Li Shimin

Chapter 620

Chapter 620

It was the familiar main hall again, and those familiar faces.

However, at this moment, these faces are no longer as calm as before.

Even after not seeing each other for just a few days, there were a few more wrinkles on the foreheads of these people.

"Did all of you hear the rumors that have spread in Guanzhong and Guanzhong these past few days?"

The chubby middle-aged man was the first to ask.

"I've heard of it!"

"Then Li Er can really come up with 5 million stones of grain?"

"Brother Cui, Brother Zheng, I don't know what news the senior brothers can inquire from home?"

"Are the rumors in Guanzhong and Guanzhong really true?"

"My Tang Dynasty sent several missions to Linyi and Wa, but there are rumors that the journey between these two countries will take a year to go back and forth. Even if they bring a large army to grab food, they may not be able to Take back that much, right?"

"In the past few days, many people have stopped coming to the shops to buy grain. Even if the price of grain has dropped by two cents, they are not in a hurry to buy grain!"

"Don't worry, everyone, we have already sent people to Henan and Hedong Road to inquire about the news. I believe there will be news in a few days!"

"Perhaps, the rumors that have spread in and around the Guanzhong in the past few days are all rumors deliberately released by some people, trying to confuse the public and block the way of making money for me and other grain merchants!"

"It makes sense..."

"Exactly, these days, the purchase of grain by those ordinary people has decreased, because they have started to prepare for the autumn harvest, and they have grain at home..."

With that said, all the grain merchants began to regain their confidence.

After returning, we must purchase more grain.

They didn't believe it. When all the food on the market was taken back into their hands, the court and the people would have no food to eat. Would their food still be sold?

Li Xuan gets up every day, practices guns, washes up, and eats.

"Another day of rotten life!"

Li Xuan stood on the balcony on the third floor, looking at the endless golden rice and wheat in the distance, with a look of decadence.

"Hey, Aye, Brother Gao Ming and others are here!"

Suddenly, Li Chenglu beside him looked at the carriages below and said with a happy face.

"Looking at each other's Zhuangzi carefully, what are you doing here again?"

Li Xuan muttered, stretched his body, and walked down.

"Meet the master!"

"I've seen brother Gao Ming, I've seen several senior brothers!"

Greet each other.

Li Xuan asked very bluntly: "Is everything in your village all right?"

"Returning to Master, apart from a few farmers contracting a little illness, there is nothing serious!"

Li Chengqian quickly replied.


Li Xuan nodded slowly, getting sick is a trivial matter!

Suddenly, Li Xuan remembered something and stood up directly.

"Sick, sick..."

After muttering a few words, Li Xuan asked Li Chengqian: "Gao Ming, this time to help the victims in Henan and Hedong, besides allocating food, can your majesty also send doctors to these two places?"


Li Chengqian was taken aback for a moment, then his face was full of doubts, and he shook his head slowly.

"Returning to the master, the imperial court did not send doctors. Dare to ask the master, what is the use of doctors to help the victims?"

Li Xuan ignored Li Chengqian, but shouted directly.

"Xue Rengui!"

"Your Majesty?"

Xue Rengui responded quickly.

"Prepare the car, I'm going to medical school!"


Xue Rengui clasped his fists in response, and ran out hastily.

On the other side, Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and others also subconsciously changed their expressions slightly, and a bad feeling rose in their hearts.

It was rare for them to see their master look so solemn.

"Master, what happened?"

"It's nothing serious!"

Li Xuan shook his head slowly, "It's just my wishful thinking, I still need to find Dr. Sun!"

With that said, he went out.

Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and the others naturally hurriedly followed.

After leaving Lijiazhuang, the carriage turned left and walked north for a few miles to the gate of the Medical College.

During the autumn harvest season, the number of people who came to the medical school to see a doctor also decreased a lot.

Therefore, without much effort, Li Xuan and the others found Sun Simiao, who was somewhat relaxed, in the dean's office.

"His Royal Highness King Jin?"

Seeing Li Xuan who suddenly appeared, a trace of surprise flashed across Sun Simiao's face.

"I don't know if His Royal Highness King Jin came to look for the old man suddenly today, but why is he feeling unwell?"

After speaking, he watched Li Xuan and Li Chenglu carefully.

According to Sun Simiao's understanding, there must be something serious about the sudden visit to the medical school by His Royal Highness King Jin, who is so lazy that he doesn't come to the medical school once a year.

And, it's a big physical thing.

"Don't worry, Miracle Doctor Sun, according to the boy's physical fitness, even if Miracle Doctor Sun has a small physical problem, the boy will still have no problems!"

Li Xuan said helplessly.

Sun Simiao was startled, thinking of Li Xuan's unreasonable pulse, subconsciously nodded, and asked, "Then His Royal Highness Prince Jin is here in person this time?"

"Does Doctor Sun know about the major floods in the cities of Henan and Hedong, and the cities of Thirty States?" Li Xuan talked about the business.

"Back to the King of Jin, such a big event has already been rumored in the whole Guanzhong, the old man must have heard of it!"

Sun Simiao sighed softly.

"The boy came here for this!" Li Xuan said.


Hearing this, Sun Simiao was startled.

"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, the old man is just a doctor, so he can't help you with disaster relief!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but sighed softly, "Did Doctor Sun hear a saying that after a catastrophe comes a catastrophe, after a catastrophe comes a catastrophe, and after a catastrophe comes a catastrophe?"

He's fine and doesn't want to be here.

However, the two major floods in Henan and Hedong this time have affected millions of people. If they are not handled properly, it will be another even bigger disaster.

"After the catastrophe, there is a catastrophe? After the catastrophe..."

As soon as Li Xuan's words came out, Sun Simiao, Li Chengqian and others all looked shocked and muttered in their mouths.

Immediately, Sun Simiao's expression changed drastically, and he asked hastily, "The King of Jin means that this time there will be a great plague in Henan and Hedong?"

Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and others on the side couldn't help but feel cold all over, their expressions changed drastically, and they looked closely at Li Xuan.


Li Xuan shook his head lightly, "Whether there will be a major plague, I can't guarantee it."

"However, millions of people were left homeless, thousands of people were drowned in the flood, and countless livestock were drowned. Under such a big disaster, some diseases will inevitably appear.

Coupled with this season, the weather changes abnormally, and ordinary people are extremely susceptible to diseases.

Those people gather together, but if one person gets sick, if it is not controlled well, it will infect the surrounding crowd.In this way, if it is passed on from person to person, the boy can't guarantee what it will eventually develop into.

Dr. Sun has practiced medicine for many years and has rich experience. Do you think it is necessary to send some doctors to Henan and Hedong, just in case? "

"I want to send it!"

Sun Simiao's expression was serious, and he said anxiously: "After a catastrophe, there must be a catastrophe! This old man is called a genius doctor in vain. He has been guarding this medical school for the past few years, only caring for the patients who come to the medical school.

His Royal Highness King Jin's words reminded the old man that this kind of big disaster is what the old man needs to prevent most! "

"Please also ask His Royal Highness the King of Jin to arrange more than ten large carriages for the old man. The old man will call half of the doctors in the medical school to go to Henan and Hedong!"

"Doctor Sun will go there in person?"

Li Xuan was startled.

On the other side, Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and others were full of horror.

Dr. Sun had to go there in person. In such a big battle, what the master said must be true.

After the catastrophe, there will be a catastrophe!


(End of this chapter)

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