Li Shimin

Chapter 601 Where Does The Sour Smell Come From?

"Today, I brought back tens of thousands of catties of sweet potatoes and potatoes from the small town of the barbarians. Everyone can eat one sweet potato and one potato tonight!"

Li Xuan said.

"Eat sweet potatoes and potatoes?"

Hearing this, Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi and others were overjoyed again.

But soon, all faces were full of embarrassment.

"My lord, I don't know how to eat sweet potatoes and potatoes!"

"This place is simple, sweet potatoes and potatoes can only be steamed and baked! In this way, steam half of it first, and then bake half of it later! In this way, two people can eat one!"

After thinking for a moment, Li Xuan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui hurriedly clapped his hands in response.

Immediately, it was arranged.

Soon, piles of fires were lit on the shore, and all the soldiers began to bury pots and cook.

This time, considering that it took a long time to go to sea, Li Xuan has prepared all kinds of daily necessities very well.

Especially for iron pots, more than 600 are prepared.

Soon, the entire beach was filled with a strong smell of rice.

Steamed sweet potatoes, steamed potatoes, rice, and an unknown broth. Each person also had a small plate of pickles, which were placed on the ground.

However, everyone didn't do anything this time, but stared at Li Xuan blankly.

"Why do you keep looking at me, but don't eat?"

Li Xuan asked with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, master, you eat first!"

Cheng Chusi said expectantly.

"My king eats first?"

Li Xuan was stunned again, and glared at Cheng Chusi angrily, "Speak up if you have something to say, let go if you have something to do, why are you so blah blah blah today?"

"Hey, master, it's my first time eating sweet potatoes and potatoes, I don't know how to eat them!"

Li Baoding on the side quickly explained.

Around, everyone nodded repeatedly.

"I see!"

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, picked up a sweet potato, and said, "Sweet potatoes are just like potatoes, you can just open your mouth and bite. As for the skin of sweet potatoes and potatoes, as long as they are cleaned, it's fine to eat them tightly. Of course, if you don't like to eat the skin If it is, you can also peel it off with your hands lightly!"

At the same time, Li Xuan picked up the peeled sweet potato and took a bite.


Couldn't help it, let out a sigh of emotion.

Finally, he ate sweet potatoes again.

It's a pity that it wasn't steamed from the sweet potatoes just dug out of the ground, otherwise it would have been even sweeter.

At this time, there were "hissing" sounds around the entire camp.

Everyone chewed with surprise on their faces, and exhaled again and again.

There were even some soldiers trembling with excitement!
They have never eaten such sweet food.

After eating, I couldn't hold back, and quickly picked up the sweet potato skin that fell on the ground, pulled it twice, and stuffed it into my mouth, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"As long as you can bring this delicious food back to Datang, let alone come here, even if I tell you everything here, it will be worth it!"

After Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and the others took their first bite of the sweet potato, they felt as if they had been reincarnated from starvation, wishing they could stuff the whole sweet potato into their stomachs in one bite.

After eating all the time, Cheng Chusiyang and the others were also full of emotion.

"Master, why are sweet potatoes so sweet? So soft?"

"It's even more delicious than the glutinous rice cake at Master's house!"

At the same time, he couldn't help but look into the sweet potatoes and potatoes buried in the fire.

"Master, what will the taste of the sweet potatoes and potatoes cooked by the fire be like?"

"Don't have a taste, it's even more delicious!"

Li Xuan said with emotion.

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others could not help but swallow subconsciously.


"When did my master lie to you?"

Li Xuan snorted softly, "Besides, I don't know, the food made with chili, especially barbecue and stir-fried vegetables, is even more delicious. But the place is rudimentary now, and there are only a few iron pots, alas!"

"Master, I will return to Datang tomorrow!"

Cheng Chusi said hastily.

"Come back tomorrow?"

Li Xuan sneered, "So many rivers, so much gold, aren't you going to fish?"

"Hey, master, gold is something outside of the body, and we don't need it at home."

Cheng Chusi blushed, and hurriedly said: "Besides, I came here this time to look for sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peppers.

Now that I've found it, I'd better hurry back and plant all the gods like sweet potatoes and potatoes in the field I'm waiting for. That's the biggest thing! "

"The most important thing is that you can eat sweet potatoes every day!"

Li Xuan said with a look of contempt.

"Hey, Master knows me best."

Cheng Chusi had a cheeky face, and he laughed nonchalantly.

"Master, I want to go back too!"

On the side, Li Chongyi, Li Baoding and others also nodded and said.

Before Li Xuan could speak, all the guards and soldiers around him followed suit with expectant faces.

"My lord, I want to go back too!"

"Exactly, Majesty, these sweet potatoes and potatoes don't seem to be easy to preserve. I also want to go back soon and plant these in my own field, so that I can feel at ease!"

"Since you all want to go back early, let's have a good meal tonight. We will set off for Datang early tomorrow morning!"

Li Xuan said.

"As for the gold, stay here for the time being. Come and get it later!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Hearing this, everyone was full of gratitude.

Everyone quickly lowered their heads and started eating.

Then, wait until after the meal.

The sweet potatoes and potatoes in the fire on the ground were also roasted.

Then, in the entire camp, there was a sound of inhaling and exhaling again.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, early in the morning, everyone got up early.

Li Xuan once again asked the soldiers to put more than a dozen boxes of soil on each boat.

Then, let those soldiers plant sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, peppers, and pumpkins on those boxes.

Immediately, the entire fleet set off again.


This time, everyone was full of anxiety.

After starting to set off, Li Xuan was finally free, and began to sort out the things that the soldiers brought back to the ship one by one.

Needless to say about gold, just put it aside.

As for the two types of sweet potatoes and potatoes, those with wounds or rot must be picked out, and they must be planted or eaten quickly.

As for peppers and corn, they can be dried in the sun.

However, in order to be able to eat fresh ones, Li Xuan still planted two large boxes on each boat.

As for whether it can be planted and live, can it grow up?

Li Xuan was not worried, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were not only good at fighting, but also good at farming!

Suddenly, while leading Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others to sort sweet potatoes and potatoes, Li Xuan suddenly smelled a sour smell.

"Where is the sour smell coming from?"

Li Xuan couldn't believe it, and asked quickly.

According to his memory, it seems that this thing shouldn't appear at this time!

"Return to Master, it seems to be coming from the pile of sweet potatoes!"

Li Baoding sniffed a pile of sweet potatoes beside him.


Li Xuan hurriedly shouted.

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing Li Xuan's expression, Li Baoding and Li Chongyi didn't dare to continue asking, and quickly started to sort the pile of sweet potatoes.

Soon, a few people dug out a 'sweet potato' that was red as a whole and rounder than a potato?
However, no matter how Li Baoding looked at it, he felt that this object did not look like a sweet potato, but a persimmon, but definitely not a persimmon!

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