Li Shimin

Chapter 605 After the Storm

Under such a big storm, the entire fleet was directly shrouded in darkness, and there was a dead silence on board, only the sound of rain and strong wind 'whirring'.

In the cabin, the soldiers responsible for starting the steam engine desperately filled the steam engine with charcoal, wishing that the big ship could fly directly.

"Send the order down, turn on the lights!"

"Your Majesty has orders, turn on the lights!"

"Light up..."

The lights on ships at sea are usually not ignited, only when they encounter natural disasters such as heavy fog and storms, they will be ignited.

Now, the headlights on the ship have also been upgraded from the original candle lanterns to large oil lamps covered by glass by Li Xuan.

As long as it is lit, unless the lamp oil inside is not burned out, no matter how big the wind and waves are, it will not be able to blow it out.

Of course, this kind of headlight still needs someone to take care of it.

At this time, the person holding the lamp has already made preparations, as long as the person is not dead, he will never let the lamp go out!
If someone stands on a high place, they can see that between the originally vast and boundless sea and sky, a black curtain stretches across the sea, directly cutting the whole world in half.

Behind the fleet, there was a thick, pitch-black curtain wall, and boundless black clouds rolled over the fleet, which was also mixed with lightning and thunder.

Not far ahead of the entire fleet, there is a bright land full of sunshine.

Now, under the shady background, this fleet is like a small toy floating in the sea. With the surging waves, it directly lifts the big ship, and then smashes it hard on the sea surface, constantly bumping back and forth, and the remaining The two small boats were soon smashed to pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea.

And everyone standing on the big boat couldn't help hugging the big boat tightly.

But even so, everyone was still dizzy from the ups and downs.

At this moment, everyone felt directly how desperate the sea can make people feel!
At the same time, everyone also understood why His Royal Highness King Jin was so cautious along the way!
If they were driving in the middle of the sea and encountered such a storm and had nowhere to hide, they could just wait to die!

Soon, after suffering for a quarter of an hour, the fleet came to the nearest island, and followed the thrust of the sea water, and quickly came to the rear of the island.

Fortunately, on the back side of the island, there is even a deep natural harbor.

Three giant steel ships rushed into the harbor with the only three remaining sea ships behind them, and lowered multiple anchors at the same time.

In this way, the fleet was a little more stable.

Seeing this, Li Xuan could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He began to grab the side of the ship and inspect the ship.

"Is anyone on board injured?"

"My lord, there are two soldiers who seem to have fallen into the sea!"

Xue Rengui said in a deep voice.

"Falling into the sea?"

Li Xuan's heart sank, he sighed, and said, "Wait until the storm passes, then go back and look for it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui clasped his hands in response, and then reported again: "My lord, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins and other seedlings planted were all destroyed by the strong wind and heavy rain!"

"Wait until after the storm, and plant again!"

Li Xuan said.

He also saw these situations.

"Go and ask about the situation of other ships!" Li Xuandao.


Xue Rengui responded, turned and left.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, got into the cabin with a few personal guards.

However, as soon as they entered the cabin, they found that Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and others had blue noses and swollen eyes, and they were not in a panic.

However, after seeing Li Xuan, these bastards all showed relaxed smiles.

"Master, the storm has been avoided?"


Li Xuan shook his head slowly, "I'm just waiting to come to the bay behind the nearest island, and use the island to avoid the sharp edge of the storm!"

"In the cabin, is there any loss?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others all looked gloomy.

"Returning to Master, the storm was too fierce, and all the soldiers in the cabin were not prepared. Therefore, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and tomatoes stored in the cabin were bumped everywhere, and many of them fell. It is rotten, and it will all rot before returning to Datang."

"In the end, it was those soldiers who stuffed sweet potatoes and potatoes into their arms desperately. In this way, I only saved two hundred catties of sweet potatoes that I had just harvested, one hundred catties of potatoes, and fifty catties of tomatoes. Twenty pumpkins!"

At this time, upon hearing the movement, the soldiers and boatmen in the cabin also came out, and at the same time, it could be seen that these soldiers were holding a few sweet potatoes, or potatoes, or tomatoes in their arms!

And everyone's faces were still in shock, their noses were blue and their faces were swollen, even worse than Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others!

Seeing this, Li Xuan couldn't help chuckling.

"Everyone has been able to keep two hundred catties of sweet potatoes, and one hundred catties of potatoes, all of which are indispensable! Now, our fleet has hid in the harbor, and nothing will happen for the time being!"

"It's finally all right!"

Hearing this, all the soldiers and boatmen subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, thinking of something, he hurriedly saluted slightly to Li Xuan, and hurried in.

They need to hurry up and sort out all the sweet potatoes and potatoes scattered everywhere.

Afterwards, Li Xuan checked one by one in the cabin, and after finding nothing wrong, he finally breathed a sigh of relief!

At this moment, Xue Rengui also came back, but with a serious expression on his face.

"My lord, a total of five soldiers fell into the water on the other two steel ships, and all the sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes and other sacred objects planted were also destroyed.

In addition, the sweet potatoes, potatoes and other things in the cabin were scattered all over the place by the waves. Only those soldiers and boatmen survived. More than 300 catties of sweet potatoes, 160 catties of potatoes, and more than 50 catties of tomatoes were not destroyed Bump! "

"Five more soldiers fell into the water!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help sighing again.

Behind him, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others also had solemn faces.

Fell into the sea under such a big wave, no one can hope for it.

"Anything else to lose?"

Li Xuan continued to ask.

"Report to Your Majesty, of the six wooden boats I brought out, three of the small boats were all sunk by the waves, and one of the other three big boats was damaged and could not be repaired."

As he said that, Xue Rengui's face sank again, "There is also a huge steel ship, and a steam engine has broken down, it seems that the force is too strong!"

"Broken a steam engine?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan's face darkened, and he hurriedly asked, "Did it explode?"

"Back to the king, it didn't explode, only the steam engine's tracks couldn't rotate!"

Xue Rengui replied, "Also, more than half of the fresh water stored on the boat has been lost!"

"It doesn't matter if there is no explosion!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter how much fresh water is lost. We have already returned here. The mainland is nearby, and fresh water can be replenished anywhere!"

Now he is numb, as long as there are some sweet potatoes and potatoes, and there are no more dead people.

As for the lost wooden boats, Li Xuan didn't take it seriously.

Those wooden boats, the most indifferent things, are completely used for pulling goods and landing.

In fact, even soldiers, Li Xuan usually didn't send them to the top.

In this way, a group of people waited for more than an hour on the boat.

The wind and waves on the sea gradually decreased, the sky also gradually cleared up, the dark clouds dissipated, and the light came to the world.


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