Li Shimin

Chapter 190 The Humble Family Son

Chapter 190 The Humble Family Son
Li Xuan was startled, and quickly said again: "Then my position as King Jin, won't he be the one to inherit in the future?"


Li Yuan was also taken aback.

Li Chengqian on the side was stunned, and quickly said: "Ah Weng, Master, it seems that Aye has not removed Master Wei Wangjue!"


Both Li Xuan and Li Yuan were taken aback.

Li Chengqian continued: "So, what Li Baoding inherits is his wife, King Wei, and heir to King Wei!"


Li Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then panicked.

"I still have a prince, and I have to manage a feudal country?"

"Master, don't worry, your Wei country is now under the care of the heir Wei Wang Li Baoding, so you don't have to worry!"

Li Chengqian quickly explained.

"That is not bad!"

Li Xuan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Li Xuan was about to pick up the teacup and take a sip of clear tea, suppressing his shock.

Suddenly, he couldn't help thinking of something, and quickly looked at Li Chengqian.

"How old is Li Baoding this year?"

"Return to Master, Li Baoding, the King of Wei, is nine years old this year!"

Li Chengqian replied.


Li Xuan was startled again, staring at Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi for a while, a picture could not help but emerge in his mind.

Can't help feeling helpless!
Only by myself, I already have an extra nine-year-old son!

On the side, Li Yuan remained silent.

Who would have thought that Li Xuan could really be resurrected?

Fortunately, Erlang's naughty son was quite smart, and he didn't remove Xuan Ba's title of King of Wei.

Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi also dare not speak.

Suddenly, outside the courtyard hurriedly walked into a guard.

"Your Majesty, someone from outside the village is visiting you!"


Li Xuan asked.

"People here say it's Zheng Mingde, the young man of the Zheng family!" the guard replied.

"Zheng Mingde?"

"The Zheng family?"

Everyone in the room was taken aback.

However, Li Xuan still has some impressions of Zheng Mingde, a son of the Zheng family.

He asked curiously: "Did he say something, why did you come to see me?"

"Back to your Majesty, Zheng Mingde has brought a cart full of white stacks!"

The forbidden army said with a strange face.

"White Diezi?"

Li Xuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thought for a while, and said, "Please come up!"


The Imperial Army hurriedly clapped their hands in response, and then walked out.

In less than a while.

Zheng Mingde, led by the imperial army, came to Li Xuan's house.

"Zheng Mingde, a disciple of the Zheng family, has met the Supreme Emperor, the King Jin, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and all the gentlemen!"

After entering, Zheng Mingde first performed a complex but smooth family etiquette for Li Yuan, Li Xuan and others respectfully.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up involuntarily, then he remembered something, turned his head and gave Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi a hard look.

Afterwards, he turned his head, looked at Zheng Mingde, and asked curiously, "I don't know why Mr. Zheng's family is looking for this king?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Mingde is looking for you for something!"

Zheng Mingde should be regarded as the person who knows Li Xuan best among all the families in the world.

Even, in less than half a year, how many sage-like achievements has this King Jin made!

Therefore, he and Li Xuan were full of humility, without any reserve and arrogance of the children of the aristocratic family.


Li Xuan was startled.

Li Yuan, Li Chengqian and others on the side were also full of astonishment towards Zheng Mingde's attitude.

Too respectful, completely inconsistent with the attitude of those aristocratic children in their perception!

"The sons of the Zheng family have something to ask this king. This king is just a prince with no power or influence. Even in terms of power, he is far inferior to the Zheng family!"

Li Xuan asked curiously.

"Your Majesty is just joking. The Zheng family is just a family of county kings. They have no power or power, and they can't be compared with Your Majesty!" Zheng Mingde sneered, and quickly bowed his hands in salute.

Li Xuan didn't have much prejudice against the children of the aristocratic family.

Seeing Zheng Mingde bowed his head, he didn't continue to press him.

"Okay, this king is just a wife in Lijiazhuang, Mr. Zheng Jialang doesn't have to be so restrained, just sit down and talk slowly!"

"Thank you king!"

Zheng Mingde breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly bowed his hands in salute.

However, he didn't dare to sit down.

Sitting with the Supreme Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince, the Patriarch of the Zheng family would not dare to entrust him so much, even the eighth young man of the Zheng family would not dare.

"My lord, I'm here today for Bai Diezi!"

"White Diezi?"

Li Xuan chuckled, "It's just a mere garment, and Zheng Jiabalang is also interested?"


Zheng Mingde was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but widen his eyes, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, did you mean to use white folds to sew clothes?"

"Otherwise, why does the king want Bai Diezi?"

Li Xuan laughed.

"However, there are rumors that Baidiezi is a kind of fairy medicine, and taking it with a special method can prolong life!" Zheng Mingde said hastily.


Li Xuan was also a little dumbfounded.

"Who's rumored that Mr. Zheng Lang can go find him!"

"Your Majesty, forgive me, Mingde was just a little surprised for a moment, and he didn't intend to question His Majesty!" Zheng Mingde quickly saluted and apologized.

Afterwards, he hurriedly asked: "May I ask your majesty, how precious are these clothes made of white folds? It's worth the majesty asking some young men to spend a lot of money to search all over the street?"


Li Xuan was taken aback again.

"When will this king let Cheng Chusi and others spend a lot of money searching all over the streets?"

"Did your majesty forget that yesterday, several young men, each with ten guan coins in their hands, bought Bai Diezi from those familiar generals?" Zheng Mingde said hastily.

"Shaolang of the Zheng family misunderstood. At that time, the king just wanted to use Bai Diezi to try out what he thought in his heart. In addition, there is no shortage of money in the family. Besides, it is not too much money that is usually given out, and it will not be lost. A brat's face!"

Li Xuan glanced at Zheng Mingde quietly, and said slowly.

Zheng Mingde sneered, and quickly bowed his hands in salute.

"It was Mingde who misunderstood His Majesty, and Mingde apologized to His Majesty again! Just in time, some shopkeepers of the Zheng family saw His Majesty buying Baidiezi in the city yesterday, and also bought a car for His Majesty. Mingde specially sent it to His Majesty today. Already, please don't refuse, Your Majesty!"

"Send Bai Dizi to this king?"

Li Xuan, Li Yuan and others were all taken aback again.

At this time, from outside the courtyard, the footsteps hurried into a forbidden army.

"My lord, there is another gentleman from outside the village, and it is Qinghe Cui family's gentleman, Cui Hongmo!"

"Qinghe Cui's family?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was taken aback again.

The Cui family of Qinghe is one of the seven great aristocratic families just like the Zheng family.

Unexpectedly, today, two people came.

"Please come in!"

Li Xuan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The imperial army cupped their hands again and hurried out.

After a while.

A young man who was about the same age as Zheng Mingde walked in with a respectful face.

"Cui Hongmo from the Cui family of Qinghe has met the Supreme Emperor, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the Great King, several gentlemen, and this..."

Cui Hongmo also respectfully performed family gifts to Li Xuan, Li Yuan and others.

However, after seeing Zheng Mingde standing aside, his eyes widened involuntarily, and his face was full of surprise.

However, after only being stunned for a moment, he quickly cupped his hands.

"I have met Mr. Zheng's family!"

Then, he looked at Li Xuan.

"I don't know if Mr. Cui's family is visiting this king, but what's the big deal?"

"Back to Your Majesty, the boy came here today to present Bai Diezi to His Majesty!"

Cui Hongmo hurriedly cupped his hands and said.

At the same time, he turned his head and took a quiet look at Zheng Mingde.

"A gift of white stacks?"

After hearing this, Li Xuan was in a daze again.

Li Yuan, Li Chengqian and the others were even more astonished.

Today, the children of these aristocratic families are bewitched, why are they suddenly so humble to Xuan Ba ​​(Master)?

(End of this chapter)

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