Li Shimin

Chapter 637 King Jin enters the city!

"I don't know if the four gentlemen suddenly visited the boy today, but what's the matter?"

Li Xuan was a little puzzled.

You know, he has been back for the past few months, and these four old men have been staying in their small courtyards all the time, either teaching or attending classes, or reading and writing. They never go out, and they are better than Li Xuan every day. busy.

Apart from the major events such as the autumn harvest and the planting of glass greenhouses, Li Xuan had never seen these four old men.

Wang Ji cupped his hands slightly towards Li Xuan, and said: "Old man and others heard that His Royal Highness Prince Jin pitied those craftsmen for their hard work but low status. The city is full of trouble now!"

"It turned out to be for the craftsmen!"

Li Xuan suddenly understood, and directly retorted: "Mr. Dong Gaozi's words are wrong. This king does not pity those craftsmen, but respects them. Please give them the title they deserve."

"But Your Majesty, since ancient times, there has been no precedent for a craftsman to be conferred a title, not even a case of a farmer being conferred a title!" Zuo Gong said.

"Scholar, farmer, businessman and four people are the country's stone people!"

Li Xuan sneered helplessly, looked at Wang Ji and Zuo Gong and asked, "Dare to ask the four gentlemen, what do you mean by this?"

The four Wang Ji and Zuo Gong didn't expect Li Xuan to say this, they couldn't help being startled, and then smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, the old man and the other four are not members of the aristocratic family, nor are they corrupt Confucians, but for thousands of years, Confucianism has been the only one, and you can't shake it with your own strength!"

"But this king doesn't believe in this evil!"

Li Xuan said firmly.

Hearing this, Wang Ji and Zuo Gong sighed helplessly.

"The four old men will know that the king is stubborn and can be persuaded very well!"

"It's just that it's rare for the four of us to find a quiet place to study books, and we really don't want any accidents to happen in the village. Although the four of us are old, we still have some acquaintances in the world, even in the court.

I can write a letter to those old friends. Although I can't help the king much, it is still possible to ask those old friends to be quiet, or to say a few words for the king! "

"Thank you gentlemen for your kindness!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help feeling grateful.

"However, there is no need to bother those gentlemen and ministers of aristocratic families. I can make them docile by myself!"


Seeing this, Wang Ji and Zuo Gong couldn't help being startled, and then their faces were full of curiosity.

"Dare to ask the king, but have you already thought of a countermeasure?"

"For those ministers of the family and some sour Confucians, what countermeasures are there?"

Li Xuan smiled disdainfully, "I have never been to a court meeting before. In the future, when all these officials are complete, I will go to see the shameless faces of those sour scholars and ministers of aristocratic families. How dare they dare to object to those craftsmen?" They are knighted!"

Wang Ji and Zuo Gong were startled again.

"Your Majesty is going to court to argue with those courtiers?"

"The four gentlemen overestimated those ministers!"

Li Xuan sneered, "Those ministers of the aristocratic families are now wearing cotton clothes, riding in four-wheeled carriages, and sofas;
Pens, clean paper, glass glasses, glass windows;

Even, even the white wine and tea that I drank;
The fresh vegetables and Tubo yak meat they eat all come from this king's village. How can they have the confidence to fight against this king? "

In an instant, the four old men Wang Ji and Zuo Gong understood.

Suddenly, he took a cold breath and looked at Li Xuan with a shocked face.

After what Li Xuan said, they realized that the extravagant decorations used by many aristocratic families were all released from the Prince Jin Zhuangzi.

Moreover, even those aristocratic families were able to go out to the Tang Dynasty, privately lead troops to conquer the vassal states, and establish duchies in those small countries, it was also from the mouth of the King of Jin.

If you offend the King of Jin, I can't imagine how sad those ministers of the family will be.

Without His Majesty's action, some managers in those aristocratic families can make the lives of the officials of those aristocratic families worse than death.

"Gentlemen, don't look at the boy like this. The boy is best at fighting. However, they are all ministers of the court, and the boy is not good at fighting, so he can only convince others with reasoning!"

Li Xuan said with some embarrassment.

Not a man!

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Ji and Zuo Gong couldn't help but twitch their mouths, and they immediately stood up and bid farewell to Li Xuan.

"Since Your Majesty already has a perfect plan, the old man and others will go back to teach and write books!"

"Four gentlemen walk slowly..."

Li Xuan got up and saw them off.

After returning, he went straight to the second floor and bullied his little boy.

Then, tease and tease my little padded jacket.

Then he told Cui Mi and Zi Yun about his going to court.

Cui Mi and Zi Yun naturally had no intention of objecting.

However, both of them wanted to make a noise, and wanted to follow Li Xuan back to the palace in Chang'an City.

In this regard, Li Xuan is not easy to refuse.

The next day, when he woke up in the morning, Li Xuan talked about this to Li Chang.

Li Chang's old face was anxious, and he ran out.

In the other courtyard, there was chaos.

In the afternoon, when the common people and dignitaries all over the streets in Chang'an City were still discussing the issue of the artisan's nomination, the King Jin convoy, protected by personal guards covered in bright armor, drove into Chang'an mightily.

Wherever they passed, everyone subconsciously silenced their voices.

And some dignitaries are full of panic.

The whole convoy passed by, and there was silence before and after.

After the convoy left, the streets of Chang'an City suddenly became noisy again.

At the same time, a small half of people quickly ran towards the mansions, and King Jin actually entered the city!

Soon, it took less than an hour.

All the dignitaries in Chang'an City knew that King Jin had entered the city.

And those officials who were drilling in the study, talking about how to impeach King Jin, Cheng Zhijie and others, couldn't help trembling when they heard the report from the servants, and a fright flashed in their eyes.

Immediately, they all bid farewell to each other and ran to their respective mansions.

For fear of being implicated by an unreasonable disaster.

In the entire Chang'an City, following Li Xuan's entry into the city, the atmosphere immediately became heavy.

Regarding these, Li Xuan didn't know.

Ever since he entered the palace, Li Xuan started to take his little boy with him and became familiar with his palace.

All night.

Early the next morning.

Li Xuan was still having a sweet dream when he was shaken awake by Cui Mi beside him.

"Mi Er, what happened?"

Li Xuan opened his eyes halfway, and asked in a dazed expression.

"Isn't Saburo going to court today? It's time to get up now!"

Cui Mi hurriedly urged.

"The previous dynasty?"

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then came back to his senses.

It seems that there is such a thing!

Sitting up in a daze, there were already four maidservants waiting by the bed, dressing Li Xuan in a purple king's robe and a belt with a jade belt and hook.

Then, when going out, the butler Li Chang followed closely behind, holding a food box in his hand, steaming.

Outside the palace, there was already a four-wheeled carriage waiting, and Zheng Fu led a team of personal guards to guard the left and right.

Before and after, there was another group of soldiers, carrying oil lamps made of glass, illuminating the dark street.

"My lord, I heard that the court will last for several hours. Here are some food made by the back kitchen. You can eat some while it is hot in the carriage!"

Li Chang put the food box into the car and said hastily.

Inside the car, there are also two small glass oil lamps at the front and back, which are very bright, but I am not worried that Li Xuan will not see it.

Afterwards, after Li Xuan sat down, the convoy set off.

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