Li Shimin

Chapter 639 What face do you have to object?

From the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, Confucianism began to control the court, and has been suppressing other schools of thought.

If it weren't for the fact that generals are needed to fight, and a grumpy warrior controls the military power, and it is easy to kill people if they disagree with each other, these Confucian civil servants would not want to confer titles on generals.

As for farmers, craftsmen, and other schools of thought, they have been suppressed by Confucianism.

Any aiming head that has a rise will be ruthlessly suppressed.

Even if it is this matter, His Majesty has already acquiesced, and the King of Jin has always insisted that these Confucian ministers are still not allowed, and some craftsmen can break the monopoly of these Confucian civil servants and obtain knighthoods.

These, Li Xuan has thought clearly in the past few days.

However, since Li Xuan had already decided to win hope for those craftsmen starting from the Tang Dynasty, he would absolutely not care about the ministers of these aristocratic families.

A group of sour scholars, why should they fight him?

"Scholars, farmers, businessmen and four people are the people of the country! The Confucian sages have said so clearly, why are you so arrogant? Even this king doubts whether these Confucian civil servants who claim to be the most honored in the Tang Dynasty really see Have you read the book "Guanzi"?
Or, you have indeed read it, but for your own selfish desires, you deliberately distorted the meaning of the sages, so unfaithful, unrighteous and unfilial! "

Li Xuan directly started pointing one by one, cursing angrily: "You, and you, look at all of you who look like dogs, dress so well, and wear glasses on their faces, but behave like this, It's really shameful.

Today, the king gave you a chance to defend yourself, don't let you say that the king bullied you! "

Among the ministers pointed out by Li Xuan, there was Song Guogong Xiao Yu.

Hearing Li Xuan insulting them in public, Xiao Yu's old face turned red with anger, and he opened his mouth and asked, "Dare to ask the King of Jin, since ancient times there has been no precedent for a craftsman to confer a title, and the status of a craftsman is low..."

Hearing these two sentences, Li Xuan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Shut up for me, old man, don't bother me like this.

This king has already said that those who are scholars, farmers, businessmen and four people are the country's stone people!Starting from the sages of the Spring and Autumn Period, the status of these four people is average, and they are all common people of our Tang Dynasty. It is really shameless for you to distort the meaning of the sages for selfish desires! "

Hearing this, Xiao Yu trembled all over, almost going mad with anger.

Who is messing around?

He used to think that Cheng Zhijie was an asshole in the court. He could not talk to them civil servants all day long, so he messed around every day, and even spat and fought everywhere.

Unexpectedly, this Li Xuanba is even more shameless than that Cheng Heizi!
Li Xuan continued: "As for the fact that there has been no precedent for craftsmen to be knighted since ancient times, it is those craftsmen who did not make such great contributions!"

"The king of Jin may not know that during the Han Dynasty, there was Marquis Cai who made paper..."

In a fit of anger, Xiao Yu said directly angrily.

However, after speaking halfway, he reacted and stopped talking.

As for Li Xuan, he seemed to think of something and was overjoyed.

"You old man is not too dark-hearted, but you can still think of Marquis Cai. Cai Lun was born as a blacksmith, but because he was appreciated by nobles, he entered the court and made paper, and was named a Marquis! Isn't this a precedent for a craftsman to be named a Marquis?"

As he said that, Li Xuan raised his head again, and looked at the civil servants of the aristocratic family in the hall, his face full of sarcasm.

"Do you still have the nerve to call yourself a Confucian literati? Can you forget someone like Cai Hou who has made great contributions to Confucian literati? Or, your heart is so dark that you look down on Cai Hou's blacksmith background, so you deliberately Don't want to remember?"

Hearing this, the ministers of the aristocratic family couldn't help but feel anxious.

Indeed, as Li Xuan said, they also thought of Marquis Cai, but they deliberately and selectively forgot it. What they didn't expect was that the old man Xiao Yu said it himself.

An aristocratic minister hastily said: "As His Royal Highness Jin Wang said, the reason why Caihou was named Marquis was not because of his paper-making skills, but because Caihou was a Shang Fangling before, and the Empress Dowager Deng thought about Caihou for many years. The meritorious service of the guards made Marquis Cai the Marquis of Longting!"

"Then Marquis Cai also became a Marquis because he was a blacksmith!"

Li Xuan sneered, "Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense to me!"

"Now, the low status of the craftsman has been resolved! Let me talk about the craftsman's contribution, what's wrong with it?"

All the ministers of the family: "..."

After a long silence, a minister from an aristocratic family stood up.

"His Royal Highness, if you want to be conferred a title, you need to have made great contributions to our Great Tang, or to expand the territory, or to be respected, and those craftsmen..."

Li Xuan sneered again, and asked directly: "What title are you?"

Hearing this, Lu Zongyun was stunned, and when he realized it, he clapped his hands proudly and replied, "His Royal Highness King Jin, I am the son of Changping County!"


Li Xuan sized this person up and down, and asked: "I didn't expect you to be a county magistrate, tell me what contribution you have made to the Tang Dynasty, so that you can be granted the county magistrate title?"


Hearing this, Lu Zongyun was startled, but facing Li Xuan's stare, he could only slowly reply: "His Royal Highness Jin Wang, the servant is a civil servant, born in Lu's family, and was granted a noble title by His Majesty's grace... "


Li Xuan couldn't help but sneered, "So, you don't have any credit for Datang?"

Lu Zongyun hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness King Jin, the next official is a civil servant, he should govern the world and educate the people..."

"Okay, shut up!"

Li Xuan's face turned cold, "Let you govern the world and educate the people? Then the people would have starved to death long ago, and the world would have been in chaos long ago!"

"Tell me, how many people have you taught to read? If you haven't, why do you have the face to say that you educate the people?"

"Also, do you know how to farm? Do you know how to build roads, how to feed the common people, and how to make them rich?"

"You rotten scholar will only stand in the court all day long, fighting for power and profit, opposing this and that? Or, spend more money every day, waste some food, and be a court scum!"

"You were born in the Lu family, and you can be knighted after you have read some books? You can be knighted if you don't have any credit for my Tang Dynasty? Then what face do you have to ask for credit from those craftsmen?"

"As for status respect? What respect does your Lu family have?"

"Isn't it because your ancestors were more powerful and saved you some family property, so that you can spend as much money as you want?"

"However, can you not eat or wear clothes? Or are the members of your Lu family different from other people? Other people are born from the womb of their mothers, made up of flesh and blood, but your Lu family is born from the sky. It fell out of thin air, and its body is made of mud?"

"You tell this king that you have no achievements, but you can still be ennobled by the Tang Dynasty and supported by thousands of people, but you are still contemptuous of those people who support you. ?”

"Where's your face?"

"Prince Jin, you..."

Being scolded by Li Xuan so severely, Lu Zongyun was stunned.

Similarly, the officials in the entire Tai Chi Hall were also dumbfounded.

They are all respected people, even if they are extremely angry in their hearts, when they scold others, they always quote scriptures, and then scold others in a polite manner.

Who would want King Jin to be like this, like a street ruffian, extremely vulgar!

However, Li Xuan didn't want to let off the officials of these aristocratic families.

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