Li Shimin

Chapter 613 America is a treasure land, but His Majesty does not have the strength to conquer Americ

Similarly, a shock flashed again in the eyes of Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others.

Steamed potatoes, although not as good as steamed sweet potatoes, taste just as good.

Afterwards, baked sweet potatoes, baked potatoes!

The eyes of Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others lit up again.

"Unexpectedly, baked sweet potatoes and potatoes are even more delicious than steamed ones."

"This plate of hot and sour potato shreds..."


"The dishes fried with potatoes are so delicious?"

"It's sour and spicy, with a myriad of flavors. If I give Lao Cheng two plates of this kind of hot and sour potato shreds, I can eat three big rice and six steamed buns at one time!"

After tasting them one by one, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others were both surprised and delighted.

These sweet potatoes and potatoes taste so delicious whether they are steamed, baked, or fried.

"Gao Ming, I will plant sweet potatoes and potatoes for me tomorrow. In two years, all the people in the Guanzhong and Guannei will be able to grow this kind of sweet potatoes and potatoes!"

Li Shimin said.

"Yes, Father!"

Li Chengqian replied solemnly.

"However, it has been a year and a half since you went to sea, and your mother is worried every day. Since you brought back such a sweet and delicious fetish, take some, look at your mother, and give your mother a taste Fan!" Li Shimin ordered.

"Yes, Father!"

Li Chengqian responded quickly, and then walked out.

Afterwards, Li Shimin looked to both sides, Cheng Zhijie, Changsun Wuji and others who were still thinking about it.

Cheng Zhijie, Changsun Wuji and the others were startled, then laughed quickly, stood up and saluted Li Shimin, and took leave.

However, just after walking out of the Hall of Liangyi, I saw that the outside of the hall was actually empty!
Cheng Zhijie screamed loudly, and ran into the Hall of Liangyi.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. Some thieves stole the sweet potatoes and potatoes outside the hall!"

Li Shimin was furious.

"Stole it?"


Cheng Zhijie had a sad face, but also a face of rage.

"Your Majesty, my old Cheng's sweet potatoes and potatoes. My old Cheng's life is miserable..."

"Okay, okay, stop howling!"

Li Shimin let out a long breath again, didn't hold back, and cursed directly: "Cheng Heizi, are you saying that the imperial guards in my palace are all a bunch of thieves?"


Cheng Zhijie was taken aback, and looked at Li Shimin in a daze.

"Why did your Majesty say this?"

"In the Hall of Liangyi, besides my imperial guards, who else can quietly take away the sweet potatoes and potatoes?" Li Shimin said angrily.

Cheng Zhijie seemed to have just realized it, his face changed slightly, full of panic.

"Hey, Your Majesty, forgive me, Your Majesty, I am so anxious that I forgot about it, I really shouldn't!"

"Huh, I have a golden mouth, how could I privately swallow your sweet potatoes and potatoes that are only a few kilograms?"

Li Shimin glared at Cheng Zhijie again, and walked out.

"Go to Li Wei, take Cheng Chusi's sweet potatoes and potatoes, and get the hell out of the palace!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cheng Zhijie responded quickly.

A group of people stopped Li Wei who was about to follow Li Shimin, and took the sweet potatoes and potatoes that belonged to them, as well as pumpkin, pepper, tomato, corn and other seeds.

Immediately, he left the palace with a happy face.

Inside the carriage.

Seeing the joyful expression on his own Aye's face, Cheng Chusi couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"Aye took such a big risk today, together with Wei Guogong and others, to get these sweet potatoes and potatoes from His Majesty, is it different from Aye's behavior in the past?"


Cheng Zhijie squinted at Cheng Chusi, "You bastard! Those sweet potatoes and potatoes belonged to our family, why can't you ask His Majesty for them?"

"Besides, this time you took such a big risk, went to sea for so long, and managed to bring back these sweet potatoes and potatoes, of course they will be planted in our own fields!"

"But Aye, when His Majesty plants it, he will give it to our family. Your Majesty's eloquent words, how can you..."

Cheng Chusi was still a little puzzled.

"Idiot, when His Majesty plants it, all civil and military officials in the court will see it, so it will be our turn?"

Cheng Zhijie glared at Cheng Chusi again angrily, "Why do you think Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling and those old bastards will stand with Yeye this time?"

"Aye is wise!"


The next day.

Li Shimin took Li Chengqian and stood in the imperial garden, watching as Li Wei led a group of forbidden soldiers, shoveled away all the exotic flowers and weeds in the imperial garden, and reclaimed two acres of land.

"Father, in fact, all you need is a box of fertile soil to grow sweet potatoes!"

On the side, Li Chengqian said again.

"Sweet potatoes can only be planted in the field if the seedlings are first cultivated and then allowed to grow for more than a month!"

"That's because you were waiting on the boat, and Xuanba couldn't find a suitable fertile land, so he had no choice but to fill wooden boxes with soil to grow sweet potato seedlings!" Li Shimin said firmly.

"But Father, after King Jin cultivated the soil seedlings, he pulled out those sweet potato seedlings and planted them in another wooden box filled with soil!" Li Chengqian said.


After just resting for one night, Li Chenglu got acquainted with Li Xuan.

Early in the morning, following Li Xuan's ass.

Li Xuan took Xue Rengui and housekeeper Li Chang to dig out six potholes three feet long, two feet wide and one foot deep in the garden in the backyard of the other courtyard.

And let Xue Rengui soften the soil of the pit, and stir in some farmyard manure, then pour some water, pick out some big and plump sweet potatoes, bury them in the soil, and put a few pieces of transparent glass on the pit , began to cultivate sweet potato seedlings.

After everything is processed.

Then I heard that someone reported that His Majesty came down with His Highness the Crown Prince!

Immediately, he saw that Li Shimin had walked in with Li Chengqian.

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Meet Uncle Jin!"

"Xuan Ba ​​doesn't need to be too polite!"

After seeing each other, Li Shimin directly explained his intention.

"Xuanba, I came here this time to watch how Xuanba cultivates sweet potato seedlings!"

"Cultivate sweet potato seedlings?"

Li Xuan glanced at Li Chengqian who was at the side, then pointed to the six earth pits that had just been sealed tightly to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, I'm one step behind, I've already cultivated the sweet potato seedlings!"


Li Shimin was taken aback, and quickly looked at the six very obvious glass pieces.

Sure enough, under the six pieces of large glass, there are six pieces of soil that have obviously been reclaimed.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian was also taken aback.

Master's method of cultivating sweet potato seedlings is different from what he knows.

Li Shimin glanced at Li Chengqian proudly, and said, "It's okay, just one glance, I already know how to cultivate sweet potato seedlings!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Li Xuan said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Shimin's expression froze, although Li Xuan's words were complimenting him.

However, Li Shimin didn't hear it, did he mean any compliment?

And this time, Li Xuan had already taken the lead to go out.

Li Shimin was taken aback, sighed helplessly, and followed.

"Xuan Ba, I heard from Gao Ming that in that land of America, there is gold everywhere?"

"Gao Ming is exaggerating! In America, there are only some rivers that flow some gold and gold, and there should be more gold mines!"

Li Xuan replied slowly.

"So, America is really a treasure land?" Li Shimin's eyes lit up.

"It's a treasure land, but now, His Majesty may not have the strength to conquer America!"

Li Xuan said without mercy.


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