Li Shimin

Chapter 615

Chapter 615
"Okay, Chenglu can listen to the four masters and tell stories to Chenglu again!"

Li Chenglu said with some joy.

The courtyards of Wang Ji, Zuo Gong, Lu Yuanshi, and Gong Daoliang, the four great Confucians, had already been built a year ago.

From bypassing the other courtyard, along a spacious and flat concrete road, to the foot of the mountain, there is the courtyard of the four great Confucianists.

The four courtyards, located at the foot of the mountain, are exactly the same, with streams flowing around them.

In front of each courtyard, there is a two-acre field.

This time, it is filled with all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

In the courtyard, there are gardens, ponds, gazebos, two-story buildings, a library, a study room, and a large side room that can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

In addition, it is a normal living room.

However, the structure and layout of these rooms are all built according to those rooms in the other courtyard where Li Xuan is located.

Bathroom, toilet, everything is available.

Not far from these houses, there are rows of small two-story buildings.

These are a group of disciples and relatives who followed these four great Confucians.

Li Chenglu is obviously much more familiar with this than Li Xuan.

Along the way, he led Li Xuan directly to a large house on the east side.

Inside, there was a room full of youngsters sitting there, while Wang Ji was sitting on the high platform in front, talking leisurely.

"Aye, please wait for a while. When Master Wang is giving lectures, he doesn't like to be disturbed!"

Standing outside, Li Chenglu said in a low voice.

"It's okay, let's go next door!"

Li Xuan chuckled, there is not only such a great Confucian here, there are four of them.

"it is good!"

Li Chenglu leads the way directly.

After half an hour.

In Lu Yuanshi's mansion, Wang Ji, Lu Yuanshi, Gong Daoliang, Zuo Gong and other four great Confucians all wore long gowns, and each held a huge transparent glass with green tea in it. Would you like to lower your head and take a sip?

"King Jin just came back yesterday, and he didn't handle the affairs in the village properly. Why did you come here to wait for the four old men?"

Lu Yuanshi asked curiously.

"The matter of the four gentlemen is the most important matter in the village."

Li Xuan said.

"Thank you King Jin for treating me and these four old men so highly."

Lu Yuanshi smiled lightly.

On the side, Wang Ji and Zuo Gong also had a chuckle in their eyes.

"I wonder if the four gentlemen live comfortably in the village?"

Li Xuan asked: "Those little brats in the village, are there any mischievous and disobedient people?"

"His Royal Highness Jin Wang doesn't need to worry about this matter. Although the little brats in the village are stupid, they are very well-behaved, and they work very hard in their studies!" Lu Yuanshi said with satisfaction.

"And the house here is clean and quiet, and it is also suitable for the old man and others to live in."

"So good!"

Li Xuan's face was slightly happy.

Suddenly, Lu Yuanshi's tone changed, his face full of worry.

"However, King Jin has been out for a year this time, and it is very annoying for the old man and others!"

Li Xuan was startled, and hurriedly asked: "I don't know what it is that bothers you gentlemen so much? The boy will definitely solve it for the gentlemen!"


Lu Yuanshi, Wang Ji and the others stared closely at Li Xuan.

"It's natural!"

Li Xuan was taken aback for a moment, feeling fooled, but still nodded with a firm face.

Seeing this, Lu Yuanshi, Wang Ji and the others immediately said angrily, "The king of Jin went out to sea this time, and he didn't return for a year, leaving me to wait for these old fellows, to be harassed every day!"

Li Xuan was furious, "Who dares to come to Li Family Manor to disturb these gentlemen, and please tell me, this king will order Qi's personal guards and smash them on their house!"

"The great families of the Tang Dynasty, as well as those old guys hiding in the mountains, either wrote letters to harass us, or sent people to guard outside the Lijiazhuang. As long as I waited for my family disciples or servants to go out, they would wait for me Bring in the letter!"

Lu Yuanshi said helplessly.


Li Xuan couldn't help being taken aback, "I don't know how many gentlemen those people wrote to, but what do they want to do?"


Lu Yuanshi, Wang Ji and the others sighed, and then said: "Those old fellows, if they didn't get pens from the palace, they all found us.

There are even some veterans who want the two pens in the hands of the old man and others! "

"Want a pen?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan felt relieved, and asked, "I don't know how many people want pens?"

"Anyway, the old man alone has received thousands of letters!"

"There are not many old men, only more than [-] letters!"

"Hmph, this old man has more than 200 letters. I don't know where, so many familiar people suddenly appeared..."

Lu Yuanshi, Wang Ji and others were full of anger and helplessness.

Those people, more or less, can have some relationship with him.

"They all come here asking for pens?"

Since he came here to ask for a pen, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.


Lu Yuanshi, Wang Ji and the others nodded slowly, and then looked at Li Xuan expectantly.

"It's easy!"

Li Xuan looked relaxed.

"Is it easy to solve?"

Lu Yuanshi and Wang Ji were startled.

"King Jin heard it clearly, just the four of us need at least [-] pens!"

"not much!"

Li Xuan said.

"Isn't that much?"

The four old men, Lu Yuanshi and Wang Ji, stared wide-eyed.

You know, when they had only dozens of pens back then, they waited for two full months.

"Gentlemen, this is a trivial matter!"

Li Xuan chuckled again, "But the pen is very precious. If they want a pen, they need to take out corresponding property or books to exchange it with the boy."

"King Jin really has so many pens?"

Lu Yuanshi and Wang Ji still couldn't believe it.

"It may be less than four thousand, but there must be two thousand!"

Li Xuan said.

"So, I wonder how King Jin will exchange those pens?"

Zuo Gong hurriedly asked.

"The gentlemen know that before the boy left, some aristocratic families found the boy through Cheng Chusi and those bastards, and wanted to exchange for the pen.

However, they were reluctant to invite great Confucians like you to Li Family Village.

Therefore, the king allowed them to exchange fifty books plus five taels of gold for a pen with a bronze body and a gold tip; one hundred books plus one catty of gold for a pen made of gold! "

Li Xuan said slowly.

"This matter, the old man and others naturally know."

Hearing this, Lu Yuanshi and Wang Ji couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

This is what troubled them!
"The king of Jin probably doesn't know, but I heard that there are nearly ten thousand classics in a library in the mansion of the king of Jin."

"Nearly ten thousand copies?"

Hearing this, Li Xuan frowned slightly.

On the side, the butler Li Chang said hastily.

"Report to Your Majesty, there are a total of [-] classics!"

"Just so much?"

Li Xuan was surprised.

Lu Yuanshi, Wang Ji and the others looked shocked, their eyelids twitching.

Not a man!

Even if they are all great Confucians in the world, the collection of books at home is only a thousand books!

"These books are still missing!"

Li Xuan sighed softly, then cupped his hands to Wang Ji and said: "Please also reply to those great Confucianists and aristocratic families, they can all come to Li Family Village to exchange pens.

Still the same as those previous families, fifty classics in exchange for a pen made of brass;

Fifty classics plus five taels of gold in exchange for a pen with a bronze body and a gold tip;

A hundred classics, plus a catty of gold, in exchange for a pen made of gold! "


(End of this chapter)

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