Li Shimin

Chapter 619 Grain Merchants Began to Panic

Chapter 619 Grain Merchants Began to Panic

"However, this Chen Liang was sold by that King Jin!"

Following the middle-aged man's words, the entire main hall fell silent, and everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

After a while, all the talents started to discuss with surprise on their faces.

"King Jin?"

"Then how could the Li family Saburo be kind enough to sell grain?"

"Yes, this is very strange!"

"Everyone, I seem to have received five thousand stones of grain!"

Suddenly, a chubby man subconsciously frowned and said.

The crowd looked relieved, and they couldn't help laughing.


"Who sold it? In such a catastrophe year, which big family is so stupid to sell so much grain?"

"It seems to be Zhuangzi in Su Guogong's mansion!"


Everyone's face froze again.

At this time, several people in fine clothes frowned and began to speak one after another.

"Everyone, I seem to have collected eight thousand shi of old grain from Wei Guogong's Zhuangzi!"

"I received six thousand shi of old grain from Duke Qi's Zhuangzi..."

"I went to Zhuangzi from the prince's mansion in Hejian County and received ten thousand stones of old grain..."


After talking for a while, these people in fancy clothes, no matter how stupid they are, still feel that something is wrong.

"Could it be that this matter is really the conspiracy of that King Jin?"

"However, in such a famine year, more than 500 million people will have no food to eat until next year's autumn harvest. If the imperial court can't produce 5 million shi of grain, how can King Jin want to lower the price of grain?"

"Haha, I don't believe this old man, but how capable Li Jiasaburo is, he can conjure 5 million stones of food out of thin air!"

"Everyone is wrong, even if Li Jiasanlang conjures 5 million shi of grain, Datang will still be short of grain, and the price of grain is still in our hands!"

"It's a pole, it's a pole!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help feeling relieved.

"Anyway, as long as someone dares to sell grain, we will dare to buy it. Anyway, the grain is in our hands, and the price of grain is up to us!"

Saying that, smiles bloomed on the faces of all the people again.

They didn't believe that in such a famine year, would King Jin still be able to turn the world upside down?


Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and others also looked at Li Xuan with puzzled faces and asked the same question.

"Master, I've been thinking about it for a while, and the food I'm selling seems to be meat buns beating dogs, and it's gone forever!"

"What are you afraid of?"

Li Xuan chuckled, "As long as your majesty doesn't collect grain from Guanzhong and Guan, you think that as long as after autumn, the people of the Tang Dynasty will have new grain, and those grain people have hoarded so much old grain, how can they still use it at such a high price?" price, sell it?"

"This time, Tang Jian went to Linyi twice. How can His Majesty save 3 million shi of grain? Even if there is no 3 million shi of grain, there are still 250 million shi of grain.

Moreover, the last time Li Ji led an army to the Wa country to collect taxes, according to the poverty of the Wa country, most of the taxes had to be paid with grain, and no matter what happened, there would not be 1 million stones of grain.

Now, I have been waiting for so long to come back, the fleet brought by Brother Li Xiaogong is coming back soon!How can there be no grain of 1 million shi on board?

In this way, my Datang will have at least 5 million shi of grain!In addition to the granaries in various places, how can more than 200 million shi of grain be collected? "

"Master, last year several prefectures in Henan and Hebei also had major floods!"

Li Chengqian thought of something, his expression changed, and he said hastily.

"It's okay, then subtract 3 million stones of grain, and my Tang Dynasty still has 4 million stones of grain!"

Li Xuan was stunned, then said again: "Besides, counting the time, Tang Jian's fleet should also return from Linyi in a few months. By then, there will be more than 150 million shi of grain.

Such a long time is enough for His Majesty to collect food from the south of the Yangtze River! "

"Of course, if the most unlikely situation occurs, Henan and Hedong Roads are still very short of food, and they can also directly send troops to attack Goguryeo, and just grab food from Goguryeo.

Or, just ask His Majesty to send tens of thousands of people to the small countries of Linyi and Fat, and transport grain directly from them, which can also save a large part of the grain..."

After listening, Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and others couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately, all faces were filled with joy.

"Master is wise!"

"As long as those grain merchants can't sell grain in the past few days, they will definitely suffer a lot after the autumn harvest!"

Li Baoding and the others said with great joy.

"It's natural!"

Li Xuan chuckled again, "Maybe, we won't need to sell them any more grain, making them unable to sell grain. Even, they have already started to raise the price of grain subconsciously, and they will no longer sell grain!"

"Master's words are justified. Those food people's hearts have long been blackened. When encountering such a catastrophe, they will definitely hoard food desperately in order to increase the price of food and make huge profits!"

Li Baoding said again.

"Don't worry about it. If you have some relatives and friends who also want to dispose of the old grain in the house, you can let them take this opportunity to sell it at a high price. Anyway, the grain merchants will lose money in the end, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to sell it at a high price. Make some money!" Li Xuan said.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi and the others nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, let's go, be careful these few days, first keep an eye on the fields in the village, as soon as the food is cooked, take it back first!"

Li Xuan said.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chongyi and the others couldn't help but look solemn.

Although according to common sense, as long as there is a catastrophe in one place.

In other places, it is impossible for the same disaster to occur again.

However, at this critical moment, everyone's expression will be tense, not daring to take any chances.

the next few days.

In Chang'an city, as well as Guanzhong and Guannei, those peasant households are guarding the fields all the time, ready to harvest grain at all times.

And those big households, while keeping an eye on the grain that was about to ripen in the fields, they also started to follow the grain merchants and began to buy grain.

Especially those grain merchants, who collect grain at a high price, and at the same time, the grain in their grain stores is getting less and less day by day.

But the price is getting higher day by day!
It's just that the good times don't come.

Within a few days, a piece of news spread in Guanzhong and Guanzhong.

At some point, the imperial court had accumulated millions of shi of grain!
For the relief of victims in Henan and Hedong this time, the imperial court will not requisition a grain of grain from Guanzhong and Guannei.

Some people even swear by it, as if he saw it.

The imperial court directly stored more than 100 million shi of grain in the Luoyang granary, plus the 500,000 shi of grain transferred from Chang'an, 150 million shi of grain!

What's more, the cities in Henan Province still have some official food. In total, Henan Province has more than 200 million shi of grain, which is enough for the disaster victims in Henan Province to survive the winter.

In Qingzhou, more than 50 shi of grain was also stored, and 500,000 shi of grain was transferred from Chang'an City. grain.

There are 3 million stones of grain in Hedong Road, which can supply the victims of the disaster in Hedong Road to eat their stomachs!
All of a sudden, those grain merchants began to panic!
If this news is true, then they will lose all their money, at least cut off a few pieces of flesh from their bodies!

(End of this chapter)

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