Li Shimin

Chapter 644 Ask Your Majesty to Send Troops to Help Those Aristocratic Families Attack the Feudal Ki

Then, Li Xuan suddenly remembered something, and looked at Li Chengqian.

"Gao Ming, since those families can't attack Goguryeo with bows and arrows, can your majesty lend them some bombs?"


Hearing this, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others were all shocked.

"Master, if those aristocratic families learn the secret recipe of the bomb, wouldn't the world be in chaos again?"


Li Xuan nodded slowly, and after thinking for a moment, he continued: "Your Majesty can also cooperate with those aristocratic families to specially train an army of bombs and muskets, which will be controlled by generals trusted by Your Majesty.

Then, lend these troops to those aristocratic families, or help those aristocratic families, and let those aristocratic families attack several vassal states and cities.

However, the premise is that those aristocratic families can pay enough money or food to His Majesty or the court. "

After listening, Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help but startled, with puzzled faces.

"Master, how are these good for my Tang Dynasty?"

"How can there be no benefit?"

Li Xuan sneered, and then said: "Think about it, whether His Majesty helps those families or not, those families will send troops to attack the vassal state."

Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others nodded directly.


Li Xuan continued: "Think about it, if Your Majesty doesn't help, according to the situation of the Zhaojun Li family and Hedong families, how many lives will be lost to capture enough cities? How many arrows and weapons will be lost?
However, if His Majesty sends troops to help, the lives and weapons lost by these aristocratic families in attacking the city can be converted into food and money for our Great Tang.

And the common people and soldiers of those aristocratic families are also the people of my Tang Dynasty after all.

Your Majesty helping these aristocratic families, on the other hand, is also helping me, Datang! "

"It seems to be the reason!"

Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others nodded subconsciously again.

Li Xuan chuckled, and continued: "In addition, His Majesty sent troops to help those families, and it was for the sake of those families. Those families must be sympathetic. From now on, whether it is government affairs or punishment of some family officials, His Majesty can be justified.

Furthermore, His Majesty sent troops to help the family attack the vassal state.In this way, His Majesty can use these soldiers to limit the number of cities that those aristocratic families can obtain. "

"Think about it, those aristocratic families just want a few cities to build their own basic cities.

Just need to spend some money, instead of them desperately, they can easily attack the next few cities.Most of those aristocratic families would be very willing.

Of course, if some aristocratic families are still not satisfied, they still want to capture a few more cities.However, His Majesty will not send troops, so they can only attack by themselves.

And without bombs and muskets, these aristocratic families must be in great difficulty. Maybe they will give up because of too many casualties before attacking the next city. "

"In this way, those small and medium-sized aristocratic families who have money but do not have the strength to attack the feudal kingdom's cities, or the rich, will naturally be full of ambitions.

It just so happened that they could directly send food and money, while His Majesty sent troops and weapons.In a few years, there will be hundreds of small countries belonging to the Tang Dynasty besides the Tang Dynasty.

Correspondingly, in the Tang Dynasty, many common people will exchange many acres from many aristocratic families..."

"Master, do you want to keep all the money of these aristocratic families in the Tang Dynasty, and all the members of the aristocratic families will be driven out of the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Chengqian is not stupid, he figured it out soon!

"How can you say that you are rushing?"

Li Xuan hurriedly said, "The territory outside the Tang Dynasty is so vast, and there are so many good things. It just so happens that these aristocratic families are not willing to be ruled by the court's laws, so let the court give them some help so that they can go out and develop themselves , Start a business.

Just like a big family is separated, the clan princes, county kings, and various families in the Tang Dynasty are all the sons and concubines of a big family, as well as some housekeepers and stewards.

They handed over some of their wealth to Datang, the suzerain country, and then Datang provided them with a place to start a business.

However, they can make laws in their cities as they please, but not arbitrarily.Moreover, their cities are all my Datang's cities, and they have to pay taxes to my Datang every year.

In this way, you don't think the more aristocratic families go out, the easier it will be for me, Datang.

At the same time, the territory of my Great Tang will also expand more and more. These aristocratic families who go out will always open up the territory for my Great Tang, and pay taxes for my Great Tang?
And the aristocratic families that did not go out will also set their eyes on the feudal states around Datang.Instead, he would only stare at Datang's three-acre land all day long!



Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help being shocked.

It was the first time they had heard of Li Xuan's remarks.

Although it is different, but if you think about it carefully, it is very reasonable.

"You don't want to look like this, especially you Cheng Chusi, Changsun Chong, Fang Yizhi, Du Gou, the family behind you must be ready to move.

However, the family has never had enough troops to attack the feudal city.

As long as His Majesty agrees with what I said, those old men in your families who are about to be buried in the ground dare to sleep at the door of your house with their quilts in their arms every day, begging you Aye to go to the back door to His Majesty! "

Li Xuan said.

Hearing this, Changsun Chong, Cheng Chusi and the others nodded subconsciously.

They also have a deep understanding of the elders in their family.

"So, wouldn't it be a good idea to invite these old stubborn people out of the Tang Dynasty and let them harm those vassal states, so as to return the Tang Dynasty to a bright future?" Li Xuan asked.

"Master is wise!"

Chang Sun Chong, Cheng Chusi and the others nodded with joy.

Li Chengqian's eyes were also full of emotion.

Li Xuan continued: "However, Gao Ming, you have to remember that these are just one reason.

If His Majesty sends troops to help these aristocratic families, there is another main reason, which is military training.

Then, it is to test the power and usage of those bombs and muskets.

Incidentally, from those aristocratic families, in exchange for more mines and steel. "

"Master wants to forge a fleet of giant steel ships?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, and he asked subconsciously.


Li Xuan nodded, "The speed of the steel fleet in the sea is twice that of those wooden ships. If the steel fleet is used to transport grain from Linyi and other small countries, it can be transported twice a year."

The eyes of Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others lit up immediately.

"Also, in the south of Linyi and other countries, there are continents that are more extensive and rich than America. If you don't control these continents in the hands of the Tang Dynasty in your lifetime, don't you feel ashamed of future generations?"

Li Xuan continued.

"Master, Goguryeo has iron mines!"

"Exactly, Master, Goguryeo's ironmaking skills are not much worse than my Tang Dynasty's. I will ask His Majesty tomorrow to bring an army of bombs to Goguryeo to grab steel!"

Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and the others immediately became excited.

They instantly feel themselves and have found the purpose of life, which is enough to carry out their life's purpose.

In such a big world, if they can lead a giant steel ship, they will plant the dragon flag of Datang on every piece of land in these overseas continents.

This kind of feat is much more dazzling than that of the champion marquis of the Han Dynasty, Feng Lang Juxu, and it is enough to be passed down through the ages!


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