Li Shimin

Chapter 621 Could it be that Xuan Ba ​​knew about it a long time ago?

Chapter 621 Could it be that Xuan Ba ​​knew about it a long time ago?
"The people in this place are suffering from disasters. If there is an illness, the old man is afraid that the bastards below will not be able to handle it!"

Sun Simiao's face was full of pain, and he walked out of the room quickly as he spoke, and started calling for people.

Soon, a group of doctors came running over.

Inside the room, Li Chengqian also looked at Li Xuan anxiously.

"Master, this matter is very important. Cheng Qian wants to go to the palace and report to the emperor!"


Li Xuan nodded slowly, and said: "By the way, please help His Majesty, dispatch some large carriages, and send some soldiers to protect Sun Miracle Doctor and others."

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian hastily cupped his hands and saluted, and ran out with Li Chongyi and the others.

After a while, when only Li Xuan, Li Chenglu, Xue Rengui, Li Baoding, and Wang Xuance were left in the room.

Sun Simiao hurried in again, and bowed his hands respectfully to Li Xuan.

"His Royal Highness King Jin has meritorious deeds all over the world. This old man will take the place of thousands of people in Henan and Hedong, and thank His Highness. However, I have to prepare everything myself. I cannot entertain His Royal Highness King Jin, so I ask King Jin to forgive me! "

Sun Simiao's move startled Li Xuan, he stood up quickly and helped Sun Simiao up.

"Miraculous doctor Sun is Zhesha boy, the boy is just talking about it, and the last thing needs to be troubled by doctor Sun and other doctors.

Miracle Doctor Sun went to work first if he had something to do, but Crown Prince Li Chengqian had already reported the matter to His Majesty, there should be officials to assist Miracle Sun soon, so there is no need for Miracle Doctor Sun to be too anxious! "

"Thank you, Your Highness King Jin!"

Sun Simiao thanks again.

After saying that, he went out again and led a group of doctors to go downstairs.

If they go to Henan and Hedong, they will not only have to prepare a lot of medicinal materials.Moreover, more than half of the doctors must accompany them, and all the patients who are being diagnosed and treated in the medical school must be arranged.

In the main hall, watching Sun Simiao hurried down, Li Xuan also stood up and walked out.

"This king has already done what he can in this matter! Let's go, Ren Gui, let's go back and choose your mother-in-law for you!"

Behind him, Xue Rengui froze, "My lord, mother-in-law?"


Li Xuan chuckled lightly, "You are not too young anymore, it's time to marry a mother-in-law!"

"Thank you king!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Xue Rengui's eyes, and he hurriedly saluted Li Xuan, without any reluctance.


Two quick rides, once again hurriedly galloped into Chang'an City, all the way to Liangyi Hall.

After a while.

The two servants hurried out from the Hall of Liangyi and headed outside the palace.

Then, less than half an hour.

Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and other ministers ran into the Hall of Liangyi anxiously.

"Old minister, see Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is so eager to announce the ministers, but what happened in Henan and Hedong?"

After meeting with Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui hurriedly asked.

Hearing this, Li Shimin directly picked up two letters and handed them to them.

"This letter was urgently written by Xuanling and Wei Zheng, you can take a look at it!"


The two were taken aback for a moment, then took it casually.

The more he looked, the more shocked his expression became.

"Your Majesty, in Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, Dagonzhou and other places, there are many people infected with the disease?"

Li Shimin nodded slowly, with a serious expression on his face.

"What do you guys think about this symptom?"

"Your Majesty, there are hundreds of thousands of people gathered in every state city. If such symptoms of human-to-human transmission appear in these cities, a doctor must be sent to treat them!"

Changsun Wuji also had a dignified expression.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Fang and Prime Minister Wei should also isolate those sick people with fever and cough separately to prevent more sick people from appearing!"

Du Ruhui also said hastily.

"I'm going to send some doctors from the Imperial Medical Office to check it out for myself!"

Li Shimin also nodded slowly and said.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Both Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui nodded quickly.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, Li Wei walked quickly to Li Shimin's side and called softly.

"What's the matter?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince hurriedly begged to see His Majesty, saying that there is something urgent!"

Li Wei said quickly.

"Xuan!" Li Shimin said.


Li Wei clapped his hands in response, and walked out quickly.

Soon, Li Shimin saw that Li Chengqian hurried in.

"Father, it's a big deal!"

"What is it that scares you so much?"

Li Shimin looked a little unhappy.

"Father, Uncle Jin Wang went to the medical school today to look for Dr. Sun, and said that after a catastrophe there will be a catastrophe, after a catastrophe there will be a catastrophe, after a catastrophe there will be a catastrophe!"

Li Chengqian was startled, quickly calmed down, and then slowly bowed his hands in salute.

"After the catastrophe, there will be a catastrophe?"

Hearing this, the faces of Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others changed drastically.

"How did Miracle Doctor Sun react?"

"Returning to Father, Doctor Sun directly summoned a group of doctors in the medical school and wanted to go to Henan and Hedong!" Li Chengqian said.

"Is there really a big epidemic?"

Li Shimin couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Your Majesty, there are nine out of ten chances!"

Changsun Wuji also said eagerly.

"Quickly send an order to the Imperial Medical Office, and let the Imperial Medical Office quickly send fifty doctors with a large amount of medicinal materials to Henan and Hedong!" Li Shimin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

On the side, Zhongshu Sheren hurriedly drafted the imperial edict.

"Father, Uncle King Jin also wants to ask Father to arrange some carriages for Dr. Sun of the medical school!"

Li Chengqian said again.

"I agree with this matter!"

Li Shimin replied.

"Thank you, Father!"

Li Chengqian was overjoyed.

"The matter of the carriage involves the Ministry of War, so Keming needs to supervise it!" Li Shimin said to Du Ruhui who was on the side.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the minister will definitely collect a hundred carriages before Miracle Doctor Sun and the doctors from the Imperial Medical Office set off!"

Du Ruhui said solemnly.


Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, some details were discussed in detail again, and Li Shimin issued several edicts in succession. Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and other important officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is not a plague, any major epidemic, as long as it appears, will be a devastating disaster for Datang.

Fortunately, Datang got the news in advance this time.

Moreover, there is also a medical school with thousands of doctors, and a miracle doctor with the most superb medical skills in the Tang Dynasty!
In addition, there are a large number of medicinal materials, a large number of four-wheeled carriages, and flat and wide cement roads.

After several days of rushing, these doctors and medicinal materials can be sent to the cities of Henan and Hedong, which are seriously ill, in just a few days!

Thinking about it, Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and the others couldn't help but think of something, and a trace of regret flashed in their eyes.

Li Shimin said: "The auxiliary machine first transported 4 million shi of grain from Waguo and Linyi.

Furthermore, it is the concrete road from Chang'an to Qingzhou, with four-wheeled carriages;

There are also thousands of doctors in the medical school who were personally taught by Dr. Sun...

If any one of these three is missing, the major floods in the cities of Henan and Hedong will cause my Tang Dynasty to suffer heavy losses! "

"Such things, shouldn't Xuan Ba ​​have known about them a long time ago, and made special preparations for them?"

As he said that, Li Shimin's eyes were full of shock.

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji, Li Chengqian and others on the side were also full of surprise.

When Li Shimin said this, they all felt that it was very possible!


(End of this chapter)

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