Li Shimin

Chapter 603 You all have to hurry up and marry your mother-in-law and have a baby

"Master, this plant yielded nine sweet potatoes!"

"Great King Shenwu!"

"Hahaha, one plant can grow nine fist-sized sweet potatoes..."

Under this sweet potato seedling, nine huge sweet potatoes were dug out!

Similarly, the surrounding soldiers on the ship couldn't help it immediately, their faces were full of excitement, and some soldiers even burst into tears looking at the neatly arranged nine sweet potatoes.

They could all tell directly that the nine sweet potatoes dug out from such a plant weighed at least four to five catties.

Similarly, Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and others were also extremely excited.

"This is the first plant. After digging out the remaining sweet potatoes, we'll see the situation!"

Li Xuan let out a sigh of relief, and began to plan the remaining sweet potatoes.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi didn't dare to delay, they quickly found a plant and started digging.

After a while, Li Xuan, Li Chengqian and others turned over the soil in the entire big wooden box, and dug out the remaining eleven sweet potato seedlings one by one.

At most one plant grew, eleven sweet potatoes were dug out, and at least eight sweet potatoes were dug out, but all the soldiers were already overjoyed.

They are all good at handling crops, so they don't need to seriously calculate, just use these twelve sweet potatoes to estimate, as long as they plant these sweet potatoes in their own fields, one mu of sweet potatoes can produce at least ten stones of sweet potatoes .

One mu produces ten stones!
You know, many of them have fields in their homes, and only one acre can grow about two stones of grain.

But now, they are going to take it back, and one acre can grow ten stones of sweet potatoes.

Just thinking about it, everyone is full of emotions and tears!

The king is indeed a sage of the world!

Next, Li Xuan didn't do anything, and asked Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others to plan the sweet potatoes.

At the same time, he ordered the soldiers on the other two large ships to start peeling sweet potatoes.

Soon, five large boxes of sweet potatoes and five large boxes of potatoes on his boat were dug out.

Twelve sweet potatoes are planted in each large box, and each plant can produce five catties of sweet potatoes, five boxes are three hundred catties, three large ships, and a total of more than 900 catties of sweet potatoes can be planted.

As for potatoes, twelve plants are planted in each large box, but only three catties of potatoes are dug out from each plant, so the three large boats planted a total of more than 540 catties of potatoes.

But looking at the piles of fresh sweet potatoes and potatoes that were still stained with yellow soil, all the soldiers were full of excitement.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for finding such a fetish for the people of Tang Dynasty!"

"As long as the two gods are brought back to Datang, then we and the common people will never be hungry again!"

"Back to the Tang Dynasty, as long as the king has something to send, just send someone to tell me that I will hand over these people who weigh more than 100 catties to the king. Even if it is a knife, I will never frown !"

"Exactly, King Dan has a mission..."

In an instant, all the soldiers, including the guards of Prince Jin's Mansion, also knelt down towards Li Xuan with solemn faces.

These soldiers are all rough men who plan food in the fields, and they are the most friendly.

A piece of sweet potato that can yield ten stones per mu, and another kind of potato that can yield six or seven stones per mu, no matter which one is, it is a great kindness to these farmer guys.

Life after life, I still don't know that.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan was also shocked.

However, no hypocritical words were said.

Instead, he laughed loudly.

"Your intentions, this king knows. However, in Datang, it seems that no one except your Majesty dares to bully this king. Therefore, this king does not need you to kill and set fire for this king.

After all, in terms of destroying houses, killing people and setting fires, the sum of a thousand of you can't compare to this king alone! "

Hearing this, all the soldiers couldn't help but startled, and then looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems that this is really the case.

In terms of killing and fighting, all of them may not be able to compare with this King Jin.

Then how should they repay the kindness of King Jin?
Li Xuan continued: "Besides, you may not have thought about it, but you are all responsible for bringing these gods such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peppers back to Tang Dynasty from America thousands of miles away.

If it weren't for everyone, who would drive such a huge ship?Just relying on me and a few people, I can't reach America.

Also, if it weren't for you, the king would not be able to take these sweet potatoes from the hands of the American barbarians to the ship! "

"Therefore, all the people in the fleet, including Prince Li Chengqian, Li Baoding, Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi, Xue Rengui, and all the soldiers and boatmen who brought back sweet potatoes and potatoes from America, have a share. Credit!"

"Of course, His Majesty is also credited today. If His Majesty hadn't built the three giant steel ships, I wouldn't have been able to reach America, and even if I did, I might not be able to come back..."

Hearing this, all the soldiers couldn't help but be overjoyed. It turned out that they also had credit for bringing back such a fetish.

Similarly, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help but be filled with the joy of being recognized, and they finally did a great deed that benefited the country and the people.

Especially Cheng Chusi, the corners of his mouth were almost cracked to the base of his ears.

Li Xuan ignored it and continued.

"However, everyone, don't be so short-sighted and only care about these sweet potatoes and potatoes!
As long as these sweet potatoes and potatoes are planted in your fields, then your families will definitely not be hungry.

Then, the next step is what you should do most! "

"My lord, do I still have a mission?"

Xue Rengui was a little puzzled.

"It's natural!"

Li Xuan's expression straightened, and he said loudly: "If you can eat enough, then you must marry a mother-in-law and have a baby!"

"You don't need to worry about money and land. This time, you have brought back sweet potatoes and potatoes. Even if you can't confer titles, His Majesty will reward you with land and money.

Moreover, there are thousands of catties of gold on board, which will be distributed to you and others.

In this way, you only need to marry a mother-in-law and have a few more children. "

"You know, what is the population of my Great Tang now?"

"Master, 290 million households, one thousand more than 200 million people!"

Li Chengqian said quickly.

"Only one thousand more than two million people!"

As he said that, Li Xuan was full of regret.

"Thinking of my Tang Dynasty, the territory is thousands of miles away, and there are only such a few people. Don't you feel sorry? These are all your responsibilities. Hurry up to marry a mother-in-law and give birth to a baby. This is the biggest thing you can do to me. Thank you!"

"Master, my Tang Dynasty already has one thousand more than two million people, isn't that still small?"

At the side, Cheng Chusi couldn't help asking.

Agreed, Li Chengqian, Xue Rengui and others also looked at Li Xuan with puzzled faces.

As for the soldiers, it was even more so.

In their minds, although they couldn't imagine how many more than 200 million people there were, they already felt that there were a lot of them.

"That's not a lot?"

Li Xuan let out a long breath, "How many people were there in the heyday of the former Sui Dynasty?"

Li Chengqian was startled, and whispered again: "Master, it seems that there are more than 890 million households, four thousand more than six million people!"

"The population of the former Sui Dynasty is four times larger than that of my Tang Dynasty!"

Li Xuan was startled, he really hadn't thought of this matter.

He didn't expect that more than 3000 million people died directly after just a change of dynasty?

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