Li Shimin

Chapter 609 The Great King Chapter is Here!

Immediately, with Li Chengqian, Li Baoding and others, they watched Xue Rengui and a group of personal guards carefully unload some wooden boxes from the boat. These wooden boxes were tightly wrapped.

And the soldiers on those ships were closely guarding the big ship, looking at its face full of vigilance, it seemed that even the soldiers of Qingzhou Zhechong Mansion around the harbor were not allowed to approach.

Seeing this, Cheng Duanbo was very tactful and didn't ask any more questions, but just stood quietly aside.

In fact, most of the things on board are sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, corn, peppers and other things.

As early as two days before arriving in Qingzhou, the sweet potatoes and potato seedlings started to wither.

Thus, Li Xuan and the others harvested another crop of sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Now, there are one thousand more than 300 catties of intact sweet potatoes, more than 700 catties of potatoes, one hundred catties of pumpkins, five thousand catties of corn, and six large bags of peppers on board.

Gold, after giving a catty to all the guards, soldiers, and crew members on board.

Now, there are only three thousand catties of gold left.

The gold belonged to Li Xuan, Cheng Chusi and others.

A quarter of an hour later.

A convoy arrived at Li Xuan's courtyard in Qingzhou from the seaport of Qingzhou.

Along the way, Li Xuan also discovered that Qingzhou has really changed a lot. The number of people in the city has more than doubled from the previous two years.

Li Xuan was only slightly surprised by this, and didn't pay much attention to it.

At the same time, let Li Chengqian send someone to report the letter to Chang'an City.

Continue in Qingzhou and rest for a day.

Afterwards, a huge convoy of forty four-wheeled carriages headed for Chang'an.

ten days later.

The convoy of Li Xuan and others is still an inn away from Chang'an City.

Li Wei was already waiting at the inn with a team of guards.

"The villain sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, sees His Royal Highness King Jin, and meets all young men!"

Seeing Li Chengqian and Li Xuan, a trace of concern flashed in Li Wei's eyes, and he hurriedly greeted them.

"Commander Li, hurry up and get rid of the courtesy!"

Li Chengqian is very familiar with Li Wei.

Later, seeing that the entire inn was filled with familiar guards in the palace, Li Chengqian subconsciously looked into the inn and asked.

"Commander Li, why are you here?"

"Your Highness, His Majesty learned that you and His Royal Highness King Jin and others have returned, and specially sent the last general to bring people to greet you!"

Li Wei hurriedly explained.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian's expression relaxed, as if his father hadn't come.

"Your Highness, Your Highness King Jin, Your Majesty has brought Su Guogong, Wei Guogong, Qi Guogong and other important court officials to wait in the palace for a long time. When are we going to leave?"

Li Wei said hurriedly.

"After driving for such a long time, people can continue on the road, but these horses can't bear it. Rest here for half an hour, and then continue to set off!"

Li Xuan said.

Li Wei felt anxious, but knowing that what Li Xuan said was also reasonable, he nodded in agreement.

However, there was no need for Li Wei to nod his head in agreement. At the moment Li Xuan spoke, Xue Rengui had already brought his personal guards and began to deploy guards around, and asked the coachman to replace the horses, feed them water, and rest!

After resting for more than half an hour, the convoy set off again.

Two hours later, Chang'an City was in the distance.

The convoy stopped.

"Dare to ask the king, but what happened?"

Li Wei hurriedly rode over.

"Nothing happened!"

Li Xuan replied in a low voice, and said to Li Chengqian who came over: "When you return to the palace with your own things, my master will go home directly from this fork in the road!"

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and the others knew about this earlier, so they nodded very calmly.

However, Li Wei's face became anxious.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, His Majesty and all the court officials are still waiting for you in the palace!"

Li Xuan sneered directly, "Your Majesty and all the court ministers are waiting for the items in the carriage, not for the king!"

Even so, when you come back, you should meet His Majesty!
Li Wei complained anxiously in his heart, and just wanted to persuade him tactfully.

Li Xuan didn't give Li Wei a chance to speak, and just waved his hand, "Going out to sea for so long, Gao Ming and Chongyi are as clear about these things as this king, it doesn't matter if I go or not. It is enough for them to explain to His Majesty!"

Said, has boarded the carriage.

Behind him, Xue Rengui led a group of personal guards, leaving behind ten carriages, followed Li Xuan, and turned to the west road.

Li Wei opened his mouth and sighed helplessly.

"Commander Li, let me go back to the palace soon, don't keep father waiting for too long!"

Li Chengqian chuckled, not surprised at Li Xuan's departure like this.

Moreover, my father should have already gotten used to it.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Li Wei hurriedly responded, and hurriedly led a group of imperial guards, escorted those carriages, and hurried to Chang'an.



Before Li Xuan's motorcade reached the gate of Li's Village, a team of personal guards came up to meet them.

Seeing that it was Li Xuan, all the guards were overjoyed.

"The king is back!"

"The king is back..."

In an instant, the entire Li Family Manor began to become lively.

After going to sea for a year and a half, nearly two years, the king finally came back.

Cui Mi pulled Li Chenglu, and Ziyun, holding a one-year-old baby girl in her arms, and walked quickly to the outside of the courtyard surrounded by a group of maidservants.

And this time, Li Xuan had already brought the motorcade into Lijiazhuang, and stopped at the gate of the other courtyard.

"San Lang is back!"

"Hahaha, I'm back!"

Seeing Cui Mi, Li Xuan was overjoyed.

Immediately, taking another look, Li Chenglu, who was staring at him like a tiger, said.

"Boy, you're back!"

At the same time, he touched Li Chenglu's head with his hand.

Seeing this, Li Chenglu was startled, subconsciously dodged back, there was still some doubt in his eyes.


"Little bastard, Ye Yada took you to the mountains to set off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, did you forget?"

Li Xuan chuckled lightly, then walked towards Ziyun who was at the side.

"Is this the king's daughter? You have worked hard!"

"It is my honor to be able to give birth to a county head for the king!"

Ziyun's eyes turned red.

On the side, Cui Mi said: "Your Majesty has been out to sea for a year. It must have been exhausting. Go back and wash up."

"Haha, go, go home!"

Li Xuan laughed out loud.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and said to Li Chang who was at the side: "Housekeeper, ask the kitchen to cook for me, I want to have a good meal!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Chang quickly responded.

"In addition, give a share to all the personal guards and ink masters who accompanied me to sea!" Li Xuan shouted again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Chang bowed in response again, and walked quickly to the back kitchen.

Following Li Xuan's return, the entire Li Family Village immediately became active.

at the same time.

Li Chengqian, together with Li Wei and others, quickly entered Chang'an City and walked towards Taiji Palace.

Behind them, the carriages were also escorted by Li Wei and other imperial troops after being inspected by the forbidden army, and they went directly to the Hall of Liangyi.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness has returned to the palace!"

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince has already passed the Chengtian Gate..."

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived outside the Liangyi Hall!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't bear it anymore, stood up straight, and walked out of the hall.

Similarly, Cheng Zhijie, Changsun Wuji and the others on the side had long since felt itchy and hurriedly followed.


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