Li Shimin

Chapter 649 Your Majesty, I Don't Dare to Chapter Mansion!

However, happy to be happy.

A group of miners just gathered together, huddling each other to keep warm, and no one started to mine ore.

Soon, after about half an hour.

The little official in Tsing Yi who went to play the report returned.


Yu Liangyin asked hurriedly.

"Reporting to my lord, the young supervisor said that this mine was led by His Majesty yesterday, so let me ignore it and just mine the ore normally!"

The little official in Tsing Yi hurriedly reported.

"What did His Majesty do?"

Yu Liangyin's face was startled, and he felt remorse after a while.

"We are indeed a group of idiots, and we dare to doubt His Majesty's sageness, what an idiot!"

Similarly, all the absentees who heard the words of the young official in Tsing Yi were also full of remorse.

Just now, they have been slandering His Majesty in their hearts.

"Okay, let's quickly mine the ore, so that this winter, you can earn a farm ox, or a few steel shovels and steel hoes for your family!"

"Hey, what your lord said is very true, if you earn a few more good things, we will be able to relax when we plow next year!"

"Who would have thought that it would be easier for me to mine ore in winter than in summer..."

With that said, all the miners started working in full swing.

Originally, in winter, they had to rest and work, so the cat could only survive at home.

Now that they can still make money, they are all motivated!
By the afternoon.

Narrow and simple carriages rushed to the back of the iron mine, and a group of nobles in gorgeous cotton clothes came up from below.

After looking around the iron mine for a while, those nobles became more and more annoyed the more they looked at it.

Moreover, they get together from time to time, muttering some strange words.

In this regard, these miners also listened to a few words curiously, but heard some strange words such as 'bombing the city' and 'Goguryeo'.

Yes, in order to cause trouble, those miners only dared to listen to a word or two when they passed by.

The next day.

The stewards of various aristocratic families in Chang'an City gathered together.

At that time, the stewards of the aristocratic family finally had sad faces, but they all looked happy.

"This iron mine in the west of the city, everyone should go and see it later!"

As soon as those words came out, the joy on the face of the head of the aristocratic family grew even stronger.

"In the morning of the next day, no one has heard thunder in the distance, and there is even a faint feeling of the earth dragon turning over. I have been looking for the place where the earth dragon turned over, and I thought it turned out to be this iron mine!"

"Brother Xue, do you know what kind of weapon it is that can't display such divine power?"

"It should be the Thunder Army!"

"Haha, all virtuous brothers, it should be called the shop guards!"

"Yes, yes, guards, guards!"

"The hozens of these vassal states don't know where they got the news, but they still want to ask the old man about the news of the guards, it's really ridiculous!"

"Haha, brother Xian is still not being lenient, this thief Tubo actually only wanted to use a few pearls to get the news from you, and he was directly beaten out by the master of the house!"

"Fortunately, these vassal thieves were not informed of the situation of the guard. If we were to know the details of the guard, wouldn't we be less prepared?"

"Hmph, the Thunder Army that can turn over the entire iron mine in an instant, no matter how handsome these hozen are, can our city still run away with long legs?"

"Hahaha, after two years like this, you and other aristocratic families can capture these vassal kingdoms and make them kings and founding states!"

"It's just that the price of this guard is not low?"

"Yes, once you make a move, you only need fertile land, and you also need steel and iron ore. It's really not too low!"

"You should put pressure on this majesty!"

"Yeah, what the virtuous brothers said is very true!"


A group of aristocratic family stewards got together and talked excitedly for a day.

Although everyone swears by it, they all feel that the price of the escort team is low.

But early the next morning.

All the aristocratic families are in charge of affairs, and they are all small and big, and they run to the mansion of the closest noble minister with a small car.

Chongrenfang, in a certain state's mansion.

The steward of Hedong Liu's family brought two carts of rich gifts, but before he arrived at the door, his face changed slightly.

Behind the gate of the mansion that arrived, there were still two groups of carriages that had arrived, parked on the right and the left, and two strange figures had already guarded the gate of the mansion.

Seeing Liu Kai, the faces of the two aristocratic family stewards also changed.

Here comes another one!
"I've seen Brother Liu!"

"I've seen Brother Cui and Brother Pei!"

"What a coincidence, brother Liu?"

"The matter has come to this, why should you two virtuous brothers be like that, everyone who you waited for here knows well..."

"Haha, each other..."

a day ago.

Inside the Hall of Two Rites.

In the early court, Han Zhiyi was different from before. Before he retreated into the Hall of Liangyi, he sat under the throne, ready to finish reviewing the memorial.

However, looking at it, I felt something was right.

When I looked up, I was taken aback.

"Why are you all backing away, but it's nothing trivial?"

I saw that half of the princes and nobles in the court were crowded in the Hall of Liangyi, looking at Cheng Zhijie eagerly.

"Your Majesty, in the past few days, the old minister and others have not been able to work abnormally, and they have not even been able to return home!"

Fang Xuanling hurriedly cupped his hands in salute, and said with a depressed face.

On the side, Li Shimin, Wei Zheng, Changsun Youji, Du Ruhui, Hou Junji and others all nodded their heads with distressed faces.

"Why is that?"

Cheng Zhijie was startled and asked hastily.

"Returning to Your Majesty, do you know that the management of these aristocratic families seemed to be crazy in those few days, and a small cart of all kinds of rare treasures was stuffed into your residence!"

Fang Xuanling sighed heavily, his face full of depression.

"Oh? The family gave you a gift?"

Cheng Zhijie looked at the courtiers in surprise, his eyelids twitched slightly, but he still asked without any doubt: "No one gave you such an expensive gift, are you still unhappy?"

"Your Majesty, I would be very happy if there is no one to send me. However, you know that in just one day, there are no more than a dozen families to send me, and even a few stewards directly depend on me. At the door of the house, if I accept it, I will leave!"

Fang Xuanling was weeping, as if she had been wronged by Tian Xiao.

"When did my old Cheng suffer that kind of grievance, and no one dared to play tricks at the door of my old Cheng. However, those people are still related to me, and even they still gave my old Cheng a gift, so I can do it." Beat people!"

"That's all he needs to accept!"

Cheng Zhijie said with a so-called expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, if it is an abnormal thing, I, Lao Cheng, will accept it. However, those people are asking for an abnormal thing, so even if I accept the gift, I will do it.

Moreover, so few families all want the same thing.The gifts brought by each family are at most tens of thousands of dollars, and I can accept them! "

Fang Xuanling said again.

"so little?"

The corner of Cheng Zhijie's mouth twitched slightly, startled in his heart, and looked at Li Shimin, Han Zhiyouji and others at the side again.

But I did not expect that Li Shimin and Changsun Youji also nodded in agreement. Obviously, our situation is more serious than Fang Xuanling's white servant.

"Your Majesty, these aristocratic families are too crazy, I and the others really have a solution! This matter needs to be resolved by Your Majesty!"

Changsun Youji hastily cupped his hands in salute.

"What the hell is going on?"

On that, Cheng Zhijie was even more curious.

When will my words be effective for these family stewards?

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