Li Shimin

Chapter 604 Encountered a big storm!

Although the figures mentioned by Li Chengqian may not be accurate.

However, it is not bad.

Similarly, the soldiers below were all shocked.

Among them, although some older veterans had also experienced the end of the Sui Dynasty, no one had ever told them how many people there were in the end of the Sui Dynasty!

And now, how many people does Datang have!

However, after only being stunned for a moment, Li Xuan continued: "Now, what I want to say is that in my Great Tang, let alone one thousand more than two million people, even if it is the four thousand more than two million people in the former Sui Dynasty. A population of 200 million is still too small!"

"Even, even with a population of [-] million, this king still feels that it is too small!"

"Forty million people?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others couldn't help opening their mouths.

They couldn't imagine what it would be like if Datang had such a large population?
"Master, with such a large population, can our Great Tang have enough fields for it to cultivate? How much food do we need?"

Li Chengqian looked worried.

"Our Tang Dynasty has a vast territory, why don't we have enough fields? Moreover, Yunzhong, Yuzhou, Huazhou, Changzhou, Dingxiang and other places are even more short of people.

In addition, the surrounding Wa Kingdom, Silla, Baekje, Goguryeo, Western Ocean, America, such a vast place, the people of the Tang Dynasty want to occupy it, even if it has a population of [-] million, I still think it is too small.

You are still worried, too many people?

Especially you, Gao Ming, you are the prince of the Tang Dynasty. Outside of my Tang Dynasty, there is such a vast and rich place, and the rivers are filled with gold. How could you not be moved? "

Li Xuan looked at Li Chengqian in surprise.

"But master, it takes at least one year to go from Tang Dynasty to America, and another year to go back..." Li Chengqian explained hastily.

Hearing this, Li Xuan chuckled, "For this matter, the imperial court needs to build a lot of giant steel ships."

"As long as the population of my Tang Dynasty is large enough, I can emigrate overseas, occupy these continents, serve as the fiefdoms of the princes of the Tang royal family, and establish the Protectorate.

As long as it is the place where the people of my Great Tang are located, then this place can become the territory of my Great Tang!

However, if the people of Tang Dynasty want to grow to [-] million people, I am afraid that there is no hope during His Majesty's reign in such a short period of a few decades.

And this matter requires you to work hard!
At that time, as long as I emigrate to America, the territory of my Tang Dynasty will directly expand by twice as much!
However, your achievements, Li Chengqian, must surpass His Majesty! "

Li Chengqian's eyes widened and his face was filled with excitement.

Surpassing his father?

This is something he never dared to think about!
On the side, Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi, Li Baoding and others, even Xue Rengui and a group of veterans all looked at Li Xuan in horror.

How dare this king really say it?
Such an upright instigation of the current prince to surpass the current majesty!
This matter is a bit outrageous!
However, they will never speak out.

"Master, don't worry, with sweet potatoes and potatoes, there will be no famine for the people of Tang Dynasty. In less than 50 years, there will be tens of millions more people in Tang Dynasty.

Within a hundred years, the population of the Tang Dynasty will surely increase to tens of millions.And I will definitely take the people of Tang Dynasty to occupy America! "

Li Chengqian looked determined.

"There is no need to rush to occupy the Americas!"

Li Xuan chuckled again, "Don't you forget that in the south of my Tang Dynasty, there are Nanyang and Xiyang. There are more land there, which is more suitable for growing food, and it is closer to my Tang Dynasty!"

"South Seas and Western Seas?"

After hearing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Okay, don't think too much. If we want our Great Tang to occupy these fertile lands, there is another most fundamental prerequisite, that is, our Great Tang population is large enough to move hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. , go to these places!"

Li Xuan said.

"Now, hurry up and plant those sweet potatoes, potatoes, peppers, corn, tomatoes, and pumpkins again.

In this way, when I return to Datang, I will be able to harvest again! "

"Yes, master (king)!"

Everyone responded quickly.

However, everyone this time is different from when they first planted sweet potatoes and potatoes a few months ago.

This time, they not only have planting experience, but also know more about the magical yield of these crops such as sweet potatoes and potatoes.

At the same time, there is also a longing in my heart.

Do more farming, marry more wives and aunts, and have more cubs!
On the other hand, Li Chengqian and others wanted to encourage the people of the Tang Dynasty to farm more, to marry their wives and aunts, to have children, and then to step up steelmaking and iron making, to build large steel ships, and to take the Tang army to Nanyang again to see At first glance, is Nanyang as beautiful as the master said?

I only stayed in Yelu Island for three days.

The fleet set off again.

Follow the Qiandao Islands and go directly to the country of Wa.

More than a month later.

The fleet has just left the Thousand Islands, close to the coastline of Japan.

The situation in the sea changed suddenly, and everyone on board saw a scene that made them despair.

In the distance, a black cloud curtain came directly towards them.

Li Xuan's face changed drastically. This is not a black cloud, but a heavy rain, a big storm!

At the same time, huge waves have begun to appear on the sea.

The three sea ships and three small boats tied behind the three giant steel ships, there was already a small boat, was smashed by the big waves!

Li Xuan took a cold breath, with a solemn face, and shouted directly.

"Order, all ships turn to the right and enter behind the small island on the right at full speed to avoid the big storm!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui hurriedly ran behind the boat.

As for going straight through the big storm?
Just taking a look at the scope of the storm, Li Xuan directly denied this decision!
Afterwards, Li Xuan turned his head again, and shouted to Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others behind him, "You wait to hide in the cabin quickly, don't come out!"

"Master, what about you?"

Li Chengqian asked hurriedly.

"Such waves can't sink these three giant steel ships!"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, and at the same time subconsciously felt lucky. Fortunately, he was always careful not to let the fleet leave the coastline ten miles away, whether he was going to America or when he came back.

Otherwise, there will be big troubles this time!

Seeing Li Xuan's serious expression, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others did not dare to say more, and prepared to walk into the cabin.

At this moment, the big ship, which was originally very stable, began to shake up and down.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Li Chengqian turned his head again, and said anxiously to Li Xuan, "Master, what about those potatoes and sweet potato seedlings?"

"Sweet potatoes and potatoes?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was taken aback, and then shouted again.

"Little life is important, even if it is destroyed, I will just plant it again and return to the cabin as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others thought so too.

Hastily ran to the cabin.

And this time, the shady scene has already approached the fleet.

On board, all soldiers are ready to fight.

And the soldiers who were close to the large wooden boxes planted with sweet potatoes and potatoes also subconsciously stood in front of those wooden boxes, wanting to use their bodies to plant seedlings for those sweet potatoes and potatoes to block some strong winds.

At this time, the front of the storm had caught up with the fleet.

Palm-sized raindrops hit the giant ship with crackling noises.

It's dark on board!

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