Li Shimin

Chapter 636

The big court is that officials of the sixth rank and above in Chang'an City need to go to court.

In this meeting, not all officials have to go to court every day.

In Chang'an City, civil officials from the fifth rank to the first rank, as well as officials from Menxia Province and Zhongshu Province, as well as supervisory censors, Dr. Taichang, Liubu Shangshu and the six ministers, Wailang, went to court every day.

This is just Xiaochao.

The rest are officials, and the time of going to court is also different.

Civil and military officials of the sixth rank to the ninth rank in Chang'an City have to go to court on the first and 15th day of each month.

Then, military officers of the third rank and above have to go to the court every three days. Military officers like Cheng Zhijie and Hou Junji may have a thick skin and often go to the court.

Then, there are fourth-rank to fifth-rank military officers, who need to go to court every five days.

Afterwards, the princes who entered the capital also had to go to court every day. As for Li Xuan, a prince who had never left Chang'an to become a feudal vassal, he did not need to abide by these rules.

Therefore, when Li Xuan asked this suddenly, Li Chengqian was taken aback.

Then after thinking for a while, he replied: "Master, the day after tomorrow is fifteen, which happens to be the Great Dynasty!"

"I wonder if this is Master?"

"If they don't come, this king will take advantage of their presence and ask them, are these sour scholars still shameless?"

Li Xuan said coldly.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian, Li Chongyi and others were shocked.

"Master is going to court?"

"Is it not possible?"

Li Xuan asked.

"It's not impossible to go back to the master, but it's extremely cumbersome to go to court, and the court meeting starts at five o'clock, and all the ministers who go to court need to get up at four o'clock.

And if the master wants to go to court, he has to live in the city.Otherwise, if the city gate is not opened, the master will not be able to go to court! "

Li Chengqian quickly explained.

Hearing this, Li Xuan's eyelids couldn't help twitching slightly, he actually forgot about it.

"Get up early and get up early. It just so happens that this king has not gone back to the palace in Chang'an City for quite some time. You can take this opportunity to go back and have a look!"

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian bowed his hands with joy on his face, "After I go back, I will report this matter to my father!"

"what ever!"

Li Xuan nodded indifferently.

Afterwards, Li Chengqian thought of his main purpose of coming here, and asked again: "Master, Chengqian has one more matter!"

"Let's hear it!" Li Xuan said.

"Master, I am waiting to come here this time to ask the master. Does the master have a charter for these craftsmen to be knighted?"

Li Chengqian asked cautiously.


Li Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head directly.

"There is no charter!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but have a bitter expression.

Fortunately, Li Xuan said again: "However, those who can be knighted must be craftsmen who have made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty and invented and manufactured weapons that benefit the country and the people, and are eligible to be knighted!"

"Thank you, Master!"

After waiting for a long time, he found that Li Xuan had only such a sentence, so Li Chengqian quickly thanked him.

Although the master didn't say anything specific, these two sentences are enough for him to do business.

Afterwards, Li Chengqian hurriedly bid farewell and left.

Back to Liangyi Hall.

Li Shimin was looking at the memorials with a gloomy face, all of which were written to discourage, or impeach Li Xuan, and even memorials by Cheng Zhijie and others.

Anyway, if anyone dared to speak for those craftsmen, or for King Jin, the ministers of those aristocratic families would all impeach him crazily.

"They are all a group of obstinate and treacherous ministers who are blinded by interests!"

In the end, Li Shimin really couldn't bear to watch it any longer, threw the melody in his hands to the ground with a face full of irritability, got up and sat on the sofa in front of the window, and slowly drank the fragrant tea.

"These sour scholars, if it weren't for those craftsmen who invented and manufactured these sofas, fried tea, and even pens, paper, glass, glasses, etc., how could they be so comfortable?"

"Now, Xuanba just mentioned it to me. After they knew it, they actually worked so hard. It's simply ungrateful, wolf-hearted..."

Deep down in Li Shimin's heart, Li Shimin was somewhat in favor of conferring Letai a knighthood.

However, he did not expect that the reactions of those aristocratic families and civil servants would be so intense.

Fortunately, those aristocratic families still know that the Li family village cannot afford to offend.

Otherwise, Li Shimin could imagine that within two days, a pile of human heads and corpses would be piled up at the gate of Lijiazhuang!
"Your Majesty, calm down!"

On the side, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others hurriedly persuaded Li Shimin.

This situation, they have long expected.

"How does this make me calm down?"

Li Shimin complained annoyedly: "Now, every time I read three memoirs, two are about the impeachment of Xuanba, and the remaining one is not about impeachment of Cheng Zhijie, but of impeachment of generals such as Yuchi Jingde..."

"I originally thought that letting their aristocratic families go out to build a country outside the Tang Dynasty, and let them be less monsters in the court, but I didn't expect them to be as usual!"

"My son sees my father!"

At this time, Li Chengqian walked in from the outside.

Seeing Li Chengqian, Li Shimin's expression eased slightly.

"Get up!"

"Thank you, Father!"

After Li Chengqian saw the ceremony, his face was filled with joy.

Seeing this, Li Shimin's heart moved, and he asked: "Gao Ming, did Xuan Ba ​​tell you about the knighthood?"

"Father is wise."

Li Chengqian nodded quickly and said: "Uncle Jin said: Those who can be knighted must have made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty. Only craftsmen who invent and manufacture sharp weapons that benefit the country and the people are eligible to be knighted!"

Then, he looked at Li Shimin with a happy face.

But Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others still looked at Li Chengqian expectantly.

As a result, they didn't expect that after Li Chengqian finished speaking, after a while, he didn't say a word.

Realizing something, the faces of Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others froze slightly.


"Return to father, that's what Uncle Jin Wang said!"

Li Chengqian hurriedly replied.


Li Shimin's expression immediately darkened.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian finally realized something, and quickly smiled embarrassingly, and said again: "I want to report to my father, there is another big happy event!"


Li Shimin said coldly.

"Uncle Jin Wang said that he will attend the great court the day after tomorrow!" Li Chengqian said hastily.

"Xuan Ba ​​wants to go to court?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin was shocked.

As for Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others, their faces changed drastically.

"Is this a happy event?"

Li Shimin stared at Li Chengqian and asked.

"It's a great joy to go back to my father! Uncle King Jin has entered the court. Look at the ministers of those aristocratic families, who dares to impeach and oppose in the early court!"

Li Chengqian still looked excited.

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help but nodded subconsciously.

But soon, he looked solemn again.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much, King Jin still has a sense of proportion!"

"That's what Xuanba can say to others, and he still has reason!"

Li Shimin heaved a long sigh, and then, under the astonished gazes of Li Chengqian, Changsun Wuji and others, his face turned ugly.

"Xuan Ba ​​wants to participate in the court meeting, so go to the court meeting. If the ministers of those aristocratic families don't know how to live or die, I will never stop them!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Changsun Wuji agreed.

Li Shimin agreed, even if Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui had other ideas, they could only hold back, and then slightly bowed their hands.

at the same time.


In Li Xuan's other courtyard, four old men came in.


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