Li Shimin

Chapter 625 Li Xuan is angry


In the main hall on the first floor, Li Xuan stared at Li Chengqian and Xue Rengui, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Returning to Master, Princess Xiangcheng is dignified and generous, elegant and courteous, and extremely virtuous. This disciple likes Princess Xiangcheng very much!"

Xue Rengui said again.

"My master didn't ask you!"

Li Xuan cast a helpless glance at Xue Rengui, then looked at Li Chengqian.

"Gao Ming, does Xiangcheng really like Xue Rengui?"

"Master, this matter is absolutely true!"

Li Chengqian replied affirmatively.


Li Xuan couldn't help frowning, stared at Xue Rengui for a while, then subconsciously shook his head.

"Just because you took Xiangcheng to that stinky pig farm yesterday? Or because of your stupid face?"

Hearing this, Xue Rengui wasn't angry at all, and still had a silly smile on his face.

Originally, after Li Chengqian and Li Chengqian brought Princess Xiangcheng and Princess Changle into the farm, Xue Rengui also reacted.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he could make a full turn, he discovered that the princess of Xiangcheng was very interested in the farm.Even, in the end, under the disturbance of Princess Changle's eccentric spirit, the two directly started to ask and answer.

In the end, the two were naturally very satisfied.


Li Xuan sighed helplessly, and said again: "Xue Rengui, the last question, after Princess Shang, you will never be able to marry again! Do you know about this?"

"Report to the master, the disciple saves!"

Xue Rengui nodded firmly.

Works together!

Li Xuan has been a prince for three years, and there is still only one concubine. At most, the concubine's dowry maid, Zi Yun, will be taken into the house and made a concubine!

Under the influence of Li Xuan, Xue Rengui didn't have much desire for three wives and four concubines!
Hearing this, Li Xuan nodded slowly.

Then, he looked at Li Chengqian: "Since both Xue Rengui and Princess Xiangcheng agree, then let your Majesty know, and I also agree to this matter!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Both Li Chengqian and Xue Rengui bowed their hands to Li Xuan with joyful faces.

Immediately, Li Chengqian bid farewell to Li Xuan, and he wanted to inform his father about this matter.

In the courtyard.

Li Xuan said to Xue Rengui again: "Since you want Princess Shang, you need to move out quickly. As your wife, I should prepare a house for you.

Whichever location in Lijiazhuang do you like, I will ask the housekeeper to build a five-acre courtyard there for you! "

"Thank you, Master!"

Xue Rengui expressed gratitude again.

"Go, find a suitable place for yourself!"

As he said that, Li Xuan suddenly thought of something, and immediately regretted saying: "Forget it, according to His Majesty's wishes, within half a year, you will also be named a county man. As a nobleman of the Tang Dynasty, it is not convenient to live in this Wangzhuang .

The king will arrange for a housekeeper to buy you [-] mu of land next door to Lijiazhuang, and then build you a courtyard. You can recruit tenant farmers and farm by yourself! "

"Master, this disciple is willing to live in the Li Family Manor forever!"

Xue Rengui said hastily.

"Hmph, a dignified prince consort, what is the dignity of living in this king's manor? You are wronged yourself, but my master doesn't care. However, Princess Xiangcheng married you, how can she suffer such wrongs?"

Li Xuan scolded.

"Yes, Master!"

Xue Rengui nodded respectfully.

"Go away, go find the butler!"

Li Xuan said in a bad mood.

"Yes, Master!"

Xue Rengui hurried out.

"Son of a bitch!"

After Xue Rengui went out, Li Xuan couldn't help cursing angrily.

At this moment, he finally understood the plan of that old vixen Li Shimin.

As long as Xue Rengui honored the princess of Xiangcheng, Xue Rengui would not be able to live in Lijiazhuang often, nor could he serve as his personal guard.Then, you can only enter the court as an official!
After raising so many disciples, they were snatched away by this old bastard Li Shimin. The more Li Xuanzhen thought about it, the more depressed he became.

Similarly, in Chang'an City, there are people who are more depressed than Li Xuan.

Enter Song Guogong's mansion.

The grey-haired Song Guogong Xiao Yu and his eldest son Xiao Rui sat opposite each other on the sofa.

Xiao Rui asked anxiously: "Aye, what did Your Majesty say?"

Xiao Yu's face was full of anger, "Hmph, I don't know what ecstasy potion your Majesty was poured into by that Xue Li, but you still insist on letting that Xue Li's son Shang Xiangcheng princess!
That being the case, then I will find a few more women for you as a father. My son, there are so many women in the world. Princess Shang is not so beautiful to me and other nobles, and I cannot marry a wife in this life.

This is just right, the old man will find you a few more wives, so as to spread the branches and leaves for my Xiao family! "

"Aye, I can't figure it out, Xue Li not only has both parents dead, but also is only a deputy army officer in Prince Jin's mansion, from a fifth-rank official position, how can he be qualified to be the princess of Xiangcheng?

What is His Majesty looking for in this child, the child is also from a famous family, and you are also related to His Majesty..."

Xiao Rui looked depressed.

"Hmph, my Xiao family does not lack a princess. Whether you are a princess or not, you will be the Duke of Song in the future, so why bother about it!" Xiao Yu was even more depressed.

He had intended a long time ago, wanting his son to marry Princess Xiangcheng.But Li Shimin never objected, he was just planning to formally propose marriage when the Princess Xiangcheng was older.

Who would have thought that Xue Rengui would suddenly appear on the way?
"The child refuses to accept!"

Xiao Rui looked angry.

"Don't worry, although my Xiao family is not short of a princess, I won't be bullied for nothing!"

Xiao Yu said angrily.

Similarly, within a few days, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty wanted to spread the story of Princess Shangxiangcheng, who was only from the fifth rank, to the entire Chang'an city.

All the honorable children were full of anger.

How can a boy who is nothing not only have the honor to worship under King Jin's family, but in the end, he can still be the princess of Xiangcheng?
However, it is also time for the autumn harvest.

The whole Guanzhong is busy with the autumn harvest.

The matter of Xue Rengui sacrificing Princess Xiangcheng is only in the hearts of those honorable children.

Always after the autumn harvest.

Li Xuan asked Li Chang, who was also next door to Lijiazhuang, to buy [-] mu of land for Xue Rengui, including [-] mu of fertile land and [-] mu of wasteland.

So Xue Rengui led some craftsmen all day long to build houses and cultivate fields next door.

Coincidentally, the homes of some soldiers on the ship that followed Li Xuan's fleet to America were also flooded.

Li Xuan then sent Xue Rengui to bring those veterans back to Chang'an City, which happened to be able to farm for Xue Rengui and protect Xue Rengui.

And those soldiers were also very willing.

Although Xue Rengui is only a personal guard of the King of Jin now, he is a child of the King of Jin, and he is a classmate with the prince of the current dynasty and the young princes in the mansions of the princes.

Moreover, coupled with the sweet potatoes, potatoes and other gods brought back from America, as long as these gods are planted, it will be a matter of time before they become knights.

It is their blessing to be able to follow noble people like Xue Rengui.

But when Xue Rengui wanted to build a mansion, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others couldn't stand by and watch.

Therefore, there is no need for Li Xuan to worry too much.

These bastards arranged everything in an orderly manner.

However, the hidden dangers left by the incident with Princess Shangxiangcheng still broke out.

A group of military general Xungui's children blocked Xue Rengui in the construction site with fierce faces.

Originally, if Xue Rengui was alone, nothing would happen.

However, as long as they are alive, these honorable children, together with Cheng Chusi, Li Baoding and others, are also stuck inside.

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