Li Shimin

Chapter 602 I've Ripe One Stubble

"Master, this thing doesn't seem to be a sweet potato!"

Li Baoding picked it up, a little surprised.

"Of course not sweet potatoes!"

After seeing it clearly, Li Xuan couldn't help but tremble, his face full of surprise.

"Master, this thing is not a persimmon either!"

Li Baoding didn't notice Li Xuan's demeanor, he was still puzzled.

"Don't pinch it!"

Seeing that Li Baoding was still tentatively pinching it with his hands, Li Xuan hurriedly shouted.

"This tomato is not a sweet potato, nor is it a potato!"


Li Baoding was startled.

At the same time, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi surrounded him, looking at the tomato in Li Baoding's hand with curiosity.

"Master, why is it called Tomato?"

"You can also call it a tomato!"

Li Xuan took the tomato, tasted it cautiously, his cheeks twitched slightly, he was so sour!

However, the heart is ecstatic.

Can eat!

"It really is a tomato!"

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi on the side couldn't help stretching out his hand, grabbed a small piece, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"This thing seems to be called wolf peach by these barbarian natives, and some people call it poisonous apple. I didn't expect this thing to appear in this small city!"

Li Xuan explained with a surprised face.

"Cough cough..."

Cheng Chusi's face froze immediately, and he looked at Li Xuan in a daze, "Master, is this thing poisonous?"

"Then are you poisoned right now?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but glared at Cheng Chusi.


Cheng Chusi couldn't help laughing and said, he also reacted now.

"But master, why do those barbarians call this thing a poisoned apple?"

"That's their ignorance!"

Li Xuan laughed lightly, seeing Cheng Chusi, he continued to ask carefully, and said directly: "Okay, stop whatever you want to say! Now, please hurry up and sort out all these sweet potatoes for me.

Otherwise, if there is rotten sweet potato juice left on other sweet potatoes, it is easy to rot other sweet potatoes.

In addition, these tomatoes are taken out for my master, and this thing is also a must for cooking! "

"A must?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others' eyes lit up again.


Li Xuan nodded lightly, "This thing cooks and cooks, no matter how you cook it, it is extremely delicious!"

Another delicacy?
Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi were immediately full of motivation.

So far, on board, they have tried and tried sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, peppers, and even corn.

In addition to corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins and peppers make them want to lick the bottom of the pot.

40,000 catties of sweet potatoes, more than [-] catties of potatoes, although every steel ship has an equal share.

But on Li Xuan's big boat, there were still 3000 catties of sweet potatoes, [-] more than [-] catties of potatoes.

It took a whole afternoon to sort it out.

In Li Xuan's hand, there were more than 50 bright red tomatoes.

Li Xuan was overjoyed, some tomatoes were already ripe and soft, and the tomato seeds inside were also ripe.

So, Li Xuan dug out those seeds, and then used these tomatoes to make a pot of tomato fish in sour soup. Although there were not many, it was enough for everyone to have a small bite.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed!
He stared straight at the cauldrons with clean bottoms, and his face was full of longing, wishing to lick the bottoms of the pots again.

"Master, this thing is actually more fragrant than mature vinegar!"

Cheng Chusi still couldn't help smacking his mouth.

"This is natural. Although the barbarians in America are sparsely populated, they are a treasure land. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, these crops are not available in my Tang Dynasty.

Also, you all just saw that there was gold flowing in those rivers.

But, have you ever thought about how many gold mines there are here even if there is gold flowing in the rivers! "

Li Xuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional.


Immediately, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others couldn't help but froze, and they thought of this situation.

Immediately, his eyes glowed with golden light.

"Okay, I'll give you tomato fish in sour soup made of tomatoes, just to let you know how delicious the food made of tomatoes is!"

Li Xuan said again, "It is ordered that early tomorrow morning, we will find a place to dock, and then put two big boxes of soil on each big ship, and plant these tomatoes!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui clapped his hands in response, and then quickly went down to deliver the order.

The next day, while loading all the boats with soil, Li Xuan checked the other two boats.

Those soldiers are really good at handling crops such as sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Each of them is individually and neatly sorted out and placed there.

Moreover, they have been covered with thick thatch to prevent moisture and impact!

Li Xuan once again told the soldiers how to grow tomatoes.

During this period, the delay was less than an hour.

The whole fleet set off again.

A month later, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins and peppers planted in the entire fleet also began to sprout.

The fleet rested again, replenishing some fresh water and meat on the shore, and Li Xuan also took the opportunity to check the tender seedlings on all the fleet.

And the sweet potato seedlings were moved out and planted.

Then, on the fleet, some peppers, potatoes, tomatoes were planted.

Started off again.

Along the way, all the soldiers were eager to return home.

At the same time, next to the planting boxes of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and tomatoes, there are special personnel guarding them day and night.

During this period, every other month, the fleet stopped at the shore, mainly to replenish fresh water, and incidentally let the soldiers relax on the shore and replenish some meat.

So, it's summer.

Fortunately, the fleet has reached the southernmost section of America at this time, and it is not too hot.

After that, he began to follow the series of small islands, cross the ocean, and head to Yelu Island.

at the same time.

Things that make the entire fleet, everyone's heart full of joy, also appear.

The potato seedlings on the fleet have bloomed, and several small bags have bulged from the roots.

And the peppers also began to bloom, forming small green peppers one by one.

The pumpkins are also blooming, and they bear small pumpkins.

Of course, what pleased Li Xuan and others the most was that the tomatoes and corn were ready to eat.

The tomatoes were as bright as a child's fist. Li Xuan, Li Chengqian and the others picked one directly, washed it casually, and bit it into their mouths. It was sweet and sour.

The rest of the tomatoes were shared among the soldiers.

Everyone was filled with joy and shed tears of excitement.

As for the corn, Li Xuan left a few as seeds, and picked off the rest, cooked them, and ate them again, tender and sweet.

After landing here, it will be two months later.

The fleet crossed the ocean and returned to Yelu Island.

Everyone, go ashore again to replenish fresh water and meat.

At the same time, prepare to replace the soil again and plant another crop of crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, peppers, corn, and tomatoes.

Because the stems and leaves of potatoes and sweet potatoes finally withered.

All the soldiers on board, including those at the helm in the cabin, also came up, surrounded the wooden box, and looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

Li Xuan, Li Chengqian and others first walked to the first wooden box where sweet potatoes were grown, and carefully dug out all the sweet potatoes inside with their hands.

After digging out the first sweet potato, Li Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.


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