Li Shimin

Chapter 617 Catastrophic disaster in 2 provinces and 3 states in Hedong, Henan

Chapter 617

After half an hour.

Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and other ministers all hurriedly walked into the Hall of Liangyi.

"Old minister, see Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, what kind of event has happened to summon the old minister and others in such a hurry?"

Above, Li Shimin looked gloomy.

"Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, Gunzhou... [-] prefectures including [-] prefectures had heavy rains for five days in a row, the Yellow River flooded, and all [-] prefectures were flooded, Henan and Hedong were basically submerged by floods!
Coupled with flash floods, at least thousands of people were drowned, tens of thousands of houses were washed away, millions of acres of crops were washed away throughout Henan and Hedong, and millions of people were left homeless and without food. receive! "


Hearing this, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help but gasp, their faces full of solemnity.

"In more than half a month, it will be the time of autumn harvest. Why is there such a natural disaster?"

"No, the weather in Zhengzhou, Xuzhou and other places is half a month earlier than Chang'an, so these few days are the time for harvesting rice in Henan and Hedong!"

"If such a natural disaster occurs at this time, won't it cost the lives of the people in Henan and Hedong?"

Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, and the others could directly imagine that the people in Henan and Hedong Roads were beaming with joy, preparing to harvest the grain grown through a year's hard work, and their sickles were polished to a shine.

But God sent such a big flood, watching those grains being washed away, how desperate are the common people!
Even, if there are some people with a heart to spread some rumors secretly, maybe even bigger things will happen directly.

"Exactly, for such an important matter, please quickly come up with a regulation. In the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the tragedy of starvation everywhere and Yi Zi cannibalizing each other must not happen again!"

Li Shimin said with a gloomy face.

"Your Majesty, I remember that in the past two years, Duke Ju has transported more than 300 million shi of grain back to Datang, of which 500,000 shi of grain is stored in Qingzhou, 1 million shi is stored in Luoyang, and 1 million shi is stored in Luoyang. , stored in Chang'an."

Fang Xuanling thought of something, and hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted: "Now, we can only rely on these grains first, let the people of Henan and Hedong survive this disaster first!"

"Good, 250 million shi of grain can be put to great use!"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up, and he shouted directly.

"Come here, call Cheng Zhijie, Duan Lun, Hou Junji, Zhang Liang, Dou Dan and other twelve generals into the palace!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Wei responded and ran out quickly.

Speaking of Tang Jian, Li Shimin's heart moved, thinking of Li Xiaogong who was specially sent to Japan by him, and asked again.

"By the way, where is the Japanese army led by Li Xiaogong now?"

"Return to Your Majesty, according to the itinerary of my Tang navy, the army of Hejian County King should arrive at Qingzhou Harbor in half a month!"

Du Ruhui thought for a moment, then hurriedly said.

"Half a month?"

Li Shimin was overjoyed, and said: "When I come back from Japan, Li Xiaogong will definitely bring back millions of shi of rice!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling and the others also thought of this, and were all overjoyed.

"Come here, draft an edict!" Li Shimin shouted directly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Zhongshu Sheren who had been waiting for a long time responded quickly.

"Order Li Xiaogong, the general manager of the Wa State Road, to lead the army of the Wa State Road immediately after arriving at Qingzhou Harbor, carry the grain collected from the Wa State, and go to Gunzhou, Qizhou, Ezhou and other prefectures to rescue the victims!
Among them, Li Xiaogong, the general manager of the Japanese National Highway, decides according to the situation! ..."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, there was another meal.

Immediately, he looked at Du Ruhui again.

"Maoyue took the army to Linyi and other countries. How long has it been?"

"Duke Ju?"

Hearing this, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and the others were startled again, and they all looked overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of Ju is leaving after the spring plowing. Presumably, at this time, the Duke of Ju should start his return journey from Linyi and other countries!"

Du Ruhui said again.

"So, in another four or five months, another 150 million shi of grain will arrive at Qingzhou Harbor?"

Li Shimin was in a happy mood.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

After Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and others praised with joy on their faces, they couldn't help but look weird.

"Your Majesty, it seems that my Tang Dynasty does not need to mobilize food from the south this time, but can directly take out 5 million stones of food to help the victims!"

Li Shimin couldn't help but look weird, as if it was true.

"I didn't expect that in just two years, my Tang Dynasty could already produce so many stones of grain!"

With that said, Li Shimin's heavy heart immediately relaxed.

"My Tang treasury can be so rich, Xuan Ba ​​has contributed a lot!"

"What your majesty said is very true. In the past, I could only extract 1 million shi of grain from the land in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Moreover, it took a long time.

And now, in an instant, I can extract 3 million stones of grain! "

Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others also had expressions of emotion.

In this matter, all the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty are no match for a King Jin!
"Perhaps, we can consider building a giant steel ship with all our strength..."

Li Shimin murmured!
"Old minister, see Your Majesty!"

"The old minister sees His Majesty..."

At this time, Cheng Zhijie, Hou Junji and other generals of the Twelve Guards also hurried in.

After bowing their hands and saluting, they all looked at Li Shimin solemnly.

"I don't know that His Majesty is so anxious to call the ministers and other generals into the palace, but what kind of dishonesty is there in a small country?"

Cheng Zhijie yelled anxiously, "I'm going to lead my troops and slaughter those barbarians!"

"Your Majesty, please fight!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to be the vanguard..."

Hou Junji, Zhang Liang and other generals of the Twelve Guards also called for the battle one after another.

"Two major floods occurred in Henan and Hedong, and more than 30 cities including Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, and Gunzhou were affected!"

Li Shimin said slowly.

"What, major floods in Henan and Hedong two cities of Thirty States?"

Cheng Zhijie, Zhang Liang and the others couldn't help but change their expressions.

Immediately, he quickly looked at Li Shimin.

"I don't know if His Majesty Xuan Chen and others are entering the palace, is it?..."

"With such a flood, millions of people in Henan and Hedong will be affected, and there must be some people who will secretly create chaos."

Li Shimin said: "I want to send Er and others to escort 1 million stones of grain from Chang'an to the Gouzhou cities of Henan and Hedong to relieve the victims, and recruit soldiers from the Zhechong prefectures of Henan and Hedong states on the spot, and take out the 1 million stones in Luoyang city. million stones of grain, and then take out the 500,000 stones of grain in Qingzhou to help the disaster victims in Henan and Hedong states!"

"My Great Tang actually has so much food?"

Cheng Zhijie, Zhang Liang and others were startled for a moment, but then they were overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, I wish to go!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister is also willing to go to the disaster relief!"


Li Shimin nodded slowly, and then said: "Cheng Zhijie led 500,000 soldiers from the left and right guards, and together with Xuanling, escorted 500,000 shi of grain from Chang'an to Hedong Road. The [-] shi of grain in Qingzhou will also be handed over to you for disaster relief." !"

"Duan Zhixuan led 500,000 guards on the left and right, and Xuan Cheng escorted 1 shi of grain from Chang'an to Henan Province for disaster relief. The [-] million shi of grain in Luoyang will be used by you!"

"Follow His Majesty's edict!"

Cheng Zhijie, Duan Zhixuan, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others all hurriedly bowed their hands in salute.

"Also, the Zhechong Mansion soldiers from Henan and Hedong prefectures are at your disposal!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The crowd saluted again.


(End of this chapter)

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