Li Shimin

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

On the contrary, it was Old Man Xiong who liked this little white bear beyond imagination.

Afterwards, Li Xuan asked Ying Qi and Wu Fu to forge an iron cage as a home for the panda in his hand.

Nothing was closed, so he was really worried. After this idiot got hungry at night, he would run to the glass shed by himself, smash the glass and get in, harming his vegetable garden.

Cheng Lao Si and the others also managed to find a bamboo forest.

I cut a bunch of young bamboos and carried them back.

With the bamboo, Li Xuan was finally relieved.


And in Chang'an City, after Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde went back, they took a few servants and ran directly to the ancestral house.

Zhengzhou, the residence of Zheng Jiazu.

Zheng Yuanzhe, the Patriarch of the Zheng family, sat on a purple and yellow luxurious sofa, looking at Zheng Mingde who had hurried back with a complicated expression.

"Mingde, have you really thought about this matter?"

"Go home, Mingde has already thought it through. As far as my Zheng family knows, King Jin has invented glass, sofas, Quyuanli, number arithmetic, and enlightenment letters... these objects, every day The same can be called the works of sages!
It's just a pity that King Jin is a member of the royal family, so if he can't enter my Zheng family, then Mingde will take the initiative to join King Jin's family! "

Zheng Mingde looked determined.

"Oh!" Zheng Yuanzhe sighed softly.

"In this way, all the craftsmen and servants of the Zheng family in Chang'an City, you can dispatch them at will!"

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Zheng Mingde was overjoyed.

Similarly, in Qingzhou, Cui Jiazu's house.

The head of the Cui family also expressed emotion, and allowed Cui Hongmo to dispatch all the servants and craftsmen in the other courtyard of the Cui family in Chang'an City.

Two days later, Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde returned to Chang'an City again.

As for Wang Hui and the children of the aristocratic family, they were even more astonished at the actions of Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde.

Although opening another house for the family is not only the supreme glory of the children of the aristocratic family, but also has great benefits for the family.

However, this is the most difficult path. Could it be that Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde thought that Bai Dizi could really help them find another house?

Thinking about it, Wang Hui and a group of family members began to send people to investigate again.

However, I can only find out that Baidizi is indeed used for sewing clothes, but Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde, as well as Cheng's family, Changsun's family and Fang's family, have opened cotton-padded clothes workshops.

And the Cui family and the Zheng family even supported the acquisition of Bai Diezi from all over the country.


"My lord, in the past half a month, the workshop has already purchased five hundred catties of white dippers!"

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde reported to Li Xuan.

"How many catties of cotton clothes were sewn in total?" Li Xuan asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, two catties of white dishes were sewn for each cotton coat, and a total of one hundred cotton coats were sewn. However, the tailors in the workshop are very skilled now, and in five days, they will be able to make all these white dishes Sew it into a cotton coat!"

Cui Hongmo said.


Li Xuan's face brightened, "In half a month's time, it will be New Year's Eve. You two can choose two sets of cotton clothes and give them to the heads of the Cui family and the Zheng family, as a thank you for their support!"

"Send the owner a cotton coat?"

Both Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde were taken aback.

Immediately, great joy.

"Thank you, Master!"

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde quickly expressed their gratitude.

"In addition, each cotton coat sells for two bucks, two coats of cotton trousers, one coat of gloves, and two coats of cotton shoes!"

Li Xuan said again.

"Cotton shoes?"

The two were shocked again.

As for the price of cotton clothes, there is not much doubt.

"Naturally, since Bai Dianzi can sew clothes, why can't he sew shoes?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the two of us will let the tailor make cotton shoes!"


Li Xuan nodded lightly.He said again: "In addition, when you two give these cotton-padded clothes to your master, you don't have to be too high-key, but you can't be too low-key, and at the same time, the two masters must know the benefits of these cotton-padded clothes.

Let the guys at the cotton-padded clothes store spread the word that there are only a hundred sets of these cotton-padded clothes now! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cui Hongmo's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of the magical effect, and quickly responded.


"Master, why do you want these two people to manage the cotton-padded clothes workshop?"

After Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde resigned, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi were puzzled and even disgusted.

They, the second generations of the Tang Dynasty, directly have a natural sense of opposition with these aristocratic families.

"Without the two of them, why don't you wait to take care of the cotton-padded clothes workshop?"

Li Xuan glanced at these people speechlessly.

"Master, there are countless servants and shopkeepers in my family, and any one of them can manage a small cotton-padded clothes workshop!"

"A small cotton-padded clothes workshop?"

Li Xuan was taken aback, "Don't look down on cotton-padded clothes workshop!"

"Master, there are only more than 20 seamstresses and a few guards in the cotton-padded clothes workshop. Even if we sew all the purchased white folds into cotton-padded clothes and sell them, we can only earn five hundred guan at most!"

Cheng Chusi pursed his lips and said.

"Hmph, that's not enough white dippers!"

Li Xuan said: "You know, just these five hundred catties of black seeds of Baidiezi are priceless treasures. Within two years, this small cotton-padded clothes workshop will be opened all over the Tang Dynasty, and even Tubo. Not impossible."

"Moreover, these cotton-padded clothes are not just selling clothes, but human feelings."

"As for the shopkeepers in your house, if you pull one out, it can be compared to Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde. This king immediately let these two people leave the cotton-padded clothes workshop!"

"Hehe, Master was joking. These two are children of aristocratic families, and they have been taught by many great Confucians since they were young. How can the managers and shopkeepers in my house compare with these two?"

Cheng Chusi smiled obsequiously.

"Then you still want to drive them away. If these two are gone, who will take Bai Diezi? Who will fight with the children of the aristocratic family? Are you going to Cheng Chusi?"

Li Xuan asked coldly: "They give you money, but if you don't take it seriously, you'll be displeased to see people everywhere? Are you short-hearted, Cheng Chusi?"

"Hey, master calm down, master calm down!"

Seeing that Li Xuan seemed to be really angry, Cheng Chusi hurriedly put on a fawning face.

Meanwhile, Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi who were on the side did not dare to speak.

"Hmm~ um..."

At this time, Li Yuan walked in with a small dumpling in his hand.

"Li Xiong!"

Li Xuan's face brightened. Li Xiong was the name Li Xuan gave the panda after discussing with Li Yuan.

Seeing Li Xuan, Li Xiong uttered a cry of 'baa-baa', then struggled, trying to crawl to Li Xuan's side.

"Master, let's go find bamboo for Li Xiong!"

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi was overjoyed and said hastily.


Li Xuan nodded.

Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi and the others ran out in a hurry.


At the same time, Hedong, Lucun!

Li Zhi, the deputy commander of the forbidden army who was guarding Lijiazhuang, looked at the white salt grains in his hand, carefully picked up a few grains, and put them in his mouth.

Suddenly, his face was full of excitement.

"Is this salt really made according to the method your majesty instructed?"

"Return to Commander, it is absolutely true!"

"How many catties of this kind of refined salt can a small salt field produce in a day?"

"Commander, twenty catties!"

"Twenty catties, twenty catties, hahaha... let's go, I'll take a look!"

"Yes, Commander!"

With that said, Li Zhi had already walked out first.

Skillfully bypassing several houses, he came to a small workshop, looked inside a large iron stove, and after a while, a pot of small salt grains as white as snow came out, and Li Zhi's breathing suddenly became short of breath.


(End of this chapter)

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