Li Shimin

Chapter 647 Successfully Hunting with a Musket

As for Li Shimin, Li Xuan and others, they also followed Xue Rengui and other main players of the Musketeer Battalion with curiosity on their faces.

They just shot straw, armor, trees with muskets before.

But he has never used a musket to shoot wild animals in the mountains.

Everyone is full of curiosity.

However, the entire army of the Musketeer Battalion searched the mountains for a quarter of an hour, but they still haven't encountered a single living creature.

"Xuan Ba, why is this?"

Li Shimin was already a little impatient.

"Your Majesty, it's going to be a cold winter, so there aren't many wild animals. In addition, after the explosion of the mountain just now, the wild animals near the iron mine have already been frightened and fled for an unknown distance."

Li Xuan explained.

This time, the search for Xue Rengui in the front also realized this, and directly sent several teams of scouts to search for the prey.

The army followed behind.

For all this, Li Xuan did not say anything, but followed far behind.

As for Cheng Zhijie, Li Shimin and others, although they were also a little anxious.

But Li Xuan didn't make a sound, and they just kept being patient.

After all, this hunt is about half a month's food for the entire Thunder Army, so they can't be disturbed in any way.

A quarter of an hour later.

Finally, a team of scouts ran back from the front.

"Report to Colonel Xue, a nest of black-faced men is found ahead!"


Xue Rengui was overjoyed.

"Report to the captain, basking in the sun in a sunny nest under the two hills in front!"

The scout quickly replied.

"How many are there?"

Xue Rengui asked again.

"Report to Captain, three big ones, six small ones!" The scout replied.

"Are there other wild animals hiding around the black-faced man?" Xue Rengui continued to ask.

If it is placed on a hot day, there will certainly be no other wild animals going back to stare at those black-faced men.However, it is winter now, and there is a shortage of food in the mountains. These wild animals, the wild animals have run out of food.

Not to mention the black-faced man, even a blind black bear, there will be wild animals that are hungry and crazy, and dare to rush up and fight.

"Back to the school captain, no other traces of wild animals have been found!"

The scout hurriedly thought back for a moment, then said.

"Separate fifty soldiers and follow me to hunt the black-faced man!"

Xue Rengui ordered.

Xue Rengui didn't dare to bring too many soldiers, and the wild animals in the mountains were all very vigilant.

If you bring too many people, you can scare away the gang of black-faced men before you get close.

Moreover, there are only nine black-faced men, no matter how many soldiers you bring, after a few shots, those black-faced men will be smashed to pieces.

Not to mention taking it home to eat, just picking out a big piece of meat is not bad.

Soon, fifty soldiers followed behind Xue Rengui and walked forward quickly.

Li Xuan, Li Shimin and others followed far behind.

The same is true for the rest of the Musketeer Battalion soldiers.

After turning over the mountain in front of them, they all saw nine black-faced men in the dirt nest in the distance.

Everyone took out a clairvoyant directly from their arms.

That's right, everyone.

Not only Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others, but the entire Thunder Army, every soldier is equipped with a clairvoyance.

Through clairvoyance, they saw that Xue Rengui led fifty soldiers and slowly surrounded the nest of black-faced men.

Then, when there were still fifty steps away from the black-faced men, with Xue Rengui's hands up and down, 25 muskets shot at the nine black-faced men at the same time.

In an instant, before those black-faced men could react, blood sprayed out from their bodies.

There are also a few small ones, which explode directly on the spot!


Standing in the distance, Li Xuan nodded slowly, Xue Rengui's action this time, is completely ready to be a teacher.

On the other side, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie, Li Ji and others were shocked at first, and then they were full of regret.


"How many good black-faced men were beaten like this?"

"It's a mess, these little bastards, it's a mess!"

"Your Majesty, I, Old Cheng, should be allowed to lead the musket battalion. Xue Rengui is still too young to grasp the power of muskets!"

"Hey, you black old thief, a majestic general of Youwuwei, went to a musketeer battalion with only [-] soldiers as a captain, you want me to be a fool!"

Li Shimin glared at Cheng Zhijie.

"Your Majesty, these two thousand musket battalions are no ordinary army. If they occupy a good terrain, even [-] elite soldiers will not be able to wipe them out!"

Cheng Zhijie muttered.

"If that's the case, then you will be working under Mao Gong."

Li Shimin said angrily.

"Hey, if it's an army like the Musketeer Battalion, it's not impossible under the third brother's command!"

Cheng Zhijie said indifferently.

"You black bear don't want to come here to spoil the old man. According to your murderous nature, if you are really allowed to bring these two thousand musketeers, I am afraid that as long as you leave the Tang Dynasty, you can bring these two thousand sons to fight against Goguryeo. Go to Pyongyang City!"

Li Ji looked disgusted.

This time, after observing that there was no movement around, Li Xuan walked towards Xue Rengui in front.

Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others hurriedly followed.


After seeing the miserable appearance of those black-faced men at close range, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others couldn't help but subconsciously took a deep breath.

"If this shot hits a person, wouldn't it be possible to directly pierce a hole the size of a bowl in the person's stomach?"

"more or less!"

Li Xuan also nodded with some satisfaction and said: "Without armor, within fifty steps, no living thing can survive under the musket!"


Li Shimin, Li Ji and others nodded, and after reading it, they walked aside.

Let Xue Rengui handle it by himself.

"Come on!"

After being signaled, Xue Rengui yelled directly at the soldiers around him.

"Every 200 people carry a black-faced wolf, and use these black-faced dogs as bait to lure wild animals in the mountains."

"Yes, Captain Captain!"

Hearing this, a group of soldiers who came up from behind quickly and spontaneously divided into nine teams, and each team carried a black-faced man, even the little furs scattered by those black-faced men were not spared.

Scattered away.

Most of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were good at hunting.

As for using black-faced men to arrange bait, they are even better at it.

Find a hill and light a fire.

Then, sprinkle some spices on the black-faced man's meat.

Or, in a vent, the internal organs of the black-faced man are directly cleaned out, and then a pile of fire is lit, and these internal organs of the black-faced man are put aside to keep warm without freezing.

The mountain wind will blow these bloody smells to every corner of the mountain.

Just leave a few soldiers behind to watch over the fire, and then just be vigilant on the surface.

The rest of the soldiers hid directly.

In this kind of mountain where famine is happening anytime and anywhere, the smell of blood and meat has an unimaginable temptation for those hungry beasts.

Less than a quarter of an hour.

The jackals, tigers and leopards in this forest, and even two blind bears, all slowly surrounded them.

"Hey, Your Majesty, there are quite a lot of wild animals in this mountain."

In the middle, on one of the highest hills.

Li Xuan, Li Shimin and others, as well as soldiers from the Bomb Battalion and the Arrow Battalion.

They each held up a clairvoyance, watching with great interest.

Around them, on a few hills not far away, are the 'hunting positions' of a group of musketeers.

If a tent were put up above the heads of Li Xuan, Li Shimin and others, it would really feel like the director watching the battle during the acting.


Suddenly, Li Jing's expression froze.


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