Li Shimin

Chapter 616

Chapter 616
"Thank you King Jin!"

Wang Ji and Zuo Gong all had happy expressions on their faces.

"However, those classics cannot be duplicated with the books in the collection of other courtyards."

Li Xuan said again.

"As it should be!"

The four old men nodded repeatedly.

"In that case, I still need to trouble the four gentlemen. If the four gentlemen want to enter the library of the other courtyard to read books, just send someone to look for the housekeeper. The four gentlemen can enter and leave the library in the other courtyard at any time!" Li Xuan said.

"I am waiting to thank His Royal Highness King Jin!"

The four old men immediately beamed with joy.

Even if they are all great Confucians in the world, the library in Jinwang's other courtyard is a little jealous.

Inside, there are many books, none of them have read.

Afterwards, Li Xuan chatted with Wang Ji and Zuo Gong for a while, then said goodbye to the four of them, and went to the forge.

The four great Confucians, after living in Lijiazhuang, are equivalent to the masters of everyone in Lijiazhuang.

It can be said that everyone is eating and drinking, and no one dares to provoke these four people.

The main purpose of Li Xuan's visit this time was to find out about the situation of those cubs in Li Family Village.

As for those aristocratic families, Li Xuan had long expected that they wanted to buy fountain pens.

However, I didn't expect those people to find Wang Ji, Zuo Gong and others.

"Housekeeper, how many fountain pens have you produced in Zhuangai now?"

On the way, Li Xuan asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, there are five hundred fountain pens made entirely of gold; twelve hundred fountain pens with a copper body and gold nib; and fifteen hundred fountain pens entirely made of brass!"

Li Chang said.

"That's it!"

Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

Soon, several people came to the forge.

"Meet the king, Xiao Lang!"

Letai and other Mohist rulers were not all happy when they saw Li Xuan.

Li Yuanjia also looked overjoyed.

"Meet the three brothers!"

"Chenglu has met Uncle Eleven!"

Li Chenglu also bowed to Li Yuanjia very obediently.

After some greetings, Li Xuan began to look around in each workshop room.

"This king has been away for a year and a half, but what happened in the forge?"

"Report to Your Majesty, everything is fine!"

The music platform quickly reported.

"That's good!"

Li Xuan nodded slowly, then looked at the music stage.

Le Tai was stunned, and quickly said: "My lord, the villain should have made the musket that the king said!"


Li Xuan was overjoyed, but at the same time looked at the Letai with a puzzled face.

He always felt that since the bomb was made, the ink masters in Letai were a little slack when they made the musket blueprint he drew.

Otherwise, he followed behind his buttocks, and after half a year of urging, the bandstand guy just couldn't make it.

And after he left for a year and a half, after he came back, did he create it?

Seeing Li Xuan's eyes, Le Tai's face froze, and he smiled embarrassingly, "How dare a villain deceive the king!"


Li Xuan sneered, and looked at the band with a half-smile.

"My lord, wait a moment!"

The band gave a flattering smile, and hurried to a workshop on the side.

Then, with the key at his waist, he opened a tightly locked iron box, and took out a thick steel pipe slightly longer than a human arm.

If you look carefully, you can see that the inside of this steel pipe is actually subdivided into four steel pipes, and the innermost steel pipe is wrapped by three surrounding steel pipes.

On the other side of the steel pipe, there is a slightly curved handle.

Then, he took out a glass bottle from one side, which was filled with black gunpowder and iron nuggets.

Immediately, he walked out quickly.

"Look, Your Majesty!"

After walking out, Letai handed the steel pipe in his hand to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up, he took the steel pipe, and looked at it.

"Have you tried?"

After flipping through it, Li Xuan looked at the music stage and asked.

"Back to the king, after the villain made it, he locked it in the iron box and never took it out!"

Le Tai said hastily.

"In that case, let's go up the mountain to test the gun!" Li Xuan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The bandstand clapped its hands.

A quarter of an hour later.

It is still the small hill around Lijiazhuang.

Li Xuan took Li Chenglu and stood behind a big tree.

And Xue Rengui was in iron armor, and according to the posture Li Xuan said, he held the musket with both hands evenly, and pointed the iron pipe at the big tree a hundred steps away in front of him.

Then, the bandstand stuffed the gunpowder in the glass bottle, together with some round sharp iron pieces that were slightly smaller than the steel pipe of the musket, into the barrel of the gun.

Tamp it tightly and plug it tightly, and then pull out a lead wire from the bottom, ignite it with flint, and then hurried to the side of the tree and ran behind.

Li Xuan had already covered Li Chenglu's ears with his hands.

Soon, with a loud noise, a cloud of white gunpowder smoke appeared in front of the steel pipe that Xue Rengui was holding.

At the same time, the whole person's arms trembled slightly.

However, this time, Li Xuan, Le Tai and others did not pay much attention to Xue Rengui, but directly looked at the big tree in the distance.

Suddenly, everyone took a breath.

That big tree was directly bombed out of four big holes the size of a bowl. The bark around the big holes has been bombarded to pieces. If you look carefully, you can still see countless small sharp iron pieces scattered around. Inside the big hole in the trunk.

Create another big killer by yourself?

Le Tai's eyelids twitched, trying to stay calm, but his hands were shaking slightly.

And Xue Rengui, as well as the housekeepers Li Chang and Li Chenglu are all in a state of dementia.

"My lord, if this thing is aimed at a person, after it is ignited, its killing power will be more terrifying than a bomb. Within a hundred steps, no one can escape!"

Xue Rengui said with a look of surprise.

"Very good!"

Li Xuan was somewhat satisfied with the power of this musket.

"With this thing, if the Tang Dynasty conquers Goguryeo, it can sweep all the way just like conquering Turks!"

"Great King Shenwu!"

Xue Rengui and Li Chang were full of excitement.

Among the few people present, only these two people have a kind of obsession with conquering Goguryeo!
"Aye, Chenglu also wants to use this musket!"

Li Chenglu looked at the musket in Xue Rengui's hand and said expectantly.


Li Xuan shook his head and refused, and then explained: "This gun is extremely dangerous, and those with weak strength, let alone firing the gun, will be blown away the moment the gunpowder is ignited.

Look at Ren Gui, his hands are still shaking! "

Xue Rengui was taken aback, and quickly forced himself to stabilize his hands.

It's a pity that my hands are already out of order!

Li Chenglu's eyes lit up, and he hurried to Xue Rengui, staring at Xue Rengui's hands.

Xue Rengui: "Your Majesty, the last general is just excited and can shoot!"

Li Xuan's face brightened, and he said: "Very good, let's try a few more times!"

Xue Rengui: "..."

Then, on the top of the mountain, there was another loud noise.


a few days later.

Several fast horses rushed into Chang'an from Mingde Gate.

After seeing the soldier with the three flags on his horse, the faces of all the passers-by changed drastically, and they stepped out of the street one after another, and no one dared to stop him.

Along the Zhuque Street, rushed all the way into the Zhuque Gate, until they reached the Chengtian Gate, and immediately the soldiers jumped off their horses and rushed into the palace.

"Luoyang rush!"

"Zhengzhou rush!"

"Xuzhou rush!"

"Gunzhou Jizao..."

Wait until these messengers rush into the Hall of Liangyi.

Then from the Hall of Liangyi, a series of servants rushed out, and ran towards the outside of the palace.


(End of this chapter)

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