Li Shimin

Chapter 618 Grain Price Rising!

Chapter 618 Grain Price Rising!

Afterwards, Cheng Zhijie frowned and pondered for a moment, then asked with an aggrieved face, "Your Majesty, why is there 150 million shi of grain in Henan Road, but only 1 million shi of grain in Hedong Road!"

"In another half a month, Li Xiaogong will lead the Japanese army to arrive at Qingzhou Seaport. Suddenly, the 1 million stones of grain brought back by the fleet can be used for disaster relief on the East Road!"

Li Shimin said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Cheng Zhijie was overjoyed.

However, Duan Zhixuan on the side had an aggrieved expression.

"Your Majesty, why do I only have 150 million shi of grain in Henan Province!"

"150 million shi of grain is enough to support Henan Province for three or four months. After the autumn harvest, 2 million shi of grain can be mobilized in Guannei, Guanzhong and Jiangnan, which is enough for the people of Henan Province to last until next year!"

Li Shimin didn't look good.

"Your Majesty, what about my River Road?"

Cheng Zhijie looked aggrieved again!
"You old man is very anxious. In three or four months, Mao Yue will return from Lin Yi. By then, are you afraid that there will be no food?"

Li Shimin couldn't help but glared at Cheng Zhijie.

Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie was startled, and then smiled obsequiously.

"Hey, forgive me, Your Majesty. I'm so poor. Who would have thought that now, the Tang Dynasty doesn't need to collect grain from various sources, but can provide more than 500 million shi of grain?"

On the side, Duan Zhixuan, Hou Junji and others also had shocked faces.

Although they all know that Datang brought back some food from Linyi and Wa Kingdom in the past two years.

However, he did not expect that he could bring back so much food.

This food is enough for them to lead an army of 200,000 to fight for a year!
It's just that it's really a pity that so much food has to be paid into this big flood.

Disaster relief is like firefighting!
After receiving the edict, Cheng Zhijie, Duan Zhixuan, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others hurried out, summoned soldiers and horses, gathered a group of four-wheeled carriages, each loaded with 500,000 shi of grain, and headed east.

Inside the Hall of Two Rites.

Li Shimin once again called Lu Kuang, Secretary of Housing Construction, and Duan Cheng, Secretary of Road Construction, to meet with him.

"Henan and Hedong, a total of [-] prefectures, suffered major floods, and the cement road from Chang'an to Qingzhou will inevitably be washed away.

I ordered you to bring all the craftsmen of the Housing Construction Department and the Road Construction Department to go first, and we must complete the repairs of those roads as soon as possible.When necessary, you can ask Cheng Zhijie and Duan Zhixuan to help you, and recruit soldiers from the Zhechong Mansion on the spot to help you repair the road! "

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

After Lu Kuang and Duan Cheng received their orders, they hurried out.

Major floods occurred in all [-] prefectural cities, and it was still the time of the autumn harvest. They could imagine how dangerous this matter was.

at the same time.

The major floods in Henan and Hedong cities have also spread in Chang'an city.

Immediately, the hearts of all the people in Chang'an City sank.

Originally, in half a month, the rice and wheat in the fields were ripe, and the autumn harvest could begin.

As a result, at this juncture, such a heavy news came.

After half a day.

In the city of Chang'an, an inexplicable news came out.

In order to relieve the millions of victims in Henan and Hedong, the imperial court will inevitably collect food from Guanzhong and Guannei.

Thus, within half a day, the price of rice in Chang'an City directly increased by five cents.

Moreover, the price of rice still has an upward trend.

Two days later.

The grain in Guanzhong and the states in Guanzhong also began to rise.

Even some grain merchants started hoarding grain.

"These profiteers!"

In Liangyi Hall, Li Shimin, who heard the news, was full of anger.

However, he soon noticed that Li Wei had a strange expression on his face below.

"What else?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Jin seems to be selling grain!"

Reported by Li Wei.


Li Shimin was startled.

"Xuanba is going to sell food?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right!" Li Wei said.

"How much did you sell?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it seems that forty thousand stones have been sold!" Li Wei replied.

"Forty thousand stone?"

Li Shimin was shocked again.

"Has Li Family Village accumulated so much food?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Li Family Village now has 20 mu of land, which can produce [-] shi of grain a year. In this way, after three years, it will be more than [-] shi of grain. In addition, His Royal Highness King Jin is in Bingzhou, and A food town of [-] mu will have [-] to [-] shi of grain every year.

In this way, the [-] shi of grain sold by His Royal Highness King Jin should be old grain accumulated in the Li Family Manor! "

Li Wei hurriedly explained.

"How much does the [-] shi grain sell for?" Li Shimin nodded slowly, and asked again.

"Return to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Jin's [-] shi of grain is priced at [-] ren a bucket of rice, so it should sell for [-] guan!"

Li Wei said.

"Only four thousand?"

Li Shimin was startled.

"Go back to Your Majesty, that's exactly what it is!"

Li Wei nodded.

Li Shimin sighed softly again, "But there is too little food in Xuanba Village, this time we can only earn two thousand guan!"

A trace of pity flashed in Li Wei's eyes.

Even if he doesn't know how to do business, he can still know that after a while, the imperial court directly used 250 million grains to start, after Henan and Hedong Road started disaster relief.

The price of food that has gone up now will come back in an instant.

Even after the autumn harvest, every household has new grain, and those grain merchants who have taken back so much grain at once may have to sell it at a lower price.

at the same time.

In some mansions in Chang'an City.

Some gorgeously dressed people also gathered together.

All of them were full of excitement.

They couldn't help being unhappy. Only in the face of such a catastrophe could they have the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Even, they might be able to rely on borrowed grain in exchange for tens of thousands of acres of fertile land.

As for the 1 million shi of grain allocated by the imperial court, Cheng Zhijie and Duan Zhixuan led an army to Henan and Hedong for disaster relief.

They didn't care at all.

According to the news they knew, at least more than 500 million people were affected by disasters in Henan and Hedong.

And these places need at least more than 500 million grains.

Even if it is half a month later, when it is the autumn harvest, Datang will be extremely short of food!

Anyway, starting this year, it will definitely be a great opportunity for these grain merchants to make a lot of money.

"In the past two days, I waited for the grain shop to directly sell [-] shi of grain!"

"Sell [-] shi of grain at Xialiang Shop!"

"Brother, I wish the two virtuous brothers a prosperous business, but the store below only sells five thousand shi of grain!"

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Brothers, there should be a shortage of food in Chang'an City. If you sell the food in your hand so early, doesn't it appear that there is still enough food in the market?"

"Exactly, wouldn't the price of such food not go up?"

"Hahaha, I still think Brother Xian's plan is very clever!"

"However, there is one thing that makes me very puzzled!"

On the side, a middle-aged man who had been silent all the time said with some doubts.

"Huh? I don't know why Brother Wang is so troubled?"

Everyone was startled.

"Yesterday, a shopkeeper at home brought in [-] shi of old grain from Li's Village!" the middle-aged man said.

"What, forty thousand stone?"

The crowd was startled, and immediately subconsciously congratulated.

"In this case, I still have to congratulate Brother Wang. As long as the [-] shi old grains are stored for a period of time, you can directly earn [-] guan. If it works well, it is not impossible to earn tens of thousands of guan!"

(End of this chapter)

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