Li Shimin

Chapter 194 Raising a Dumpling

Chapter 194 Raising a Dumpling

After a while, Cheng Laosi brought Li Chengqian to a glass shed.

This time, the place is already surrounded by a group of veterans.

Every veteran has a vigilant face, but also has a look like an aunt.

"My lord, it's this white bear. Don't look at this white bear's behavior is very well-behaved, even a little simple and honest. However, this little thing also has a name of white bear. Sometimes it is well-behaved, and sometimes it is like a tiger and leopard. It is very fierce. According to legend, this white bear can be tamed..."

"My lord, this kind of white bear has always lived in the south of the deep mountain, and there are often rumors of stealing food from farmers' homes, but for some reason, this white bear actually came to our side... Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

After introducing it for a long time, Cheng Lao Si felt something strange when he didn't hear Li Xuan's reply.

Turning his head to look, he saw that his king seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, standing there blankly, with his mouth wide open, staring at the white bear closely, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Cheng Laosi hurried up.


Li Xuan came back to his senses, looked at Cheng Laosi, and asked excitedly: "You said the giant panda is called White Bear?"

If he was not mistaken, the bear that was photographed on the glass, staring at a pair of small black eyes, with black and white hair, looking longingly at the cucumbers in the greenhouse, was not the same as the last life, he just Have you ever seen giant pandas on TV?

Unexpectedly, one of them threw itself into the net!

"Giant panda?"

Cheng Laosi was stunned, "Your Majesty, don't look at this little thing that looks a bit like a cat, and is a bit simple and honest, but it is definitely not a cat, but a bear. Especially those bear paws are extremely ferocious... ..."


Saying that, Cheng Laosi's complexion changed.

Li Xuan's face also changed drastically, and he rushed over directly.

I saw the panda pawing at the glass for a long time, but seeing that it was still blocked and couldn't get in, it was already a little unhappy, so it raised its bear paw and slapped it on the glass.


In a hurry, Li Xuan roared.

"Wang Wang..."

Obviously startled by Li Xuan, the panda stared straight at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was startled.

Why do pandas make such noises?
And that panda, after seeing that the two-legged beast was frightened by him and stopped stopping him, turned his head again, looked at the tender green cucumbers in front of him, licked his mouth, and raised the bear's paw again.

"Don't shoot, I will pick cucumbers for you to eat!"

Li Xuan shouted quickly, and at the same time stretched out his hand, ready to catch the panda.


This time, the panda finally let out a normal roar.

With his mouth wide open, he bit at Li Xuan.

"My lord, be careful!" "My lord, be careful..."

Seeing this, Cheng Lao Si and others beside him couldn't help but change their expressions.

However, before the words could be finished, Li Xuan raised the panda with his right hand, and he picked it up.

"Aw~ oh..."

This time, the panda was obviously frightened, and quickly twisted its buttocks, its four short legs were swinging wildly, trying to break free.

However, being grabbed by the back of the neck by Li Xuan, no matter how hard he struggled, it was futile. On the contrary, it was this stupid and cute appearance that provoked Cheng Lao Si and others beside him, who couldn't help laughing.

"My lord, what should I do with this white bear?"

Fourth Cheng said.

"It looks like this panda is still a cub. It was obviously hungry, so I found it. This king is going to raise it. Otherwise, there will be a lack of food in the mountains in winter, and it won't survive this winter!"

Li Xuan fiddled with the panda in his hand, which caused a roar.


Cheng Laosi and the others were startled, and immediately looked around to be vigilant.

"My lord, please be careful, since it is a cub, there must be a mother beast nearby!"

"Mother beast?"

Li Xuan looked up and looked around, thinking of the various videos that later generations saw on the Internet, he chuckled.

"Don't be nervous, I'll take this little bear to eat cucumbers first, and you go around to see if there are any big female bears around? Especially those glass greenhouses near the mountains and forests!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Cheng Laosi and the others hurriedly dispersed.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, carried the cub into the glass shed.


Seeing the juicy cucumbers in front of him, the panda became anxious instantly, his mouth was babbling, and the saliva was dripping down.

"Hey, here you are!"

Li Xuan didn't know if this idiot in his hand could eat cucumbers, but since he ran all the way outside the cucumber shed, he probably liked to eat them.

He casually picked one off and handed it to the little dumpling in his hand.

"Crack~click, click..."

To Li Xuan's relief, the idiot in his hand really ate cucumbers, and the more he ate, the more excited he became.

Two mouthfuls is a cucumber.

However, there is nothing else here, but more cucumbers.

After eating more than ten roots in a row, Li Xuan ignored the objection of the idiot in his hand and forcibly left the greenhouse with his hands.

It's not that I don't want to part with it, but that I don't dare to let this idiot eat it.

Who knows how the digestive system of these idiots is like, what if they catch cucumbers and eat them all the time, what will happen if they eat bad?
"Wang Wang..."

Seeing that his favorite cucumber was getting farther and farther away from him, the panda was a little anxious, and the barking in his mouth became unserious again.

"Are you still hungry?"

Li Xuan glanced at it speechlessly. The idiot in his hand turned a corner and came to a carrot shed.

Just pick up a few carrots.

There was another click.

Listening to Li Xuan's stomach, he couldn't help feeling a little hungry.

After the panda had just finished eating the carrots, Cheng Laosi and the others also came back.

"My lord, I went into the mountain and searched two hills, but I didn't see any other big white bears nearby. This little white bear must have wandered away!"

"So good!"

Li Xuan nodded with joy, and continued to ask: "Then, is there any bamboo forest around here?"

"bamboo forest?"

Cheng Lao Si was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the quiet little white bear in Li Xuan's hand, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"The villain actually forgot about these white bears and likes to eat bamboo. But don't worry, my lord, when I went hunting in the mountains before, I found a bamboo forest. But I forgot the exact location, so I'll take someone to find it!"

With that said, Cheng Lao Si walked out with a kind of veteran.

Since the king wants to raise the little white bear, they have to hurry up and take care of it.

Anyway, although this kind of white bear is ferocious, as long as it is full, it will be very simple and honest.

"Go, I will take you home!"

Li Xuan took the little white bear in his hand and walked back.

This king is also a person with pandas!


"Master, is this a white bear?" "Is this a white bear?" "Bamboo bear?"

After Li Xuan returned with a black and white dumpling, everyone in the room was full of surprise.

However, everyone's name is different.

Li Xuan was not surprised by this either.

Anyway, in the Tang Dynasty, there were always various names, and even calling relatives at home, there were many ways to call them.

It's not surprising that such a silly product as a panda has several names.

However, Cheng Chusi and the others were only curious for a while, and stopped teasing the panda that Li Xuan had brought back.Although the appearance of pandas is a bit simple and cute, they are very skinny.

In addition, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others didn't have the feeling of Li Xuan, and they didn't know that it would be very difficult to touch this stupid and cute animal after more than 1000 years!


 Thank you cyndi1982 for your continuous rewards~~~
  Thank you 20211202002251023 for your reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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