Li Shimin

Chapter 626

"Xiao Rui, what are you doing with so many people, your son-in-law?"

Although facing hundreds of people, they were all playboys who could walk sideways in Chang'an City, but Cheng Chusi and the others still had a look of disdain and didn't wait to move.

After killing the American hozen and facing the waves more than ten feet high, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi already look down on these pretentious noble children.

"Cheng Heizi, don't mess around and hand over that little Xue Li. Today I'm just here to look for Xue Li and ask him what qualifications a cowardly kid like him has to be the Princess of Xiangcheng?"

Xiao Rui said angrily.

"Yo, so it's because of Princess Xiangcheng!"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others immediately understood, but their faces became even more mocking.

"Why, I am not yet the princess of Xiangcheng, so I brought a group of grandchildren and a group of guards to come here to make trouble?"

"Princess Xue Ren Guishang agrees with His Majesty and the King of Jin. If you are not convinced, why don't you go to His Majesty for an argument?"

"A group of grandchildren who only know how to bully the weak, dare to show such a big face, and have the nerve to say Xue Li? Tsk tsk, where's the face? I have lost all the face of my noble Tang Dynasty!"

"That's right, if I belonged to you, it's better to jump into the moat and drown myself, than to be so embarrassing and conspicuous..."

Let's start a fight, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others, under the influence of Li Xuan, can be the ancestors of Xiao Rui and others!

"Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi, don't be so arrogant, we are just here to find Xue Li and seek justice!"

For Cheng Chusi, the little demon kings of Chang'an City in the past, Xiao Rui was still a bit jealous.

"Ask for justice? That face of yours is your ass? Why are you so shameless? Xue Rengui provoked you? Didn't you just think that Xue Rengui could be the princess of Xiangcheng, but you, the future Song Guogong, didn't ask for it? It's just a face!"

Cheng Chusi sneered, and taunted again.

Afterwards, when Xiao Rui's face had turned dark, he immediately grinned, eager to try.

"Come on, as a child of my Duke of the Tang Dynasty, don't be so cowardly, you can only play tricks, you don't look like a man in Guanzhong at all. If you don't accept it, you can practice fists and feet with Yeye and others. Although Yeye is small , but it's still easy to beat these grandchildren!"

"That's right, you grandchildren, come here, come and practice if you don't accept it, or go back to your mansion, hug your mother and cry, don't delay me from doing business!"

On the side, Li Chongyi, Yuchi Baolin and others also began to roll up their sleeves, looking at Xiao Rui and others with contempt on their faces.

Seeing this, Xiao Rui's eyes turned blood red.

They took advantage of Prince Li Chengqian's absence today, and they came here to teach Xue Li a lesson.

And fights are also taken into account!

Seeing Xiao Rui and the others, he was still a little hesitant, and Cheng Chusi directly spit thick phlegm at Xiao Rui, "There are so many people, they dare not even do anything, and they still come to trouble me? Go back quickly, don't worry about it again." Talking about Princess Shang, I was ashamed and panicked when I heard it!"

"Cheng Manzi! You are looking for a fight..."

Being humiliated like this, Xiao Rui and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed towards Cheng Chusi and the others with red eyes.

"Hey, what's so arrogant about a bunch of little bastards?"

Seeing this, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others couldn't help but smile. Although they were both nobles of the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Zhijie, Li Xiaogong and the others, and Xiao Yu and the others had disliked each other from the very beginning.

And these second generations of them are naturally not pleasing to each other, and conflicts have often occurred since childhood.After such a long time, they can finally teach these playboys a justifiable lesson!
"Xue Rengui, don't worry about beating him. As long as you can't beat him to death, Song Guogong still has to be ashamed. They will never get involved in the grievances between me and the younger generation!"

Hearing this, Xue Rengui also turned his eyes hard, and rushed up directly.

This time, the group of dandies who followed Xiao Rui were all the second generation of the civil official group, even if there were a few Wu Xun children among them, they were all second-rate Wu Xun children.

In Cheng Chusi's eyes, they were all a bunch of scum, and with only a few of them, they could be beaten down at will.

It was just as Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others had guessed.

Although it is difficult to beat four hands, they often practice against each other in Lijiazhuang. Not only has their boxing and kicking skills improved a lot, but their beating skills are also perfect.

Xiao Rui and the others punched them twice, as if they were lightly beating their backs, it didn't hurt or itch.And they punched out, directly making these dudes grin their teeth, suck in the air-conditioning, and even lie on the ground directly, losing their combat power.

As for Xue Rengui, after being hit a few times, anger surged in his heart.With one punch, there will be a figure, who will be sent flying directly, screaming again and again!

Soon, it took less than a stick of incense.

Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi and others lay down on the ground.

As for Xiao Rui, he was beaten twice in the face by someone, his nose was blue and his eyes were swollen, and he seemed to have a tooth knocked out in his mouth. He was supported by the guards around him and stood aside, staring fiercely at Cheng Chusi With Xue Rengui and others.

"So that's the case, no wonder you guys dare to be so arrogant? It's really insidious and cunning..."

"Hey, you guys, don't say that. My old Cheng admires you. After all, I'm also the eldest son of a Duke's mansion. I don't have the ability to talk about it. How dare I bring these things that are not as strong as girls to find you?" I'm in trouble, if you don't know, you will think that you, the big man of Song Guogong's mansion, are here to give me a back massage!"

Cheng Chusi continued to mock with a smile on his face.

However, as he spoke, he accidentally pulled the wound at the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but twitch his cheeks slightly.

"Cheng Heizi, if you dare to be so sarcastic, I'll send you a little man..."

Xiao Rui said bitterly.

"Tsk tsk!"

Before Xiao Rui could finish speaking, Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others changed their expressions and stared at Xiao Rui gloomily.

"Why, do you want your guards to come? You ask, do they dare to pull out the knives in their hands?"


Xiao Rui was impatient, but helpless, he cast a fierce glance at the moaning dude under his feet, then turned and left.

Not to mention Cheng Chusi and others, even he knew that as long as the guards behind him dared to draw their knives, it would be impossible to leave here alive.Even, they will be in big trouble in Song Guogong's mansion.

"Xiao Dalang, Dalang..."

Seeing Xiao Rui leaving just like that, some dudes who were still able to stand up also changed their expressions drastically. They glanced at Cheng Chusi and the others with fear on their faces, and hurriedly limped after them.

"Lu Zaiwen, I trust you, but in the end you all found some trash. So many people, they were beaten by Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi in less than a stick of incense. on the ground!
The most shameful thing is that Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others are still unscathed! "

Xiao Rui cursed angrily while walking.

The plan was well planned, but who would have thought that not only did they fail to teach Xue Li, Cheng Chusi and others a lesson, they were also beaten up by them more than once. The most important thing is that none of them were beaten to the ground.

He could imagine that today's incident would be treated as a joke and spread throughout the rich and powerful mansions in Chang'an City.

Xiao Rui lost all face.


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