Li Shimin

Chapter 638

After walking a few steps from the gate of Prince Jin's Mansion, you can directly exit the gate of Fangshi and enter Zhuque Street.

Now, the Suzaku Street is full of scenes again.

Although the entire Chang'an city was still shrouded in black mist, on both sides of Suzaku Avenue, from time to time, a fiery motorcade merged into Suzaku Avenue.

After a while, the entire Suzaku Avenue was lit up from north to south, like a fire dragon, slowly crawling out of the squares on both sides, winding towards the Tai Chi Palace in the middle of Chang'an City.

Gathering all the way to the gate of the palace, while Li Xuan was in the car, he finally finished his breakfast.

At the gate of the palace, when they saw the arrival of King Jin's convoy, all the ministers couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.
From time to time, he looked towards King Jin's carriage.

Although yesterday, when King Jin entered the city, they had already guessed that King Jin would participate in the great court.

But seeing that King Jin really came, all the ministers, especially those from aristocratic families, still felt some pressure, and many ministers subconsciously remained silent.

After waiting for a while, with a few clear drumbeats, the Fujian Gate on the east side of Chengtian Gate opened wide.

The supervisory censor led all the civil and military officials, and walked in one by one.

Under Zheng Fu's call, Li Xuan took out his two-foot-six-inch-long and three-inch-wide ivory wat from the carriage, got out of the carriage, and stood outside the door to look curiously.

On both sides of the door, there are two school lieutenants of the prison gate, each holding a book in his hand, and every time he shouts the name of an official, another official shouts in response.

It was not until all the officials had entered that the two captains of the prison gate shared the gate registration.

Then, he followed a group of courtiers and walked a long distance. When he arrived at Xuanzheng Gate, civil servants and generals were divided into east and west gates. Li Xuan stood at the gate and watched for a long while, and was dragged into the west gate by Li Xiaogong who was passing by. Following a group of generals, they walked in.

Here, there are actually ten other school captains singing and shouting at the same time.

After everyone had entered, they stopped.

Then, in the Tai Chi Hall, they are arranged according to the rank of the officials, starting from the first rank and then descending.

As a prince, Li Xuan is a first-rank prince, and his position is at the forefront, and he has already been guided by the servants in the palace.

Wait until all the officials are in their positions.

A civil servant yelled a few words, and Li Shimin, who was followed by a row of fan honor guards, came out from the west gate and sat on the throne, with three gorgeous large fans on the left and right behind him.

Seeing this, Li Xuan was overjoyed, thinking that after spending more than half an hour, the court meeting could finally begin.

Unexpectedly, the left and right Jinwuwei generals behind him started to stand up again with a solemn face, and declared that the left and right compartments were safe inside and outside.

Then, a Tongshi Sheren started another set of etiquette, and then led a group of officials to salute Li Shimin, and after half an hour of tossing, the court meeting finally started to get on the right track.

However, the atmosphere of today's court meeting is strange.

Tong Shisheren yelled for a long time, all the officials sat quietly in place, and no one stood up to report to the government.

In the entire hall, there was silence.

Many officials looked towards the figure in the front from time to time.

Seeing this, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others were astonished.

Before, they only thought that Jin Wang had a great deterrent effect on these family officials.

However, he did not expect that King Jin's deterrent power would be so great.

The officials of these aristocratic families, after seeing King Jin, were like mice seeing a cat, not daring to take a breath.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, didn't notice this.

Waking up so early in the morning, coming here, has to go through such cumbersome procedures.If he could follow these officials and walk in smoothly, it was already good.

Therefore, after sitting down, Li Xuan involuntarily put his hands under his chin, leaned against the small desk and fell asleep in a daze.

At first, Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others didn't notice that anyone dared to sleep at the court meeting.

After waiting for a long while, but still not waiting for Li Xuan to react, Li Xiaogong, who was behind Li Xuan, finally sensed something was wrong, his face became anxious, he quickly stretched out his ivory wat, and poked Li Xuan lightly.

Fortunately, on the left and right sides of Li Xuan, there are a group of warriors, each with big arms and round waists, and a burly body, directly wrapping Li Xuan tightly.

Although the civil servants on the side sensed something was wrong, they couldn't see the specific situation.


Li Xuan, who was sleeping soundly, was tickled awake by Li Xiaogong, and subconsciously snorted.

Soon, I was startled and noticed something was wrong.

Too quiet.

Looking up, everyone in the entire hall looked at him.

"What is the King of Jin's report?"

Above, on the throne, Li Shimin asked solemnly.

Hearing this, Li Xuan also suddenly reacted, as if he had been bullied by someone.

However, it was exactly what he wanted to end early.

Immediately stood up, held up the ivory wat in his hand, and cupped his hands at Li Shimin, "Your Majesty, the minister came to the court this time to enshrine the master craftsman!"

In the entire hall, all the officials couldn't help but express their expressions when they heard this.


Li Shimin seemed to know this just now, and asked curiously: "Who does King Jin want to ennoble?"

"Lee stage for Mohists in Li Family Village!"

Li Xuan said.

"Why did the King of Jin confer the title of Letai to Zhimo Zhe?"

Li Shimin asked again: "Prince Jin is the prince of my Tang Dynasty. You should know that in my Tang Dynasty, those who are not of great merit cannot be ennobled!"

"Your Majesty, Letai invented and forged glass, cement, pens, steelmaking techniques, ironmaking techniques, bombs, refined salt and other wonders, which can make our Tang Dynasty stronger by several times. Such great achievements deserve the title of knight!"

Li Xuan said.

Hearing this, Li Shimin nodded subconsciously, "This is indeed a great achievement!"

Down below, all the ministers of the aristocratic family were anxious and in an uproar.

Regardless of the fear of King Jin in their hearts, all the ministers of the aristocratic family hurriedly stood up with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Your Majesty, the ministers object!"

"Your Majesty, King Jin's words are wrong!"

"Your Majesty, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and craftsmen have a lowly status. My Datang title is so honorable. How can those craftsmen be knighted?"

In an instant, half of the civil servants stood up to oppose.

Seeing this, Li Xuan finally understood why Li Shimin has been hesitating and even procrastinating on the matter of conferring the title these few days.

It turned out that such a small title was so jealous.

Even though many titles in the Tang Dynasty are already in name only, without the privileges of the titles of the previous dynasties, the officials of these aristocratic families still want to control them tightly and not let them go.

Even the officials belonging to Li Shimin's faction were vaguely resistant to conferring titles on those craftsmen.

Because the privileges obtained by the knighted nobles are really too important!
According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, if a knighted nobleman committed an ordinary capital crime, he could not be directly tortured and sentenced. The emperor had to hold a meeting with a group of ministers to discuss the crime before he could be convicted.

Moreover, the crime of a knighted nobleman can be directly reduced by one level because of his status.

Even when nobles are serving their sentences, money can be used to atone for their sins, or official titles and titles can be used to make up for their crimes.

Of course, if it is a rebellion, it will be another story!

In fact, apart from the noble titles, there is another important factor for these Confucian civil servants to oppose so desperately, that is, the dominance of Confucianism!

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