Li Shimin

Chapter 627 Famous in Chang'an!

"Don't be angry, Dalang. I never thought that Cheng Chusi's hoxen, who hadn't seen each other for two years, would become so brave. According to their previous skills, I also recruited some more people. Ten people beat one of them." , not only did not beat them, but they beat them to the ground!"

Lu Zaiwen quickly explained with an apologetic smile.


Speaking of this, Xiao Rui was annoyed.

"It's all a bunch of trash!"

Lu Zaiwen and the other playboys couldn't help but look at each other.

Immediately, a sternness flashed in Lu Zaiwen's eyes. Although he, Aye, was not a big official, he was also a member of Fan Yang's Lu family.

If it wasn't for the conquest of the vassal state, he wouldn't be so flattering the Duke of Song...

But Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others, seeing Xiao Rui and others walking away in a panic, laughed wantonly.

"Let that Song Guogong boast that he is noble all day long, but in the end he is more stingy than anyone else, and he doesn't like everyone all day long. Now let's see where the Song Guogong's family will put their faces?"

On the contrary, Xue Rengui looked anxious. He never thought that he would beat up so many noble children at once.

"Chu Si, if I beat them like this, will I cause trouble for Master?"

"Hmph, I hope that Song Guogong and the others still have the face to come to see Master?"

Cheng Chusi sneered and said, "Don't worry, I'll wait for everyone of the younger generation, and the adults won't get involved. Moreover, this time, I was the one who beat me up and they came to my door, and I won the fight with more than one beat." , don't worry!"

Li Chongyi, Changsun Chong and the others also nodded arrogantly.

In the convenience of fighting, it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, it only depends on winning or losing.If they win, they will be fine when they go home.But if they lose, then they have to be more careful, and they will definitely be punished when they go home!

Seeing this, Xue Rengui was relieved.

However, what they didn't know was that behind a small hill not far from them.

Their master, Li Xuan, led a team of personal guards and watched the whole process with clairvoyance.

"Aye, is this a fight between playboys?"

Li Chenglu asked curiously.


Li Xuan nodded slightly.

"Will Chenglu fight like this when he grows up?"

Li Chenglu asked again.

"It should be!"

Li Xuan replied with some uncertainty.


Immediately, Li Chenglu's face collapsed, "You don't need to fight, this kind of fight looks so painful."

"You don't have to hit others, but some bad guys will come to beat you on their own initiative. Do you want to fight back then?"

Li Xuan still had a faint smile on his face.

"Is it like Senior Brother Xue?" Li Chenglu asked seriously.

"Yes!" Li Xuan said.

"Then they must be beaten back, just like Senior Brother Xue, who beat them all to the ground, lying on the ground and unable to get up!"

Li Chenglu said angrily.

"So, in the future, you have to get up early and strengthen your muscles and bones, or else when you grow up, you won't have the strength to say it, and you will be beaten down easily!"

Li Xuan said seriously.

"it is good!"

Li Chenglu nodded solemnly.

Behind him, Zheng Fu and all the guards had weird faces.

Then, after waiting for a while again, seeing that no one came to trouble Xue Rengui and others, Li Xuan sighed with some pity, and walked back with Li Chenglu.

And in Chang'an City.

Follow Xiao Rui and others to go back.

Immediately, all the nobles in Chang'an City who should know about it also knew about it.

Just as Xiao Rui thought, everyone took their deeds as a joke and spread it around.

Even, they are used as negative teaching materials and training cases.

"You bastard, why are you still so playful? Hurry up and lock Yeye to the boulder in the backyard. If you dare to be like that kid Xiao Rui and gather hundreds of dudes to teach Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and other six people a lesson, the result will be instead If you want to be sent home to be beaten, then don’t go back home, it’s better to just jump into the moat and drown to death..."

"It's really shameful. The Duke of Song's mansion has lost all face. Not only did they fail to grab the princess, but they also sent them to their door and were beaten in the face. If you and other evildoers dare to be as incompetent as Xiao Rui, I hope the old man will not interrupt you." legs!"

"Listen to the old man, you can beat others in other places, but if you can't beat others, especially in the case of more fights and less, you still haven't beaten, then beat you to death Wait……"

For two consecutive days, in the entire city of Chang'an, from the princes to the common people, everyone was borrowing from Xiao Rui, Cheng Chusi and others to teach their children!
Anyway, Xiao Rui and others are on fire in Chang'an City!
Famous in Chang'an!

Even a three-year-old boy has to know about Xiao Rui's deeds!

"Sinister, evil..."

In Song Guogong's mansion, facing Xiao Rui who was kneeling in front of him, Xiao Yu's old face flushed with anger.

"Aye, this matter is the fault of the boy. The boy is really angry, and he also blames Lu Zaiwen, and vowed to find a hundred dudes for the boy, and he will definitely beat Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others to the ground. Next, I didn't expect to find a bunch of trash!"

Xiao Rui was dissatisfied.

"Nizi, shut up, old man!"

Xiao Yu was trembling with anger, pointing at Xiao Rui with trembling hands, and said: "You are a rebel with more than 100 people, and you haven't beaten Chu Si and Li Chongyi, those little bastards, what else do you have?" Can the face stand here and speak?"

"Now, when Cheng Zhijie comes back, how will he taunt the old man in court?"

"Also, you don't know that you are an idiot, His Majesty dislikes those aristocratic families the most, why do you still go looking for the son of the Lu family..."

As he said that, Xiao Yu kept his eyes fixed, and fell directly on the chair, motionless.


Seeing this, Xiao Rui was shocked, and hurriedly stood up and ran forward.

"Come here, come here, quickly invite the doctor from the Imperial Medical Office!"


The entire Duke Song's mansion was in chaos.

at the same time.


Tai Chi Palace, Lizheng Palace!
When he heard the news, Li Shimin was chatting with Empress Changsun at the Lizheng Hall.

"Oh, uncle, why is this?"

Li Shimin looked helpless.

For the old man Xiao Yu, Li Shimin also looked helpless.

Xiao Yu is a talented person, otherwise, when Li Yuan raised his army, he would not have written a special letter to ask Xiao Yu to help, and the old man was very supportive.

With only one letter from Li Yuan, he went to Li Yuan directly.

But this old man has a bad temper and is very narrow-minded. Relying on his relationship with the Li family, he is also a hero in the founding of the country. He is very domineering in the court. He not only fights with Chen Shuda because of trivial matters, but also often bosses Fang Xuanling and others, And from time to time, he would grab Fang Xuanling and the others for their small mistakes, impeaching and scolding them all the time.

Even Li Jing, who returned to the court after destroying the Eastern Turks a few years ago, Xiao Yu was also willing to impeach Li Jing.

Xiao Yu has been dismissed several times in succession, but he did not expect the old man to be so noisy.

"Do you want to visit Duke Song, Your Majesty? In the matter of An Lan, Duke Song has always been wronged!" Empress Changsun also said slowly.

"Come here, drive to Duke Song's mansion!"

Li Shimin sighed helplessly and said.

Then, he stood up directly and walked outside.

However, what Li Shimin didn't expect was that when he arrived at Song Guogong's mansion, it happened that Li Yuan also came.

Li Yuan, whose hair was already pale, sat on the head of Xiao Yu's bed, pulling Xiao Yu and comforting her repeatedly.

As for Xiao Yu, his face was still full of depression.

"Cousin, Brother Yu is suffering!"

"Shiwen, after this incident, you also know in your heart that at this age, you should let it go!"

Li Yuan persuaded with all his heart.


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