Li Shimin

Chapter 648 The Surprise of the Miners

"what happened?"

Li Shimin asked quickly.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be a pack of wolves at the foot of the westernmost mountain!" Li Jing looked a little excited.


Hearing this, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others couldn't help being excited.

Immediately, he hurriedly looked towards the mountain top.

Sure enough, at the foot of the westernmost mountain, I didn't know when I touched a group of gray wolves, with at least more than 50 horses.

In the distance, there are four huge gray wolves standing on a big rock, guarding a big black and bright black wolf.

"So many wolves?"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were all shocked.

"It's just more than 50 heads!"

Li Ji grinned, there were two hundred soldiers and one hundred muskets there.

Sure enough, after the wolves slowly walked up the hill.

The soldiers of the Musketeer Battalion hiding around were also spotted by the wolves, unable to hide, they stood up one after another and lined up.

At the same time, the group of wolves also began to slowly circle around the group of soldiers under the command of the head wolf.

However, before the pack of wolves began to attack.

On the top of the mountain, a group of soldiers from the Musketeer Battalion attacked first.

Following a burst of gunfire, Li Xuan, Li Shimin and the others saw that the pack of wolves fell to the ground in an instant.

Some wolves even flew a long distance before falling to the ground and twitching a few times.

As for the wolf king in the distance and the four guard wolves, they were the first to fall to the ground.

"These bastards did a good job!"

Seeing this, Li Jing, Cheng Zhijie and others couldn't help but praise.

Li Shimin also nodded slightly, his face full of joy.

at the same time.

On several surrounding hilltops, there was also a lot of gunshots crackling.

At the same time, there were screams of wild animals in the middle.

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others also hurriedly looked towards the surrounding hills.

On the surrounding mountains, soldiers from the musket battalion were everywhere, holding muskets, chasing some wild animals running around.

In this era, there are a lot of wild animals in the mountains.

Especially some large wild animals, ordinary people, even more than a dozen people, can't deal with them with bows and arrows.

Therefore, the larger the wild animal, the more daring it is.

They didn't expect that after they had ruled the mountainous area for so long, such a group of powerful two-legged beasts would suddenly appear, and they could directly kill them with the weapon that made the sound of thunder.

Not even running.

An hour later.

In a valley, piled up a bunch of beasts.

Wild wolves, tigers, black-faced men, blind bears, hares, pheasants, and even a few antelopes.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to get so many wild animals directly in such a short period of time. It seems that these bastards will have a good life in the future!"

After watching these wild animals for a while, Cheng Zhijie, Li Jing and the others couldn't help being amazed.

After such a short period of time, there are at least [-] catties of wild animals.

"Go and search again. After killing so many carnivorous beasts at once, the remaining herbivorous rabbits, antelopes, and wild deer will inevitably flood next year and gnaw the entire mountain bare!"

Li Xuan said.

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and others were all dumbfounded.

Among the crowd, only Xue Rengui, Cheng Chusi, and Li Chongyi could understand Li Xuan's meaning.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui responded, and led a group of soldiers from the Musketeer Battalion to the depths of the forest.

When the sky was about to darken, all the soldiers of the Musketeer Battalion came out with antelopes, rabbits, and wild deer.

The one-day military training made Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, Li Jing and other important officials of the Tang Dynasty very enjoyable to watch.

And Xue Rengui and the rest of the Thunder Army soldiers were extremely enjoyable.

Coupled with the more than 30,000 catties of wild animals and more than 6000 soldiers brought back, basically every two days, they can eat a meal of meat dishes.

After Li Shimin and others went back, they gave the Shaofu Supervisor an oral order.

Let Shaofu supervise the craftsmen to go to the iron mine to mine ore.

Pay close attention to iron and steel making.

After receiving the order, Yu Liangyin, who was in charge of mining the iron mine, was full of astonishment, but the emperor's order was difficult, so he had to call his group of miners and go to the iron mine.

"My lord, in this horrible weather, the soft soil on the ground can be frozen into stones, let alone the ores in the mountains. If I wait for such a person to enter the mountains, even one day, I won't be able to dig out a hundred catties of ores. !"

A group of miners put their hands in their arms and said helplessly.

"Shut up, it's not that you won't be paid, what are you complaining about?"

Yu Liangyin turned his head and glanced at the group of miners behind him, and cursed angrily.

"Master Shu Ling, the villain and others are worried that the ore dug out every day is too little, and they are afraid that they will fail the emperor's grace!"

Several miners quickly apologized and laughed.

"Hmph, if you can't dig out enough ore, a certain company will be punished, so what are you worrying about?"

Yu Liangyin snorted coldly, then walked forward angrily.

He's worse than anyone.

It's such a harsh winter, how comfortable is it to stay in the yamen?

Unexpectedly, according to His Majesty's oral order, he could only lead a group of miners to get up early in the morning and brave the cold wind to dig iron ore.

However, His Majesty is a sage king today, how could he issue such an edict?
Let so many miners come to the mine to mine ore?
Thinking about it, Yu Liangyin suddenly saw a miner running over with a look of surprise on his face.

"My lord, strange things, strange things!"

"What's the matter? Such a fuss?"

Yu Liangyin asked with some displeasure.

"The mine... the mine... exploded!"

"The mine exploded?"

Yu Liangyin was taken aback, "Why did the mine explode?"

As he said that, he hurried to the iron ore.

If something happens to Iron Ore again, although his little order will not be beheaded, he will definitely be punished!

After running under the iron ore, Yu Liangyin stayed where he was, with the same expression as all the miners.

The mouth was slightly opened, and the eyes were wide open, as if seeing something unbelievable.

"How could this be?"

Yu Liangyin muttered to himself with a confused face.

"Master Commander, it seems like he was blown up by gunpowder!"

At this time, a sharp-eyed miner looked at the ground for a while, then slowly raised his head and said.

When they mined ore in the past two years, they also used gunpowder to blow up large ore that was difficult to mine.

Therefore, I am somewhat familiar with the traces of gunpowder.

"Did it explode with gunpowder?"

Hearing this, Yu Liangyin quickly lowered his head and looked around. Sure enough, there were some traces of gunpowder explosion everywhere. Looking at the iron mine in front of him that seemed to have been blown into pieces of rubble, he still couldn't believe it. .

"Just, what kind of gunpowder is it that can blow up such a large iron mine into such a shape?"

"My lord, should I report this matter to my lord Young Prison?"

On the side, an official in Tsing Yi hurriedly asked for instructions.

"Report, report quickly!"

Yu Liangyin trembled and said hastily.

"Yes, my lord!"

The official in Tsing Yi hurriedly cupped his hands in response, and then ran out quickly.

And Yu Liangyin also reacted at this moment, his face full of surprise.

"No matter what, since this iron mine has been blown up like this, it is a great thing for us. I can dig out tens of thousands of catties of iron ore in one day!"

"Haha, my lord is wise, these iron ores have been blasted into small pieces, I just need to pick them up and carry them out!"

All the miners were also full of joy.


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