Li Shimin

Chapter 643 The world has changed?

Li Xuan couldn't help it, and said again: "Look at my master and Xue Rengui, if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Only by being so frank can you find a suitable husband!"


As he spoke, Li Xuan suddenly realized something, subconsciously looked up and looked around.

"Where is Xue Rengui?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others had strange expressions, and hastily bowed their heads in silence.

"An Lan is here?"

Li Xuan was startled for a moment, then he came to his senses and asked directly.

"Master is wise!"

Li Chengqian quickly replied with an apologetic smile.

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help being angry, "You actually let An Lan and Xue Rengui get along alone?"

"Back to Master, there are two maidservants beside An Lan!"

Li Chengqian shrank his neck, and replied cautiously: "An Lan just likes glass greenhouses. It happens that Xue Rengui is free, so let Xue Rengui take him to the glass greenhouses in Xuejiazhuang, and look around at the vegetables in each glass greenhouse!"


Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but glared at Li Chengqian with disgust.

"When you're all right, get out of Xuejiazhuang, let An Lan and Xue Rengui be alone like this, and you won't be afraid of hurting An Lan's reputation!"

"Master, don't be upset, as long as the sweet potatoes and potatoes are harvested, the emperor will confer titles on Xue Rengui. At that time, he will directly issue an edict to Xue Rengui, making him the captain of the son-in-law!"

Li Chengqian said.


Li Xuan just sneered at Li Chengqian.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others immediately smiled shyly at them, and hurried out.

And in Lijiazhuang.

With the knighthoods of Letai, Ji Wen and others, those who cured ink stayed in the forge all day long, and they were extremely concerned about all the objects in the forge.

For those muskets, those gunpowder and bombs, all the ink masters couldn't wait to chew these into pieces and swallow them into their stomachs, and study these objects thoroughly.

Especially, after getting some fantastic ideas from Li Xuan.

These black ink practitioners were all astonished. They never imagined that such a miraculous musket could exist. Without flint and lead wire, they could directly pull the mechanism and shoot out the steel inside the gun.

In addition, the principle of muskets can be used to create a huge musket barrel, and then like a musket shooting, it can shoot five or six catties of bombs into a big musket several miles away!
at the same time.

The sweet potato, potato, corn, pumpkin, pepper, tomato and other seedlings in the glass greenhouse in Lijiazhuang are also growing day by day.

Potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, corn and other seedlings have also begun to bloom and bear fruit!

There have been two heavy snowfalls in Chang'an City.

A messenger from Qingzhou ignited the long-quiet Chang'an City once again.

The Duke of Ju led the fleet and brought back 2 million stones of grain from Linyi.

The people in all the states and cities along the way were full of joy.

2 million stone grain!
Although I can't figure out how that small Linyi country can grow so much food so quickly.

However, all the common people know that with this more than 200 million grains, when next year's crops are scarce, those grain merchants who are so bad at their feet will definitely not be able to take the opportunity to raise prices again.

But the grain merchants of those aristocratic families felt as if the sky had collapsed, and their whole bodies exploded in place.

"2 million stone grain!"

"The small country of Linyi is not only about the size of three or four prefectural cities in Tang Dynasty. How could it produce so much grain in just two years?"

"Could it be that we really do nothing and admit defeat easily as the Patriarch told us?"

"What else can I do? In half a month, the 2 million shi of grain will enter Qingzhou Harbor, unless the 2 million shi of grain suddenly sinks into the sea. Otherwise, as long as the 2 million shi of grain enters Hedong Road, we will Those grains waiting to be transported to Hedong must be sold at a low price!"

"However, we will inevitably lose half of the loss in this way, how to explain to our respective families?"

"So what? Now the Great Tang is no longer the Great Tang of the past few years. Not only can our aristocratic family lose control of the government, but even the affairs of the states in the Tang Dynasty have begun to escape our control!"

"What's wrong with this world? Craftsmen can be knighted, and grain merchants can start losing money..."

As he said that, all the grain merchants from aristocratic families couldn't help but feel depressed.

Then, his face was full of weirdness again.

The heavens in Datang have changed!

Sure enough, only the vassal states outside can be the place for the family to settle down.

"Everyone, let's start lowering the price!"

"It's still the Patriarchs who have the foresight to know that I will fall this time!"


In the end, an aristocratic family sighed helplessly, stood up slowly, and walked out.

The rest of the grain merchants also stood up slowly, with helpless expressions on their faces.

out the main gate.

The backs of all the grain merchants collapsed subconsciously, and a sense of desolation pervaded the air.

a few days later.

The people in the entire Chang'an city, and even in Guanzhong, Guannei, Henan, Hedong and other places, were pleasantly surprised to find that the few grain shops in the city had quietly lowered their prices.


"Master, those aristocratic grain stores have started to cut prices!"

"Now, a bucket of rice only costs five Wen!"

Li Chengqian came to Lijiazhuang again with a happy face.

During these days, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others also began to have their own busy schedules.

Generally, if there is nothing serious, they only come to Lijiazhuang every few days.

"Tang Jian came back with 2 million shi grains, and most of the grains of those aristocratic families are old grains. If they don't sell them, they will suffer even more losses next year!"

Li Xuan sneered, "These aristocratic families are all scumbags, they won't be honest if they don't beat them up a few times!"

"The master is absolutely right!"

Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others followed suit and laughed.

First, those family officials were directly scolded as grandsons by the master at the court meeting.

Now, it is these aristocratic grain merchants again, seeing that there is nothing to do, and they have not made any mistakes, so they directly lowered the price.

It was the first time for them to see that people from these aristocratic families became so well-behaved.

"Master, I heard that the Li family of Zhao County and several families from Hedong have laid down several cities in Goguryeo a few days ago!"

Afterwards, Li Chengqian remembered something and continued.

"No wonder!"

Li Xuanruo thought about it, and asked: "So, how many princes will Your Majesty confer this year?"

"Master, these aristocratic families are united, and the captured cities are not enough for each family to divide a city!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian had a strange look on his face when he remembered the news he had learned.

"How could this be?"

Li Xuan was taken aback.

The Li family of Zhaojun and the families in Hedong are definitely not weak. If they really unite and directly destroy a small country, it will not be a problem at all.

"My master, Li Ke has captured five cities in Goguryeo. The Cui family in Qinghe, the Liu family in Luoyang, and the Zheng family in Xingyang have also conquered several cities in Goguryeo and Baekje.

I heard that Goguryeo and Baekje are now full of soldiers, and every border city is full of troops. As long as someone approaches the city, there will be a bow and crossbow warning. "

Li Chengqian said quickly.

"Now, no caravan dares to go to Goguryeo!"


Li Xuan chuckled, he finally understood why it took so much effort for the Li family of Zhaojun and those families from Hedong to unite to attack Goguryeo.

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