Li Shimin

Chapter 655

Li Shimin subconsciously felt a burst of relief.

"In that case, I will issue an edict tomorrow to seal these three cities as the king of Jin and seal the country!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan cupped his hands in salute, then remembered something, and said again: "Your Majesty, before Cheng Lu grows up, His Majesty needs to take care of the government affairs of the three cities!"

"Xuanba don't worry, I will arrange someone to help that boy Chenglu handle all the government affairs in these three cities!"

Li Shimin said with a chuckle.

As long as Li Xuan didn't intend to go outside the Great Tang to conquest vassal states and establish a kingdom, Li Shimin would be more than happy to satisfy any of his reasonable demands.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan thanked again.

In fact, Li Xuan sincerely begged for these three cities.

After all, he remembered that the scenery and environment of these three cities in later generations were very beautiful.

In addition, these three cities are still very close to the seaport of Qingzhou, and Qingzhou is still the base camp of the Cui family.

The strength of the husband and mother clans are all around!

It is definitely the most suitable city to occupy these three cities for Li Chenglu.

As for the lack of people?

This is the best!
There are so many people, Li Xuan still finds it very troublesome!

Moreover, what Li Xuan said was also true.

No matter how it changes, Datang has been the most populous and most prosperous place in the world for nearly a thousand years.

Unless Datang can't tolerate him, otherwise he won't leave Datang, go to those wild places outside, and seek guilt!

Then, Li Shimin continued to ask.

"Xuanba, Li Chongyi, Li Baoding, and Changsun Chong, how do you think you should reward them?"

"Does Your Majesty want a knighthood or other rewards?" Li Xuan asked.


Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help being taken aback, and then said.

"As stated in my imperial edict, be made a viscount!"

"In that case, His Majesty needs to discuss with the ministers in the court."

Li Xuan said calmly: "I don't know how to reward this kind of reward!"

"However, besides those bastards, the people who went out to sea with me this time, there are also three thousand Tang Erlang who were born and died all the way. Please don't forget, Your Majesty!"

"Xuanba don't worry, I will never forget those who have made great contributions to my Tang Dynasty!"

Li Shimin said solemnly.

Li Xuan felt relieved.

Immediately he stood up and saluted Li Shimin, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, Li Shimin subconsciously showed a smile on his face.

But I saw that Li Xuan bowed his hands again!
"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"


Li Shimin's face froze, and he let out a long breath.

Behind him, Fang Xuanling, Cheng Zhijie and other veteran killers immediately bowed their heads and pretended to be dead.


After Li Shimin and others were sent out of the other hospital.

Li Xuan turned around and ran happily to the main house in an instant.

Sure enough, in the main house,

A strong sweet potato aroma is congealing but not dissipating.

Seeing Li Xuan coming in, Li Chenglu's eyes brightened.

"Aye, you drove away His Majesty and Uncle again?"

Li Xuan was stunned, and quickly said: "You little bastard, don't talk nonsense. Your Majesty is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the most respected person in the world. How can I drive away your Majesty? It is your Majesty who came to Li Family Village to find me. After the matter is resolved , and took the group of ministers back to deal with government affairs!"

"But Aye doesn't seem to like His Majesty!"

Li Chenglu said.

Li Xuan sighed helplessly, his son!

"It's not that I don't like Your Majesty, it's just that Your Majesty is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the identities of monarchs and ministers are different. In addition, His Majesty has too much prestige, so it's uncomfortable to be with His Majesty!"

Li Chenglu's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked: "Aye, is it like Chenglu's feeling when he was with several masters?"


Li Xuan nodded slightly.

"Then Aye, Chenglu can also be like Aye, if he feels uncomfortable, drive those masters away?" Li Chenglu asked excitedly.

"You go to the master's house by yourself and ask the master for knowledge. How can you drive the master away? Besides, don't you know how to respect the teacher?"

Li Xuan was surprised.


Hearing this, Li Chenglu made a small face, "Chenglu is so envious of Aye!"

"Okay, this kind of unpleasant thing, put it down for now!"

Li Xuan patted Li Chenglu's head and said, "Have you eaten the steamed sweet potatoes?"

"Chenglu wants to wait for Aye to come back, let's eat together!"

"Yeah, I didn't hurt you in vain!"


"Hmm~ The steamed sweet potato tastes delicious!"

"Aye, I still want to eat steamed sweet potatoes and boiled corn tomorrow!"



"Chenglu, Aye asked for three cities for you from His Majesty. When you grow up, if you get tired of staying in the Tang Dynasty, you can go to those cities and become a vassal king and manage the three cities by yourself!"

"How big are the three cities?"

"It doesn't add up to the size of Chang'an City!"



Chang'an City.

After Li Shimin took Fang Xuanling and others back.

In less than an hour, the entire city of Chang'an began to boil again.


Under the instigation of that King Jin, His Majesty has also learned such unconscionable merchant behavior!

The stewards of all the aristocratic families are all angry!
"The emperor of the great Tang Dynasty, even the matter of sending troops is going to be auctioned?"

"How is this behavior different from that of a merchant?"

"He is simply the most shameless merchant in Datang!"

"Qi Guogong, Wei Guogong and other important ministers can allow the emperor of Tang Dynasty to act like this? What is the majesty of the emperor?"

"Prince Jin is really the number one scourge of the Tang Dynasty!"

"When my aristocratic family meets this official, it will be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes..."

However, although all the stewards of the aristocratic families were blowing their beards and scolding, they still rushed to their homes.

Pick up the pen in the study room at home, and start to write quickly.

In any case, the matter must be brought home as soon as possible.

For such a big event, the Patriarch must come to Chang'an City.

As for the matter of sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes, those aristocratic family stewards are very miraculous and have not received any news.

a few days later.

The patriarchs of various families in the Tang Dynasty who received the letters from the various stewards of Chang'an City hurriedly got into the carriage and rushed to Chang'an City.

The patriarch of the aristocratic family paved the concrete road along the road, and the road was smooth and comfortable.

However, the patriarchs of the various families who did not pave the concrete road were bumpy and tired all the way.

When they met at the gate of the city, seeing each other's appearance, one squinted and smiled lightly, while the other stared and cursed secretly.

Soon, more and more patriarchs of aristocratic families gathered in Chang'an City again.

At the same time, requests for how to borrow troops, attack cities, confer kings and build a country also came from the palace.

The patriarchs of these aristocratic families have a share.

On ten large sheets of paper, various terms and conditions were densely written, and there were more than 100 of them!
"Everyone, I have read these terms and conditions. If you are not satisfied, just bring it up."

Facing the heads of the aristocratic families, Li Xiaogong smiled.

"However, these terms are the ones that His Majesty and the ministers of the two provinces have studied for ten days, and there will be no changes. If you are unwilling to abide by them, you should propose them as soon as possible and withdraw.

Otherwise, if you don't agree now, when you don't abide by it in the future, we may meet each other in battle. "

Hearing this, the patriarchs of the aristocratic families who wanted to bargain just now couldn't help feeling anxious.

"King Hejian, is His Majesty really so heartless?"

Li Xiaogong looked at the old man in astonishment, "Master Lu, don't do this, whether to borrow troops or not, the choice is in your hands. His Majesty just stated the bottom line that Tang can tolerate, and even before His Majesty, there has never been one." Such intentions.

If there is no King Jin, you may not even have such an opportunity now! "

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