Li Shimin

Chapter 608 To Qingzhou Port

Hearing this, Li Chongyi was startled, and subconsciously looked at Li Xuan at the side.

Li Xuan sighed lightly.

"It's all rotten to this point. Even if you're lucky enough to plant some seeds as seeds, the sweet potatoes and potatoes you grow are not good varieties. It's better to eat them, so as not to waste them.

Besides, on the way back, I have eaten almost 40,000 catties of sweet potatoes, more than 10,000 catties of potatoes, more than [-] catties of corn, and [-] catties of pumpkins.

Now, there is no shortage of these ten catties of sweet potatoes and potatoes! "

"Eat [-] catties of sweet potatoes, [-] catties of potatoes?"

Li Xiaogong stared, and his face was filled with distress.

"The journey is so long, every day, the sweet potatoes and potatoes are beginning to rot, why don't you eat them?"

Li Xuan smiled lightly, and then told Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi, "Okay, you can cook how to eat sweet potatoes and potatoes. Don't be dazed, hurry up and cook!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong opened his mouth, although his face was still distressed, but he did not continue to object.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and the others looked happy, and quickly bowed their hands to Li Xuan and Li Xiaogong to salute, then took those sweet potatoes and potatoes, and walked to the back kitchen.

They are also very familiar with the mansion of Suga Ezo.

As for eating potatoes and sweet potatoes like this, the [-] catties of sweet potatoes and [-] catties of potatoes on board were not for nothing.

After half an hour.

Li Xiaogong and a group of naval generals, eating the steamed sweet potatoes in their hands, as well as hot and sour potato shreds, steamed pumpkin and other dishes, all of them stared with eyes bigger than copper bells.


At the same time, they all stuck out their tongues, licking their respective bowls to shine.

"Sweet potatoes, potatoes, and even this pumpkin, are they all so delicious?"

"Still full!"

Li Xuan smiled lightly.

"This kind of fetish must be brought back to Datang as soon as possible and presented to His Majesty!"

Li Xiaogong said hurriedly.

"Take a rest for a day, and I will set off the day after tomorrow and return to Datang!" Li Xuan said.

"Leave the day after tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong was startled, he couldn't help thinking of the two warships he just sent out.

According to the speed of the three giant steel ships in King Jin's fleet, it should only take five days to catch up with those two warships, right?

What a mess!

"But what's wrong?"

Li Xuan frowned slightly, and asked with some doubts.

"When King Jin and the Crown Prince got off the boat, I sent someone to announce the good news to Chang'an!" Li Xiaogong explained.

Hearing this, Li Xuan chuckled lightly.

"It's okay, I'll go back first, and the people sent by Brother Wang can go back to Qingzhou slowly!"

Regarding this, Li Xiaogong could only sigh helplessly.

Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and the others had weird expressions on their faces.

Then, thinking of something, Li Xiaogong gave an order to the lieutenants at the side.

"Send the order, the whole army is ready to pack, and I will set off in the future and return to Datang!"


A group of generals clasped their fists to accept the order, and then went down to make arrangements.

"Brother Wang is going back to Tang?"

Li Xuan asked with some doubts.

"I have already collected all the taxes and taxes of the Wa kingdom. Now that King Jin and the crown prince have returned to the country, it is time for me to go back too!" Li Xiaogong replied with a relaxed expression.

"So that's the case, thank you, Brother Wang, for making the special trip to wait for me again!"

Li Xuan bowed his hand slightly, although this time Li Xiaogong was ordered to come to Japan to wait for them.

However, he can still wait for him incidentally, he has to accept this love!
Immediately without waiting for Li Xiaogong to speak, he continued: "It's just that sweet potatoes and potatoes need to be planted in the soil urgently, so we won't be able to sail with the naval fleet!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's important to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes!"

Li Xiaogong hurriedly waved his hand as a signal.

Li Xuan nodded slightly.

Afterwards, they recounted some of their journey to America all the way.

However, Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and others usually talk about it, while Li Xiaogong is listening.

Li Xuan sat aside and dozed off with his eyes closed.

On the boat, he really didn't rest well.

However, sitting here all the time, listening to Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others bragging to Li Xiaogong all the time.

And Li Xiaogong was also startled, without any doubt at all.

Li Xuan wanted to laugh but felt that he couldn't, it would be bad to disturb everyone's interest.

But he wanted to sleep, but the voices of Cheng Chusi, Li Xiaogong and others were too noisy.

So, after thinking for a while, Li Xuan quietly stood up and walked back.

Behind him, the excited voices of Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others could be faintly heard.

"Uncle, you don't know. At that time, the small island suddenly burst into flames, and it was hundreds of feet high. The whole sky turned red. I felt unbearably hot when I was sitting on the boat!"

"Hundreds of whales, which were bigger than the steel giant ship, jumped up ten feet away from us, and the blood-red fangs, which were bigger than the main hall where we were, directly scared the veterans and paralyzed them. sit on the floor……"

"What's more, when I came back, I encountered a big storm and a huge wave, which directly threw the big steel ship a hundred feet above the sea, and then smashed it into the sea. Fortunately, the big steel ship was strong..."

"Uncle, you don't know..."

In this way, for two days in a row, with nothing to do, Li Xiaogong dragged Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others to sit together, listening to these little bastards and telling him everything they had seen and heard on the way to America.

But Li Baoding and Wang Xuance stayed in the room and continued to compile their books.

"America Insights"!
Day three.

Li Xuan took Li Chengqian and others directly, boarded the giant steel ship, and headed for Qingzhou.

As for Li Xiaogong, as the general manager of the Wa State Road, he could only follow the Datang Navy, slowly following behind Li Xuan and the others.

It's just, less than half a month.

Li Xiaogong and others could not see the fleet of Li Xuan and others.

Instead, he waited until the two warships he sent to Chang'an to announce the good news.

This time, the fleet replenished enough food and fresh water in Wa.

Along the way, Li Xuan didn't stop at any place. After more than two months, he arrived at Qingzhou Harbor.

"The last general Zhechong school lieutenant Cheng Duanbo sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and sees His Royal Highness King Jin!"

Li Xuan, Li Chengqian and others just got off the big boat when they saw Captain Zhechong of Qingzhou and Cheng Duanbo hurried over with a group of songs.

"Cheng Duanbo, why are you still serving as the captain of Zhechong Mansion in Qingzhou?"

When he got off the boat, he saw acquaintances, and Li Xuan couldn't help being in a good mood.

"Hey, His Royal Highness King Jin doesn't know, but now Qingzhou has been promoted to the upper house!"

Cheng Duanbo laughed.

"In that case, I would like to congratulate you on your promotion and fortune!"

Li Xuan laughed.

Before, Qingzhou was the Zhongfu, and the captain Zhechong of the Zhongfu was from the fourth rank.

Now, Qingzhou is directly promoted to Shangfu, so the captain of Zhechong in Qingzhou is directly promoted to the fourth rank.

The grade directly rises to three ranks! (From the bottom of the fourth rank, from the top of the fourth rank, the bottom of the fourth rank, the top of the fourth rank!)

"The last general would like to thank His Royal Highness King Jin and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for their support!"

Cheng Duanbo said quickly.

It is really because of Li Xuan that Qingzhou can be promoted to the upper house.As for him, Cheng Duanbo, he was able to jump three ranks in a row and continue to stay in the position of Captain Zhechong of Qingzhou. More than half of the credit was due to the attack on Beisha City, Shicheng, and Xuecheng.

This is again the credit of Li Xuan.

As for Li Chengqian's credit?

Cheng Duanbo has been with Cheng Zhijie for so many years, and he has already learned the essence of Cheng Zhijie's leadership.

"This is His Majesty's regard for you. What does it have to do with this king and the crown prince?"

Li Xuan sneered and didn't care at all.


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