Li Shimin

Chapter 641

"This kind of important matter of conferring a title needs to be discussed and decided by His Majesty and the prime ministers. What has it to do with this king?"

Li Xuan glared at the minister of the aristocratic family with a look of contempt.

Hearing this, all the ministers of the aristocratic family became anxious again.

It was you, Li Xuanba, who coerced and lured that lowly craftsman into a knighthood.As a result, these family officials were forced to agree, and now you say that this matter is under the control of His Majesty and the prime ministers?

What an inappropriate person!

"Why, since you and the others have already agreed, why do you still have such a long face?"

Li Xuan sneered again, and said: "The artisans are guarding the stove all day and all night, forging all kinds of useful pens and clean paper for you aristocratic families; Build concrete roads, pave concrete houses, forge glass, and even invent and manufacture various weapons for you, so that you can conquer various feudal states...

These craftsmen worked so hard, didn't they all come down to wait for these people in the end?Let us enjoy the best food and goods in the world, let us earn the best money...

As a result, all of you have lost all conscience, and all of you have become iron cocks. They just want to enslave them, and they don't give any benefits to others!
Don't be afraid, in the end, all those craftsmen will be extinct, or they will all become thoughtless walking corpses, who will only copy the objects of the predecessors, and will not be able to invent and manufacture any good objects. What good will it do you? ? "

"Do you know how big this world is? This king took the giant steel ship out to sea and traveled for more than half a year before arriving at another continent. That continent is dozens of times larger than the territory of my Tang Dynasty. That continent is not only rich in products, Gold is everywhere, and there is even grain that can produce more than ten stones per mu..."

The ministers of the aristocratic families who heard this kind of thing for the first time, their eyes widened immediately, their faces full of disbelief.

Ten stones of grain per mu?
"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, is there really such a place of immortals?"

"Exactly, His Royal Highness King Jin, what kind of food is ten shi per mu..."

"Don't ask, if you do, you won't be able to get there without a boat!"

Li Xuan waved his hands with disdain, and said: "Besides, this king is not afraid to tell you, this king asked His Majesty to build three steel giant ships for this king before he dared to go to sea. Even so, this king is still at sea. Encountering a big storm, the waves of more than ten feet high beat the king's big boat one after another.

Fortunately, the king was riding on a giant steel ship, and he evaded in time, so he was not swept into the sea by the waves. If those small wooden boats you waited for, a single wave would kill you at the bottom of the sea! "

Suddenly, all the ministers of the aristocratic family shuddered subconsciously.

The three giant steel ships that King Jin was riding on were known to those of his family.

Even, more than half of the people still have the portrait of the giant ship in their minds.

It's just that they didn't expect that the huge steel ship that King Jin was riding on would encounter danger in the sea.

"However, as long as you reach those continents, there are some barbarian hozens on those continents. Even an army of 2000 people can run wild."

Hearing this, the officials of the aristocratic family who had been a little gloomy just now were full of excitement again.

This kind of place, for their families, is simply a land of gods!
"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, where is this place?"

"Why does the king want to sue you?"

Li Xuan sneered, "Your aristocratic families are a bunch of rotten scholars who can only speak their minds. Can they build ships? Can they sail? Can they fight wars? Or can they farm?"

"You don't know anything, but you still keep suppressing the craftsmen and farmers who can help you. You are not afraid of going to such a far continent. Those craftsmen and farmers will unite and slaughter you all?"

Hearing this, all the officials of the aristocratic family couldn't help but express their feelings.

"Even the groom knows that if you want the horse to run fast, you have to feed the horse! As a result, these people who claim to be orthodox Confucianism and have passed down hundreds of years of the family don't even understand the most basic principles. don't know?"

Li Xuan continued: "If we want our Great Tang to be able to conquer continents other than the Great Tang, we cannot do without the inventions and creations of those craftsmen. You think that it is important to make our Great Tang strong, or that one Is a little selfishness important?"

"Don't worry, His Royal Highness King Jin, the world is so big, it's not short of the titles of a few craftsmen!"

A family minister said slowly.

Around, all the ministers of the aristocratic families nodded repeatedly.

There was no doubt about Li Xuan's words.

Everyone in the great Tang family knew that King Jin was just short-tempered and liked to hammer people at every turn.

However, people from these aristocratic families both love and hate King Jin.

Because, no matter how great the benefits are, the King Jin never takes them all alone.

It's just, that grain that yields ten stones per mu?
Thinking about it, the ministers of the aristocratic family couldn't bear it anymore.

"May I ask His Royal Highness King Jin, where is the grain that yields ten shi per mu?"

"The food grown in the glass greenhouses in Benwang Village, if it weren't for the glass greenhouses forged by those craftsmen, these grains would definitely not be viable!"

Li Xuan said with emotion.

"Is that so?"

All the ministers of the aristocratic family couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Those craftsmen have contributed so much, how can this king not win a title for them?"

Li Xuan said indignantly.

"That's exactly what it should be!"

Now, all the aristocratic families also lost the previous reluctance.

"Moreover, in order to allow those craftsmen to invent and create better weapons, ships and other utensils, a reward is also set up. As long as the objects they invent can make my Tang Dynasty stronger, they can be given a seal. Noble, or how much money to reward, how many acres of land, or a set of houses!"

Li Xuan suggested again.

These, but let those ministers, are once again surprised.

"His Royal Highness, is it just a reward?"

"Or else?"

Li Xuan sneered, "These craftsmen, only in the forge, concentrate on researching, inventing and creating new objects, is what a real craftsman should do!"

"This king knows what you and other ministers are worried about. Isn't it because you are afraid that those craftsmen will take away your rights if they are knighted?"

All the ministers of the aristocratic family smiled sarcastically.


Li Xuan snorted softly, "This king only wanted titles and status for these craftsmen, but didn't want official positions for them!

Therefore, these craftsmen are only knighted.

As for the official positions, the entire Tang Dynasty only had the official positions of Shaofu Supervisor and Military Weapons Supervisor.And real craftsmen are all focused on research, invention and manufacturing, so how can they have time to deal with government affairs? "

"So, Your Majesty, I feel that I can make Mo Zhe Letai my Great Tang Craftsman Mohou!"

"Your Majesty, this minister agrees!"


Therefore, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others discovered to their surprise that they didn't need to speak at all during the grand court meeting, and Li Xuan was left alone to handle it.

And those ministers of the aristocratic family, after being threatened by Li Xuan angrily.

Not only did he not feel resentment towards Li Xuan, but he was also full of gratitude towards Li Xuan.

As for the ministers of the aristocratic families who disagreed with each other before, they are now more active than Li Xuan.

Originally, many people had imagined how fierce the court meeting would be, but it ended with such a flat scene of unilateral beating.


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