Li Shimin

Chapter 606 Arriving in Wa Country

Everyone standing on the boat, looking at the calm sea and the tragic situation on board, subconsciously felt a sense of survival after disaster.

"The fleet set off, return the same way first, and search around the island to see if any of the seven soldiers who fell into the water survived!"

Li Xuan ordered to Xue Rengui behind him, "Afterwards, we will find a suitable seaport, land on this big island, and replenish some fresh water."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui quickly responded and went down to deliver the order.

Soon, three giant steel ships, dragging two large wooden boats, sailed slowly around the big island where they came from.

On board, everyone was staring at the coast of the big island opposite.

Expect a miracle.

It's a pity, seeing that the surrounding big islands have already been turned around, but there is still no figure in sight.

On the contrary, the big crooked trees on the surrounding islands made everyone look terrified.Only then did they understand how violent the strong winds generated by that big storm were.

"My lord, I haven't found the surviving Erlang!"

Xue Rengui came to report.

Li Xuan sighed softly, and said slowly: "Look for a harbor on the back of the island, I'll go ashore and replenish some fresh water!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui responded, and then went down to deliver the order.

Soon, the fleet went around behind a large island and found a safe haven.

On this side, the Big Island suffers from the storm, which isn't as strong.

However, despite this, a large area of ​​trees on the island was blown down.

But it was getting late, Li Xuan did not let the soldiers go ashore, but directly cooked on the boat.

One night, the wind and sea were calm, and even the white moon in the sky was extraordinarily bright.

After the meal, all the people on board were still restless. After so many days at sea, they only realized how dangerous the sea is, which His Majesty always talks about.


Early the next morning.

Xue Rengui commanded a group of soldiers, put down the small boat carried on the giant steel ship, and several soldiers went to explore the way.

However, when a group of people started to land, a soldier ran over in a panic.

"My lord, there are barbarians on the island!"

"A barbarian is a barbarian, why are you making such a fuss?"

Xue Rengui reprimanded directly from the side.

"General Qibao, he is not an ordinary barbarian, he seems to be a Japanese barbarian, and looking at his houses, he is more civilized than those barbarians in America!"

The soldiers rushed to report.

"Women barbarians?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and hadn't reacted yet.

"This place is already the big island of the Wa Kingdom, so it will naturally be the barbarians of the Wa Kingdom!"

Li Xuan sneered, and then asked: "How many barbarians are there in front?"

At this time, all the talents reacted, and then they all looked happy again.

No matter how many Japanese there are, they are all dwarf hozen, so there is no need to be afraid.

"Your Majesty, there is a village with one hundred and ten people." The soldier reported.

"Just right!"

Li Xuan was overjoyed, "In this way, there must be clean and tidy fresh water in the villages of these Japanese people, and I happened to borrow some fresh water from them and replenish it on our boat!"

"In addition, you are looking around. There should be ships in the hands of these Japanese hozens. The fleet just lost a few sea-going ships, which can be requisitioned directly."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone agrees.

This is also taken for granted.

Ever since the lord of the Wa Kingdom and a group of ministers were captured back to the Tang Dynasty, and the master of the Great Tang Dynasty came to the Wa Kingdom to collect taxes.

Throughout the Tang Dynasty, everyone regarded the Wa country as the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

It is their honor that the Prince of the Tang Dynasty and the crown prince came to the Wa Kingdom to confiscate the ships of these Japanese Hozens.

And all of this was much smoother than Li Xuan imagined.

After a group of people entered the village of the Japanese barbarians, those Japanese barbarian hozens trembled as if seeing a prehistoric beast.

It doesn't matter whether they can understand or not, as long as Xue Rengui and the others look at something, they will immediately hand everything to Xue Rengui and the soldiers.

Even if they looked at some dark girls, those Japanese barbarians did not hesitate.

Pushing those girls, they sent them to Xue Rengui and others...

Seeing this, Li Xuan, Xue Rengui and the others quickly took fresh water and left quickly.

Although all the soldiers have not met a woman for nearly a year.

However, for the hozens who stink all over the body of the Wa country, they still can't look directly at them.

As for the boats, they also found a few, but most of them were small willow-leaf boats, which were of no use to Li Xuan and the others.

So, just stayed for three days.

After replanting six kinds of sweet potatoes, potatoes, peppers, corn, pumpkins, and tomatoes, the fleet set off directly.

A month and a half later.

The Nambajin Seaport of the Wa Kingdom is far away.

All the soldiers on board also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this place is not Qingzhou, they all have a feeling that they are back.


Suddenly, Li Chongyi seemed to have discovered something, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Master, there seems to be a fleet of my Datang Navy in the seaport of Wa Kingdom!"

"The Great Tang Navy?"

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Quickly took out their clairvoyance and looked towards the harbor.

Sure enough, a familiar fleet was docking in Nanbojin Harbor.

"It should be the Datang Navy Master who came to the Wa Kingdom to collect taxes!"

Li Xuan said thoughtfully.


Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and the others couldn't help but be taken aback.

Immediately, everyone was overjoyed.

No matter what, their fleet has been out at sea for so many days, and they will finally meet the Datang Navy.

But they don't know.

When their fleet was just above the sea level, they were discovered by two clairvoyant soldiers in Nanbojin Harbor.

Immediately, two fast horses went straight from Nanbojin to Bird City.

In Suga Ezo's mansion, Li Xiaogong was sitting on the sofa, carefully checking the taxes collected from all over the Wa Kingdom.

All the subjects of the Wa Kingdom, after Li Ji led the army to collect taxes in the territory of the Wa Kingdom last time, they completely lost their resistance.

Therefore, after Li Xiaogong arrived with [-] sailors this time, the Japanese people were very active in paying taxes.

He even paid hundreds of thousands more in taxes.

Li Xiaogong is also well aware of this.

However, when he thought that he had been in charge of the Wa Kingdom for more than three months, and he still had any news about King Jin's fleet, he couldn't help but feel worried.

Just as he was thinking, a figure suddenly rushed in from outside the door, and he cupped his hands and reported to him.

"Your Majesty, I will finally find a fleet of ships coming towards the harbor from the east of the ocean."

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong immediately stood up with a whoosh, his face full of joy.

"But the fleet of the crown prince and King Jin?"

"Go back to the king, the distance is too far, the last general did not see clearly. After seeing a vague fleet, the last general rushed to report to the king!"

The school lieutenant hurriedly replied.

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong didn't say much, and shouted directly to the door: "Come on, let's go to the harbor!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

All the guards outside the house galloped quickly.

Soon, a group of people went straight to Nanbojin Harbor aggressively.

Nanbojin port is not close to Asuka City, even if it is riding a horse, it will take a quarter of an hour.


When Li Xiaogong and the others arrived at Nanbojin, they didn't need clairvoyance, but they could directly see the three giant steel ships on the sea with their naked eyes.


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