Li Shimin

Chapter 640 The Minister of the Aristocratic Family Submits!

After slowly taking a few breaths, Li Xuan raised his head again, scanned the circle of ministers in the hall, pointed to Cheng Zhijie and other generals beside him, and said.

"Grandize those craftsmen, and their martial arts object, this king can understand. Because they took steel knives, went to fight those barbarians with white knives and red knives, and fought desperately to protect my Great Tang.

In this way, there are still many soldiers among them, and those who lack arms and legs have not yet been knighted.

And those craftsmen just stood in front of the forging furnace all day long. It was a bit bitter, but they didn't pay as much as these generals! "

"As for you, you live in the houses built by those craftsmen one by one, sheltering you from the wind and rain; eating the grain grown by the common people, your face is shiny and your ears are fat;
Also, the clothes you wear, the pens, inks, papers and inkstones you use, the carriages you ride in... What do these have to do with you?Do you still feel so at ease? "

"This king really can't think of it. How can you have the face to oppose the craftsman's title? How can you say that the status of the craftsman's household is low?"

"You sour Confucians who only make stinky dung all day long, why do you dislike those craftsmen and farmers? At least, they are contributing to the Tang Dynasty all day long, and what about you?

Only relying on the manure you make to fertilize the crops in the field can you reflect your value? "

Hearing this, Cheng Zhijie, Yuchi Jingde and other generals were all excited.

"Insulting Sven!"

"Prince Jin bullies people too much!"

"Your Majesty, the King of Jin insulted the officials so much..."

All the ministers' eyes were red. If they were not concerned about Li Xuan's status as a prince, and because they still couldn't beat Li Xuan, they would all want to go up and fight Li Xuan.

They have never suffered this kind of insult.

Above, Li Shimin was still in a daze.

He thought about many situations, after Xuanba came to court, he would argue with these family ministers; or, Xuan Ba ​​would fight with these family ministers! ...

Li Shimin was prepared for all kinds of situations.

But he never expected that from the very beginning, Xuan Ba ​​would insult these family ministers like this?

And the ministers of these aristocratic families have become so weak!
"Shut up all of you, I'm so annoying!"

Li Xuan yelled directly, and the imperial guards outside the hall were shocked.

And all the ministers of the aristocratic family quickly looked at Li Xuan.

"The court meeting is such an important time, it's not for you to come and play tricks like those market women! Now, let's talk about it, what is wrong with what the king said?
You and other people who are so unbearable can be knighted. Are those craftsmen qualified to be knighted? "

"His Royal Highness, no matter what you say, the status of craftsmen is low, and we will never agree to those craftsmen being knighted!"

A minister of an aristocratic family stood up and said resolutely.

In this matter, they will never budge.

"is it?"

Li Xuan's expression froze, "I have said so many good things to you, but you are still so disrespectful to me and shame on me!"

"So, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Hearing this, all the ministers of the aristocratic family couldn't help being angry again.

Are you talking nicely?
After insulting me for waiting so long, you still say good things?

and many more……

Immediately, after these aristocratic families came back to their senses, they couldn't help being surprised again.

"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, what does this mean?"


Li Xuan snorted coldly, "You are so shameless, if you don't reason with this king, naturally this king will not reason with you either!"

"You look down on those craftsmen, then, the glass glasses, glass windows, pens, clean paper, white wine, cement houses, refined salt, carriages, sofas, tea leaves made by those craftsmen... all of these objects, you are worthless. Don't even think about using it!"

Hearing this, the ministers of these aristocratic families were all shocked.

"In addition, the weapons forged by the craftsmen, you have borrowed as many as you have from your respective families, and returned them quickly. Those cement roads, you are not allowed to walk on them."

"Also, this king can suggest to His Majesty to allow your family to go outside the Great Tang Dynasty to fight against feudal kingdoms, give your family the title of king, and allow your family to establish a kingdom!
Then the king can also ask His Majesty to prohibit your family from leaving the Tang Dynasty. If you dare to leave the Tang Dynasty without any reason, it will be treason.

No matter where you flee to, this king will definitely take the master of the Tang Dynasty and wipe out you all..."


The words Li Xuan said earlier, the ministers of these aristocratic families, have not touched anything yet.

However, when he heard that Li Xuan would not lend arms to their family, and even asked His Majesty to issue an edict to stop allowing these families to go out to the Tang Dynasty, conquer the vassal state, and establish the kingdom.

They were all in a hurry, and even their hearts were full of panic!
The Cui family in Qinghe, the Zheng family in Xingyang, and the Li family in Longxi, these aristocratic families attacked the vassal states around the Tang Dynasty and established their own kingdoms, although some of the children of those aristocratic families were unwilling to go.

However, these families made a lot of money in the kingdom.

Even, there is an army for him, and his own city has already made the eyes of those aristocratic families in Datang red.

Now, if their respective families suffered such a big loss because of a mere craftsman, they could imagine the miserable ending they would face just by thinking about it.

"King Jin, Your Majesty's golden words, the imperial edict has been issued, how can it be withdrawn?"

All the ministers of the aristocratic family hurriedly asked.

"Why do you want to withdraw?"

Li Xuan snorted coldly, "The ministers of your family are shameless, in order to prevent your family from using the power of the vassal state to invade our Tang Dynasty, Your Majesty issued a new edict to take back the right of your family to attack the vassal state and establish a kingdom. Can't?"

"How can King Jin do this?"

The ministers of the aristocratic family said quickly.

"Why not?"

Li Xuan sneered, "This king has given your family such a big benefit, and your family is not only ungrateful, but you even want to object to this king's small request?

Even, a group of ministers forced the palace collectively, relying on the large number of people, are they going to force His Majesty? "

"Why does Prince Jin slander us so much?"

An aristocratic minister hurriedly said.

At the same time, he turned his head to Li Shimin and pleaded guilty, "Your Majesty, forgive me, I have absolutely no such thoughts!"

Li Shimin nodded, but did not speak.

However, I was secretly happy in my heart.

Sure enough, one thing falls one thing.

It was the first time for him to see that the ministers of the aristocratic family were so aggrieved.


Li Xuan waved his hand again, "Remember, this king can take back all the benefits that this king has brought to your family one by one. Now, this king will ask you once again, whether the Mohist Letai is qualified Knighthood?"


Now, all the ministers of the aristocratic family couldn't help but look at each other.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, since ancient times..."

An aristocratic minister said cautiously.

Li Xuan's face darkened, and he interrupted directly.

"This is a great court, a place to report important events in the court to His Majesty, not a place for you to stick to words! Now, whether you can do it or not, just these two words, you can't say it?"

"My king's time is limited, don't waste it!"

Hearing this, all the ministers of the aristocratic family could not help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The ministers of the aristocratic families looked at each other quickly, and then they all knew what they were thinking in their hearts.

Afterwards, a minister of an aristocratic family stood up and bowed slightly to Li Xuan.

"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, is Yuetai the only one, or all the ink rulers? And what kind of titles are the titles of these craftsmen?"

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji, Li Shimin and the others were overjoyed that the ministers of these aristocratic families surrendered like this.


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