Li Shimin

Chapter 614

Chapter 614
"I am powerless to conquer America?"

Li Shimin was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"The Tang Dynasty has a vast territory and tens of millions of people. There are barbarians in the Americas. I only need to send [-] troops to sweep the Americas!"

"Fifty thousand troops?"

Li Xuan chuckled, "America is vaster than Tang Dynasty, but its barbarians combined may not have as many people as a place in Guanzhong of Tang Dynasty. A city can be a big city with [-] people in it.

If His Majesty wants to conquer America, he doesn't need [-] troops at all, [-] troops are enough! "

"America is so miserable?"

Li Shimin was startled.


Li Xuan nodded slowly.

Li Shimin was overjoyed, and then he looked puzzled, "Why did Xuanba say that I don't have the ability to conquer America?"

"How many giant steel ships does Your Majesty have?"

Li Xuan glanced at Li Shimin helplessly, and said: "It will take at least eight months for me to go to America from the Tang Dynasty. In the sea, traveling thousands of miles, for such a long time, no matter how careful you are, you will always encounter Danger.

It is a trivial matter for a big ship to hit the rocks, but if there is a big storm, the sea ships of Datang alone are not enough to resist! "

"A big storm is so dangerous?"

Li Shimin was startled.

"When a big storm comes, the sky is full of black clouds, palm-sized raindrops, and the sea is like a night. These are not terrible. The most dangerous thing is that a big storm can roll up waves tens of feet high in the sea and beat on the big ship. The big ship directly Torn apart.

This time, when I was waiting for the return trip, I encountered a big storm. Even if the fleet escaped in time, a wooden ship was smashed to pieces by the waves.

As for the other small boat, it was directly submerged by the waves and sank to the bottom of the sea! "

Li Xuan said slowly, "We were only three large wooden ships, and one was smashed to pieces. If there is a large ship with [-] troops, a big storm will lose [-]% of the large ship, [-]% of the soldiers, and even [-]% of the soldiers." More.

I wonder if His Majesty can bear this kind of tragedy? "

"It's so dangerous!"

Li Shimin's expression changed.

Li Xuan continued, "So, unless His Majesty builds enough steel giant ships, or else a place as far away as America, His Majesty should not worry about it!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh softly.

"However, if you want to build a fleet of steel giant ships, you will have the year of the monkey. The Military Weapons Supervisor and the Shaofu Supervisor are working day and night, and they can refine the steel needed for at most two steel giant ships a year!"

"I can't do anything about this matter, Your Majesty should find more craftsmen, send more craftsmen to the Control Department, and let them speed up the construction of giant steel ships.

Or, let’s endure it for more than ten years, anyway, the gold in America will stay in America forever, and it can’t go anywhere! "

Li Xuan said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Shimin was silent.

After a long while, he asked again in a slow voice: "But, if the people are to be conscripted as craftsmen, who will cultivate the land in the Tang Dynasty?"

"After the autumn harvest, the common people have nothing to do, so until the time of spring plowing, wouldn't there be a lot to do in the few months during this period?"

Li Xuan said: "Besides, I wonder how much food Your Majesty has bought from Linyi?"

Speaking of this, Li Shimin's face immediately beamed with joy.

"Xuanba doesn't know that not only Linyi is rich in rice, but also in several small countries such as Chenla Kingdom and Pyu Kingdom around Linyi, [-]% of the land in the country can be cultivated three times a year, and another [-]% can be used for one year. Two years old!"

"So, my Datang should not be short of food?"

Li Xuan asked.

"It's not enough!"

Li Shimin shook his head slowly and said: "Although these small countries are rich in rice, it takes at least six months to travel from Linyi to Qingzhou Port by sea.

For such a long time, every time they escorted 2 million shi of grain, only those escorting soldiers would need to consume 300,000 shi of grain. In addition to the extreme wind and waves at sea, at least hundreds of thousands of grain would be consumed during this period.

2 million stones of grain, when it is transported to Chang'an, or in Guanzhong and Guannei, there will be 1 million stones of grain left, I am already satisfied! "

"The loss is so great!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was also shocked, thought for a moment, and then said: "So, if His Majesty can build fifty steel giant ships, each ship will be equipped with a steam engine.

In this way, the time it takes to transport grain from Linyi to Qingzhou can be reduced by half, and more than [-] shi of grain can be saved each time. In addition, Shanghai can also save the loss of sea wind and waves.

In this way, there are more than [-] shi of grain.

And within a year, the fleet can make one more trip, and after one year, they can deliver 3 million shi of grain to my Datang! "

Li Shimin's eyes are hot, 3 million stone grain.

But then, he looked helpless again.

The giant steel ship, the giant steel ship... Xuanba is really inseparable from the giant steel ship.

And he seemed to be dependent on the giant steel ship, no matter what he did, he couldn't tear off the giant steel ship.

"This matter, I will go back and discuss it in detail with Xuanling, the auxiliary machine and other ministers!"

"Your Majesty, I have already brought back what I want from America, and I don't have much yearning for overseas places!"

Li Xuan smiled lightly.

Li Shimin sighed slightly.

"I still have something to do in the palace, so I'll go back to the palace first!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Li Shimin was about to leave, Li Xuan's face became happy, and he stood up quickly, ready to get up and see him off.

Li Shimin: "..."


Watching Li Shimin's convoy go away, Li Xuan subconsciously beamed with joy.

"Aye, you don't seem to like Uncle Your Majesty very much!"

Suddenly, Li Chenglu beside him stared at Li Xuan with a puzzled face.


Startled, Li Xuan quickly covered Li Chenglu's mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, yeah, why wouldn't you like His Majesty?"

"But, if you like Uncle Your Majesty, why do you suddenly become so happy when Uncle Your Majesty is leaving?"

Li Chenglu asked again.

Li Xuan's face froze, he quickly looked around, and found that there were only Xue Rengui and the housekeeper around, and subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief.

He rubbed Li Chenglu's little head hard with his hands, and repeatedly denied: "Is there? I've always been so happy!"

"Aye is lying. Aye was very happy just now when His Majesty Uncle said that he was going back to the palace. His Majesty Uncle and the old housekeeper both saw it, and I saw it too!"

Li Chenglu said seriously.


The corners of Li Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, the little bastard had grown up and started to transform into a rebellious child.

"That's why you don't understand! Your Majesty is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who dare not like His Majesty? Besides, I just stood up and sent His Majesty off just now. If Your Majesty sees that I don't like him, do you think His Majesty will be angry?"

Hearing this, Li Chenglu frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said with some hesitation: "It seems to be the truth, but..."

"Okay, don't think about it if you can't figure it out. When you grow up, think about these things again. If you think about it too much now, it's easy to lose your hair and become bald!"

Li Xuan rubbed Li Chenglu's head again, then walked to one side.

"I'm going to the academy to have a look, do you want to go?"

"Are you going to see the four wives?"

Li Chenglu straightened his expression and asked cautiously.

"That's it!"

Li Xuan replied.

After returning yesterday, Cui Mi told Li Xuan that during the year and a half he went to sea, the housekeeper often took Li Chenglu to visit the small courtyard of Wang Ji, Zuo Gong and others.

Or, Wang Ji, Zuo Gong and other four great Confucian scholars often told some stories to Li Chenglu and the youngsters in the village.

Therefore, Lee Seung-rok also likes to go.

Sometimes, it is taken by the housekeeper.

Sometimes, it was with the little brats in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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