Li Shimin

Chapter 187 Rumors Begin!

Chapter 187 Rumors Begin!
"Is this the glove?"

"How is this used?"


A few people held the gloves and looked around over and over.

Suddenly, Li Shimin seemed to have discovered something, and stretched his hand in.

Miraculously, it was neither too big nor too small, and it just completely covered his palm, like a tailor-made garment for his hand.

Surprised, Li Shimin stretched his lower finger unconsciously.

Bend, stretch.

He didn't feel in the way at all, staring at the gloves on his hands, his face was full of shock.

"I didn't expect the gloves to look like this. They are clothes worn on the palms. When you put your hands in them, they are not only flexible but also keep warm. I feel that there is no problem wearing them for writing.

Xuanba can really think of such a fetish.However, this thing is no less than a treasure to soldiers! "

On the side, Cheng Zhijie and Fang Xuanling also saw Li Shimin's display.

Can't help being surprised.

"Your Majesty, I request you to take back all the Bai Dizi in the hands of those aristocratic families. The soldiers of the Youwu Guards of the minister need this thing too much!"

Cheng Zhijie's eyes widened immediately, and he said to Li Shimin solemnly.

"My imperial guards, guarding the palace all day long, also need this thing!" Li Shimin gave Cheng Zhijie a hard look.

"Your Majesty, the ministers also need this kind of gloves!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were also full of longing.

"But how can there be so many white folds to sew such gloves for you?"

Li Shimin couldn't help it, and frowned with his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

This kind of glove is very useful and has a wide range. If Bai Dianzi is enough, he will definitely issue an edict to let the Shaofu Supervisor and General Supervisor rush to make gloves.

However, not to mention those white stacks that were useless in the past and could only be used for viewing, the price has been skyrocketed, and the quantity is still extremely rare.

"Aye, in fact, this kind of cotton gloves can also be sewn with sheepskin!"

On the side, Li Chengqian thought for a moment, and said to Li Shimin cautiously.


Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others were startled.


Li Chengqian exhaled softly, took out a pair of cotton gloves made of sheepskin from his pocket, and handed them to Li Shimin.

"Aye, please look, this kind of sheepskin gloves are made for me by my master. When worn on my hands, my fingers are also very flexible, and I won't feel cold!"

Seeing this, Li Shimin put the sheepskin gloves on his hands directly.

Since Li Chengqian's hands are small, Li Shimin's palms are wide, and it will feel a little tight when he puts them in.

However, just feeling it, Li Shimin was overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, how is it?"

On the side, Cheng Zhijie, Fang Xuanling and others all stared at Li Shimin expectantly.

"Aye, the baby has sheepskin gloves too!"

However, before Li Shimin could answer, a pair of gloves appeared in front of Fang Xuanling and the others.

"Evil animal, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji were stunned, grabbed the gloves, and cursed at the same time.

"You guys even have gloves, hey, come on, let me give it a try..."

Before Fang Yizhi could argue with Chang Sun Chong, he stretched out a pair of hairy black hands from the side, snatched a glove, and stuffed it in forcefully.

The dull sound of rubbing palms against gloves can still be heard faintly.

Fang Yizhi glanced at Fang Xuanling helplessly, it wasn't that he didn't want to take it early, but just took it out, and this happened.

"Old man..."

Seeing this, Fang Xuanling could only curse helplessly, and imitated Li Shimin just now, and stretched his hand in.

Subconsciously stretching a few fingers, his face was immediately overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, sheepskin gloves are so comfortable!"

"Exactly, Your Majesty, I can sew a large number of sheepskin gloves first!"

Cheng Zhijie and Fang Xuanling were all overjoyed.

"This matter will be handed over to Xuan Ling!"

Li Shimin nodded in response.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Fang Xuanling hurriedly cupped his hands in response.

Seeing this, Cheng Zhijie looked anxious, "Your Majesty, these days, I don't have any major affairs, so I can also take charge of this matter?"


Li Shimin was startled, chuckled, and looked at Cheng Zhijie curiously.

"This matter, you are a martial artist, what can you be responsible for?"

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate my old Cheng. If I contribute money, I can also contribute!"

Cheng Zhijie laughed.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Li Shimin looked resolute, "Although the gloves are small, they are related to a group of soldiers. Therefore, I will hand over the gloves to the general supervisor to sew, and Xuanling is in charge!"

"So that's the case, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Cheng Zhijie hurriedly saluted and pleaded guilty.

"It's okay, but you don't have to think about it!"

Li Shimin nodded slightly, put down the cotton gloves sewn with white folds in his hand, and prepared to go out.

"Your Majesty, after the sheepskin gloves are sewn, I beg your Majesty to distribute a batch to my old Cheng's You Wuwei first!"

Behind him, Cheng Zhijie shouted again.

"Cheng Zhijie, don't be greedy!"

"Hey, Your Majesty, I..."

Cheng Zhijie continued to defend with a cheeky face.

Beside him, Li Xiaogong, Fang Xuanling and others cursed at him again.


In the house, a group of tailors looked at the messy cotton-padded clothes, cotton gloves, and bedding that had been turned over, with panic and bewilderment on their faces.

"Butler Li, what should I do?"

"Replace all the fabrics with new ones, and re-sew them for the king!"

Li Chang sighed helplessly and said.

"Yes, butler!"

Hearing this, all the seamstresses could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

That night.

Su Guogong's mansion.

There seemed to be another scream, but because the weather was too cold, the neighbors in the surrounding neighborhood hid in the house and did not go out to check.

the next day.

The entire city of Chang'an was completely erupted because of Bai Diezi.

"Have you heard that those white dippers that can only be used for viewing are a kind of elixir used by gods. After being successfully brewed with a special method, taking it can cure all diseases and prolong life. Immortality.

Now, it's hard to find a white chrysanthemum plant! "

"That baidiezi is so effective, no wonder the young gentleman in Su Guogong's mansion pulled out all the baidiezi from his mansion and sent them to King Jin, and was whipped by Su Guogong for a whole night !"

"I also heard that yesterday, the little gentleman was still carrying money in his hand, and went to buy white dippers at several generals' residences around him. The money was always a catty. My lord, I gave you a severe beating!"

"Besides, since yesterday, many storekeepers in the city have brought people from door to door to buy white stacks, and they're consistent by the pound!"

"No, it's five hundred yuan for a catty of Bai Diezi!"

"No, it's two pieces of money. The old man's neighbor has planted a piece of white rice. I heard that the shopkeeper Wang from the east of the city brought someone to buy it himself. I have covered two pieces of money. I saw it with my own eyes..."

"However, I heard that later, Prince Jin's Mansion also sent servants and servants in the mansion to buy white dippers, and only those white silk flowers on white plates will be paid one hundred yuan per catty?"

"One hundred Wen per catty? So little?"

"Yeah, I heard it was King Jin's order, only one hundred wen..."


Yongning Square!
In Wang's other courtyard, Wang Hui stood in the hall with a face full of joy, looking at the soft white piles in front of him, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up slightly.

"Zi Jie, you said that King Jin suddenly bought this kind of white dippers in a big way, and a catty is actually the usual money. Why?"

"Uncle forgive me, I don't even know! However, since the King of Jin paid so much attention to it, and His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor, as well as the King of Hejian County and Old Bandit Cheng all went to King Jin's mansion in person, Bai Diezi must be An undiscovered treasure!"


 Everyone said, Otaku Li Xuan, how about raising a pet, masturbating every day!
  A specialty of the Qinling Mountains! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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