Li Shimin

Chapter 645 Forming the Thunder Army

Taiji Palace, Liangyi Hall.

After listening to Li Chengqian's narration, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others beside him couldn't help being shocked.

"Xuan Ba ​​really said that?"

"Going back to Emperor Father, my son memorized the whole journey carefully. These are all the original words of Uncle Jin, not a single word was left behind!"

Li Chengqian said firmly.

After listening, Li Shimin nodded slowly, and looked at Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others beside him.

"What do you Aiqing think about Xuan Ba's suggestion?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I agree with you!"

Fang Xuanling cupped his hands slightly, and said: "It's just that I feel that there should be a restriction on those aristocratic families.

Datang is the country of all Tang people. Their families can go out, but their respective family industries still need to stay in Datang.

In addition, too many literati should not be taken away.Moreover, the officials of the aristocratic families who are currently serving as officials in the court are not allowed to retire unless they are old! "

"Your Majesty, I also feel that this method can be tried!"

On the side, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and others also nodded.


Li Shimin nodded lightly.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty agreed with all the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty.

The following things went smoothly.

First, it is better to discuss how many troops to form, and then how much the lease fee is appropriate.

Finally, Li Jing, Hou Junji, Cheng Zhijie and other generals were announced into the palace.

Discussed all afternoon.

Only then did a general result come out of the discussion.

"Six thousand soldiers were drawn from the Twelve Guards to form the Thunder Army! Two thousand soldiers from the Bomb Battalion, two thousand soldiers from the Arrow Battalion, and two thousand soldiers from the Musketeer Battalion! Team name!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Haha, don't worry, Your Majesty, with such a small number of soldiers, only my right Wuwei can gather them all!"

"Old thief Cheng, each guard pays 500 people, don't think about it!"


Li Shimin couldn't help but glared at Cheng Zhijie, Hou Junji and other generals, and said again: "Every time a soldier is borrowed, they are not only responsible for providing the soldiers' rations and supplies, but if they attack the next city, according to the size of the city and the area of ​​the field, it will take ten more. Replace their fields in Datang with a one-to-one ratio."

In addition, each soldier also needs to share some of the property seized in the city.All the steel in the city belongs to the imperial court.

Also, every time a city is conquered, these aristocratic families need to provide Datang with 1 million catties of steel, plus an iron ore! ..."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

After hearing this, all the civil and military ministers bowed their hands and saluted with joy on their faces.

Although these borrowing costs sounded a lot, compared with the benefits of capturing a city, it was a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, those families who dared to go out and attack the cities of the vassal state were all families with tens of thousands of acres of land, mines, and countless shops, and they would not care about these small money at all.

Soon, rumors spread throughout Chang'an that His Majesty wanted to borrow troops from the family to help the family attack the feudal kingdom's city.

In five days, it spread throughout the Tang Dynasty.

All the aristocratic families began to boil again.

This His Majesty has finally lost his conscience.

And some of the envoys of the vassal states who were still in Chang'an City were full of panic.

Originally, they had heard that the Emperor of the Great Tang actually gave those great families of the Great Tang, with the help of weapons, to help those families and attack their small country cities.

Although they have not found any evidence, Tuyuhun, Goguryeo, and Silla have all suffered disasters.

Who would have thought that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who was still honored as the Khan of Heaven by all nations, would even want to form an army to help those Tang families and attack small countries like them.

If this is true, wouldn't these vassal states be destroyed directly?

Therefore, the envoys of these vassal states actively inquired about this matter again and again, and hurriedly dispatched their confidants to send this news to the country.

However, what these envoys of the vassal state did not expect was that the important officials of the Tang Dynasty who had a good relationship with them in the past seemed to be a different person this time. No matter how expensive gifts they gave, those nobles of the Tang Dynasty, They don't say anything.

If they asked urgently, they would even be kicked out.

at the same time.

Under the expectant eyes of all the nobles and great families in Chang'an City, a new army selection process quietly began among the twelve guards.

For each guard, select five hundred soldiers.

Among them, among these five hundred soldiers, at least two hundred soldiers will know one hundred characters.

There are another hundred soldiers, all of whom must be able to count.


half a month later.

In a deep mountain forty miles away from Chang'an City, there were deafening sounds from time to time.

Then, there was smoke and dust.

Small hills were razed to the ground.

A few soldiers stuffed a bunch of small iron bumps down the huge boulders as high as a person.

Then, pull out a few long lead wires, lead them a few feet away, and ignite those lead wires.

With a sound of 'ssi'.

After a few breaths.

Under the boulder, the flames shot up into the sky, and the boulder was immediately torn apart, filled with smoke and dust.

Then, there is a mine with exposed iron ore.

A group of soldiers studied around for a long time, and then ran forward to drill holes or dig holes around the empty mountain.

Then, after drawing out the leads one by one.

Also use flint to ignite the fuse, after a few breaths.

A more intense and dull roar sounded.

The whole mine was shaking.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Several fist-wide cracks appeared on the mine.

And in the middle of the mine, a large pothole several feet wide was also blasted out.


Seeing such a scene, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others who were hiding in the distance couldn't help but take a cold breath, their faces full of shock.

At the same time, my whole body trembled, I was extremely excited, and my blood was boiling.

"Unexpectedly, the power of these bombs and gunpowder is so terrifying!"

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry, there is still one more round!"

On the side, Li Xuan chuckled lightly.

Soon, the soldiers of the Thunder Army who were busy around the iron mine, under the command of their respective lieutenants, began to drill holes and dig holes in the mine, and buried some gunpowder and bombs.

After a cup of tea.

Everyone retreated thirty feet away from the mine.

With a dull roar again.

The whole mine seemed to jump out of the ground.

After a while, the whole mine fell silent.

And Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others also looked shocked.

"Is this the earth dragon turning over?"

"Your Majesty, this is the turnaround of the mine!"

Li Xuan chuckled again, pointed at the mine where the smoke had begun to dissipate, and said, "Look, Your Majesty, this is the real purpose of gunpowder and bombs!"

"What is the real use of gunpowder and bombs?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help but followed Li Xuan's fingers curiously and looked over.

At first glance, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others didn't see anything.

But soon, the eyes of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others couldn't help but slowly widen, and their whole bodies trembled.

After a long while, he pointed at the mine with disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice, "Xuanba, has the whole mine been blown loose?"

The iron mine, which was just like a whole boulder, was full of gaps, and began to fall apart, becoming small pieces of boulders.

At the same time, more than a dozen huge cracks appeared on the entire mine, as if they had been split by a giant ax that opened the sky, spreading from the ground to the depths, bottomless.


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