walked out with a happy face.

At the same time, deep down in my heart, I couldn't help but feel sad for those aristocratic families with quick eyesight and quick hands.

It's really daring to pay a catty of white stacks for the same amount of money!
However, thinking about it, I felt very happy in my heart.

Afterwards, feeling that there was nothing to do, Li Xuan prepared to go back to Lijiazhuang.

"Xuanba, it's getting late, why don't you stay overnight in the palace today?"

Li Yuan persuaded.

"The room in the palace is too big, and I still need a bed. I'm not used to living here. It's the most comfortable living in my small courtyard!"

Li Xuan shook his head quickly.

Of course, the most important thing is to live in the palace, Li Xuan felt that he must get up early tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, when Li Yuan heard this, he thought for a moment, and said solemnly to Li Xuan: "Don't worry, Xuan Ba, there are already many virtuous and virtuous women in the old man's palace.

Before the New Year's Eve, the old man will definitely select you, Princess Jin, for you.

Now, I can only wrong you for a while. If you feel that the palace is too deserted, you can choose two maids or concubines for you first. "

Li Xuan was stunned.

"Hehe, that's how it is. If King Jin thinks the house is deserted, I, Old Cheng, will find some wives for the King!"

"Xuanba, I will ask Guanyin servant girl to pick a few maids from the palace and send them to you..."

In an instant, Cheng Zhijie, Li Shimin and others were full of enthusiasm.

Li Xuan...

I am speechless.

"Everyone misunderstood, I just don't want to live in the palace!"

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be ashamed. We are all men, and we all understand this!"

Cheng Zhijie raised his eyebrows at Li Xuan, and said with a chuckle, "There is no one to warm the bed at night, it is indeed a bit deserted! When my old Cheng was at the king's age, there were already three bed warming maids in the house... "

Li Xuan was startled.

Staring at Cheng Zhijie in a daze, the old thief is so wretched, aren't you afraid to teach your family's evil beasts?

It's just that Li Xuan still far underestimated the nature of the old killers like Datang, or the limit of hooliganism.

Li Chongyi, Fang Xuanling and others on the side also started to chime in.

"I don't know what kind of Teng people the king likes, I can help the king find them!"

"Exactly, as long as it is an unmarried woman, I can find it for the king!"

"The status of the king is respected, I..."

A group of old people who are not ashamed.

Li Xuan, the first brother of the later generation, still feels a little ashamed about this kind of thing, especially when there are young and old, and there are maids and servants around.

However, Li Xuan is confident that, relying on his own reading of thousands of teachers' tutorials, when facing his princess, he must be more fun than this group of killers.

"Okay, I appreciate everyone's kindness, but I am still used to my small courtyard, so I will leave today!"

After finishing speaking, he went out on his own.

At the same time, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi were also dragged along.

Seeing this, Li Yuan, Li Shimin and others in the room looked at Li Xuan who left in a hurry, with smiles on their faces.

"Master, this is your palace, why do you say goodbye to Aye and others like a guest?"

After leaving the mansion and getting into the carriage, Cheng Chusi's head finally had a flash of light, and he asked Cheng Chusi with a puzzled face.

"My master doesn't know? Do you want to talk too much?"

Li Xuan gave Cheng Chusi a hard look.

He lay down in the carriage, closed his eyes and meditated.

On the side, Cheng Chusi frowned and pondered for a while, but he didn't want to understand. Just about to ask a question, he was directly grabbed by Li Chongyi who was on the side.


Back in the small courtyard, while the sky was still bright, Li Xuan cooked for himself.

But Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi hurried back again.

"Chongyi, why didn't you let me ask Master just now?"

In the car, Cheng Chusi stared straight at Li Chongyi with staring eyes.

"You want to be beaten?"

Li Chongyi asked back.

After hearing this, Cheng Chusi's eyes widened and he sneered.

"Hey, Li Chongyi, do you think you can beat me after being practiced by your master for two days?"

"You idiot, I mean the master was obviously annoyed by what the old men said, so he hurried back, even the quilts and cotton-padded trousers that he asked the tailor in the palace to sew for him. , didn't ask for it.

If you continued to question me in the car just now, you would definitely be beaten up by the master! "

Li Chongyi said helplessly.

"Master, why..."

Cheng Chusi shrank his neck subconsciously.

Then, after realizing it, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and stared at Li Chongyi, "You think Master hasn't touched a woman yet, right?"

"What do you say?"

Li Chongyi glared at Cheng Chusi.

"Hahaha, master... unexpectedly..."

Cheng Chusi laughed out loud, but was taken aback when he realized that Li Chongyi was not being laughed at.

"Chongyi, why don't you laugh?"

"Why am I laughing?"

"You kid is floating!"

"You bastard..."


And in Jinwangfu.

Not a while after Li Xuan left.

Li Shimin and Cheng Zhijie subconsciously looked at each other.

Immediately, they bowed to Li Yuan and bid farewell.

A group of people went out of the house, walked around several courtyards, and then arrested Li Chang, the housekeeper, and asked Li Chang to lead them to the side courtyard where the tailor lived.

"Is this the cotton coat?"

Looking at the almost sewn cotton padded clothes on the table, the eyes of Li Shimin and Cheng Zhijie couldn't help but shine.

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right!"

Li Chang said quickly.

And this time, Cheng Zhijie's big furry hand touched it.

On the side, hearing Li Chang's words, all the tailors stared wide-eyed, kneeling on the ground trembling, not daring to say anything.

"Your Majesty, this padded coat made of white folds is really soft, very cottony, and very comfortable!"

Cheng Zhijie was obsessed.

Hearing this, Li Shimin also walked up.

He reached out and touched it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"It's just a pity, the padded clothes these Xuan Ba ​​want!"

With a word of emotion, Li Shimin looked at Li Chang who was on the side.

"Is there any extra white stacks?"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, all the white folds in the palace have been used by the seamstresses to make cotton-padded clothes, quilts, cotton trousers, and cotton gloves!"

Li Chang replied with a face full of fear.

After listening, a trace of helplessness flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

Then, thinking of something, he asked curiously again: "Li Chang, what are cotton gloves?"

Just now in the palace, I have been listening to Li Xuan talking about gloves, gloves.

However, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and the others were all focused on white folds and woolen cloth, subconsciously ignoring gloves, which they had never heard of before.

"Return to Your Majesty, the villain will not describe what kind of object it is."

Li Chang quickly said: "However, please look, Your Majesty, these two things that look like the palms of human hands are the gloves that the king asked me to sew!"

After speaking, Li Chang picked up a cotton glove from the table and handed it to Li Shimin.


(End of this chapter)

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