Li Shimin

Chapter 642

Marquis Mo, the music stage sealer, only has the title of title, the privileged position that a marquis should have, but he doesn't have the fiefdom, food town, and ceremonial servants that a marquis should have.

At most, just get a lot of money rewards.

In addition, several other Mohist rulers in Lijiazhuang also had two Mohist rulers who were conferred the title of county baron.

At the same time, the rest of the Mohist rulers also received some financial rewards.

Even so, as soon as the news came out, the entire city of Chang'an immediately boiled.

Letai in Lijiazhuang and Ji Wen and other Mohists were all full of surprises.

They didn't expect that the king really succeeded, and he really asked His Majesty to confer titles on them.

Moreover, there are still three titles!
The entire Li Family Village was beaming with joy, as if it was a New Year's Eve.

When the edict was handed over to the three of Le Tai, Le Tai and Ji Wen were all in disbelief, their eyes widened and their bodies trembled.

Still the Marquis!

Letai and the others who ruled Mohism never dared to think about such a thing in their entire lives.

These lowly Mohists were able to be knighted by His Majesty just by researching and forging some objects!

Although, without any real power, it is still a title!
You can seal your wife and son, and honor your ancestors!
"Your Majesty's kindness, this villain will never be able to repay you in this whole life. However, please rest assured, Your Majesty, from now on, the little man will be the King's man in life, and the ghost of Li Family Manor in death!"

Letai led a group of moxie rulers, knelt in front of Li Xuan, and swore an oath.

"I will be very satisfied if you invent and make more good objects. As for being a ghost in Lijiazhuang, you should not have this obsession. Lijiazhuang is a world of the underworld, so you don't want to be spooky!"


Hearing this, Le Tai and the others just kept giggling.

They also know that the king is such an annoying mouth, just don't listen.

"The rest of the people who have not been knighted, don't be discouraged, lose!"

Li Xuan said loudly again: "As long as you can concentrate on researching and forging new objects to strengthen our Great Tang, this king will definitely ask His Majesty to confer titles on you!"

"Thank you king!"

"Please rest assured, the villain and others must work hard!"

The eyes of all the ink curers were brightened, their whole bodies were trembling, and their blood was boiling with excitement.

That's right, Letai, Ji Wen and others can all be knighted.

They are also ink masters, as long as they can research and manufacture better objects, they can also be knighted.

"Well, let's all go!"

Li Xuan waved his hand casually, then walked back.

Behind him, Yue Tai and other ink rulers bowed to Li Xuan again.

Immediately, under the envious eyes of all the households in the village, holding the imperial edict, they walked home with their heads held high.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, went back and lay directly on the sofa, starting to catch up on sleep.

And in Lijiazhuang, all the farmers gathered around the courtyard of Letai and others, and began to congratulate.

Similarly, in Chang'an City, all the officials of the aristocratic families also gathered together.

The information revealed by Li Xuan really shocked the officials of these aristocratic families.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a land of immortals outside of Great Tang!"

"Compared to this fairy land, the Tuyuhun, Goguryeo, and Silla vassal states that my family has been trying to conquer all these years are simply barren lands!"

"But everyone, don't forget that overseas is extremely dangerous. Even King Jin almost didn't come back with three giant steel ships!"

"But King Jin is back!"

"Without a chart, you don't know how to get to that continent!"


"Everyone is thinking too far. We are all officials of the Tang Dynasty. These important matters are discussed by the Patriarch and the clan elders!"

"Oh, it's also..."

"Don't you think of the kind of grain that can produce ten stones per mu as His Royal Highness Jin said?"

"Ten stones are ten stones, isn't that a good thing?"

"But have you ever thought that the grain merchants at home seem to have hoarded a large amount of grain in the past few months?"

"So what, even if the grain yielding ten shi per mu is really planted by His Royal Highness King Jin, it won't be in time!"

"So, I'm still a little uneasy!"

"Since ancient times, how can grain merchants still lose money?"

Some officials of the aristocratic family were somewhat disapproving.

However, some family officials are still a little uneasy.

"Everyone, have you ever thought about it? Since ancient times, there have been no craftsmen who can be knighted! But today, they are still awarded three knights in a row!"


Hearing this, some officials of the aristocratic family were startled, some looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

"However, those grain merchants are directly under the control of the clan elders at home, and have nothing to do with us!"


"In this case, I can only write a letter to the family to report the situation here!"

"As it should be!"

With that said, all the family officials left in a hurry.

Soon, letters were sent out one after another.

After receiving the letter, the patriarchs of the major aristocratic families broke out in a cold sweat.

King Jin is so ruthless?

As patriarchs, do they know how dependent their aristocratic families are on the various industries that King Jin mentioned?
In particular, with the help of military equipment from the imperial court, it is necessary to conquer the vassal state!
These things are the foundation of their aristocratic families in the future!
Once successful, these aristocratic families can build an eternal foundation and prosper for thousands of years, even without being affected by the change of the court.

As for the land of overseas gods mentioned by the King of Jin, they are only yearning for it in their hearts. The most important thing for their family at present is to conquer a few feudal cities and establish a kingdom!

And during this period, they absolutely must not have any conflict with that King Jin.

Even if it is to confer titles on a few craftsmen, the heads of these aristocratic families don't care at all.

After reading the letter, all the house owners hurriedly convened a meeting of the house owners, and immediately wrote letters to all the heads of Chang'an City, and sent messengers overnight.

Soon, the principal officials of the aristocratic families in Chang'an City all received replies from the family.

After everyone watched it, they couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts.

Similarly, those grain merchants also received the news.

However, during this period of time, not only did they not sell the grain, but they took back tens of thousands of shi of grain.

Even if they were told how evil King Jin was, they could only go one way to the dark.

Regarding the actions of these grain merchants, Li Xuan, Li Shimin and others ignored them.

And Li Chengqian and others didn't even bother to care about it.

Because, Li Shimin found a princess for Li Chengqian!

"Secretary Cheng Su Tan's eldest daughter?"

In Li Family Manor, Li Chengqian hurriedly found Li Xuan just after hearing the news.

Behind him, Cheng Chusi, Changsun Chong and others all had weird smiles on their faces.

"How does it look, your mother must have shown you the picture!"

But what Li Chengqian didn't expect was that the issues that his wife cared about were so different from ordinary people.


"It's okay, this matter is related to your happy life in the future, and appearance must be the first hurdle. If you don't like the eldest daughter of Su Quan, you should quickly report the situation to your majesty and queen. I think your majesty and queen will definitely listen. your opinion!"

Li Xuan suggested solemnly.

"Master, Chengqian has seen the portrait of the eldest daughter of Su Quan, and feels that appearance, appearance..."

As he said that, Li Chengqian's expression turned out to be a little awkward.

"So, I like it!"

Li Xuan stared at Li Chengqian speechlessly.

Li Chengqian nodded embarrassedly.

"As the crown prince of the Eastern Palace, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, I, a man in Guanzhong, how can I be so coy?"


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