Li Shimin

Chapter 189 1 serious nonsense

Chapter 189 Serious nonsense
But Chu Suiliang, the housekeeper Li Chang, and a group of servants and maidservants of the Prince Jin's Mansion stood at the door with terrified faces, looking at Li Xuan who was busy inside, wanting to enter but not daring to enter.

"I really like these quilts made of white stacks. You don't have anything to do here. You can do whatever you want!"

After tidying up the bed, he picked up the original quilt and threw it directly in the inner room of the courtyard.

Li Xuan walked into the house on his own, ready to change into new cotton clothes and trousers.

He was about to close the door, but when he saw the cool and resentful eyes behind him, he couldn't help but shudder subconsciously.

"Your Majesty, as servants, I have come here specially to serve you. If you dislike our rough hands and feet, here are two other maids, both of whom His Majesty sent from the palace to the palace. It's the best choice..."

Butler Li Chang said quickly.

"No, you wait and get out!"

Li Xuan took a vigilant look at Li Chang, an old fellow. Do you want to covet this king's innocent body?
Immediately, he directly closed the door and drew the curtains.

Outside, Li Chang sighed heavily, turned around quickly, and looked at Li Yuan who was sitting on the sofa.

"The Supreme Emperor, the King is so unfeminine, you see..."

"It's okay, let this matter take its course!"

Regarding Li Xuan's hobbies, Li Yuan was also helpless.

"However, the villain is afraid that the inheritance weapon will be damaged when the king has been sleeping for more than ten years..."

Li Chang still had a worried expression on his face.

Before Li Yuan could speak, Li Xuan in the room couldn't help but yelled angrily.

"You old bastard, what are you talking nonsense about? Is this king's utensils beyond your imagination?"

"Your Majesty, forgive me. Seeing that Your Majesty is so unwilling to be served by others, the villain dared to make wild guesses. The villain really deserves to be beaten..."

"Okay, you have already delivered the cotton-padded clothes and trousers that the king wants, go pick some vegetables and bring them back, try them yourself!"

At this time, Li Xuan had already changed his clothes and walked out of the house.

She was dressed in an ice blue silk padded jacket, which directly caught everyone's eyes.

Only Li Chang looked bitter.

"Your Majesty, you are a majestic King of Jin, and your noble body has been living in such a small courtyard. As the servants of the King of Jin, how dare we live in the palace?"

Hearing this, all the servants and maidservants behind Li Chang were also full of panic.

Li Xuan was stunned.

He really didn't expect this situation.

He couldn't help frowning, and after thinking for a moment, he said slowly.

"You also know that this king crawled out of the coffin in the mountain!"

Li Chang and all the servants looked at Li Xuan in astonishment.

"This king is resurrected here, and this is the only place that is my king's blessed land. No matter how prosperous Chang'an City is, and no matter how magnificent and extravagant the Jin Palace is, it is not as comfortable as this king's small dilapidated courtyard!"

Li Xuan continued to speak nonsense in a serious manner.

"It is so!"

Hearing this, both Li Chang and Chu Suiliang were surprised.

"My lord, it's not a problem if you don't have anyone around you to serve you, or the villain will leave Ziwei and Shuangyu to serve you!"

"Need not!"

Li Xuan waved his hand directly with a firm expression on his face.

"This king is used to being clean and doesn't like being served by others!"

"But, Your Majesty..."

Li Chang's old face was still tightly wrinkled.

"Okay, that's it for now."

Li Xuan interrupted again.

Li Chang was taken aback, what's the deal?

However, Li Xuan didn't dare to give this old man another chance to speak, and directly shouted at Li Chengqian who was watching the play.

"Gao Ming, take the butler to pick some vegetables in the shed, bring them back to the palace, and let all the servants in the palace taste it too!"

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian was taken aback when he was called suddenly, but he still hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

"Hey, the king must not do it, the villain is just a servant, how can he let His Royal Highness lead the way?"

Li Chang's face was full of panic, he had completely forgotten all the questions that had been in his mind before, his face was pale with fright, and he repeatedly bowed his hands and begged for mercy.

"Old steward, hurry up, I'm just a disciple with the master, don't care about my status as the crown prince!"

With that said, Li Chengqian had already walked out first.

"Your Majesty..."

Seeing this, Li Chang became even more flustered.

Seeing that Li Xuan ignored him, he cupped his hands at Li Xuan in a panic, and then ran out in a hurry.

Let the prince lead the way, how dare he is an old servant!

After a while, all the people in the house left.

Li Yuan raised his head, looked at Li Xuan, and asked slowly: "Xuanba, you have been asleep for such a long time, is there really nothing wrong with your body?"


Li Xuan was shocked.

Following Li Yuan's gaze, he lowered his head and glanced, and his face suddenly became anxious.

"Don't worry old man, I'm in good health!"


Li Yuan was still a little suspicious, "If there is a real problem, there are countless doctors in the palace who are good at this. The old man can secretly send a few doctors over to concentrate on recuperating you."

"It's true, there is no problem!"

Li Xuan's face was solemn, he absolutely did not lie about this matter!
"That's good!"

Li Yuan felt relieved.

"In a few days, the old man will bring you the portraits of the princesses that he has chosen, and you can choose three more from them!"


Li Xuan was startled.

"One princess, two children!"

Li Yuan said in a slow voice, "Originally, the old man was going to choose a few more wives for you, but according to these women's families, it is a bit wronged to be your wives, and the house will be restless in the future!"

"No, no, just one concubine is enough, let's talk about the child and the concubine!"

Li Xuan quickly refused.

"How is this possible? The majestic King Jin, who has been established for [-] years, has no heirs. This is not only a matter of you alone, but also a matter of the Tang royal clan!" Li Yuan refused.

"But Ah Weng, haven't you forgotten about Li Baoding?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

Li Xuan looked up, Li Chengqian did not know when he had already returned.

Surprised in my heart, I couldn't help but glared at these bastards who came back quietly, and asked, "When did you come back?"

"Master, I just came back. Chu Changshi and Li Chang entered the glass shed, hurriedly picked some vegetables, and left in a panic!" Li Chengqian reported.


Li Xuan nodded reassuringly. As for why Li Chang and the others left in a panic, he didn't bother.

"Li Baoding?"

Li Yuan, who was originally sitting on the sofa drinking tea calmly, was stunned for a moment, then sat up directly.

"Where is that child now?"

Li Chengqian glanced at Li Xuan strangely, and replied: "Ah Weng, Li Baoding should be in Zhiyang, guarding the tomb for Master!"


Li Xuan was taken aback.

"Who is Li Baoding? Why guard my tomb in Zhiyang?"

Li Yuan ignored Li Xuan, and sighed softly: "Oh, I'm getting old, and I can forget about this matter!"

Li Xuan asked again: "Who is Li Baoding?"

"Master, Li Baoding is your heir!"

On the side, Li Chongyi carefully explained.


Without swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Li Xuan's eyes widened immediately, and he coughed violently a few times to straighten out his breath.

"my child?"

Li Xuan pointed at himself and asked with disbelief on his face.


Li Yuan nodded, "Originally, Qing Que was made your heir, but after Qing Que became the King of Yue, Li Baoding, the son of Xiping King Li Qiong, was made your heir to inherit your kingdom!"

Li Xuan was shocked.

After being stunned for a while, he continued to ask: "Now, is Li Baoding still my heir?"

"Still!" Li Yuan nodded.


 No harem!

  When I write about maids, I just feel that if King Jin doesn't have a maid, it's too shabby and abnormal!
(End of this chapter)

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