Li Shimin

Chapter 656

"Since the county king has said so, what else can I say!"

An old patriarch of an aristocratic family sighed softly with a helpless expression on his face.

"It's still the head of the Liu family who can take it easy. His Majesty can send troops to help your families go out to conquer the feudal kingdoms, seal the king and build the country. Why are you still not satisfied?"

Li Xiaogong chuckled lightly, then bid farewell to the heads of the aristocratic families.

"I still have something to do, so I won't bother you!"

"The king of the county please stay!"

A patriarch of an aristocratic family hastily said.


Li Xiaogong was startled, glanced at him, and asked: "I don't know if Patriarch Xiao has any questions?"

"Dare to ask the king, in the last few clauses of this article, we and other families can take advantage of the official position and title of the patriarch's disciples in the dynasty? What do you mean by these words?"

As soon as these words came out, all the patriarchs of the aristocratic families were taken aback, and quickly looked at Li Xiaogong.

"Everyone just needs to explain literally!"

Li Xiaogong nodded slightly, "This auction of the order in which the guards dispatch troops is not only an auction of money, but also an auction of the official positions and titles of the children of the aristocratic families in the court.

Therefore, I would like to ask you all to straighten out the official positions and titles of the children in your respective courts in the past few days. Fortunately, the official auction will be held in ten days! "

"Thank you, Prince!"

"The king bids farewell!"

After Li Xiaogong left, all the heads of the aristocratic families fell silent.

After a long while, all the heads of the aristocratic families bid farewell to each other.

After returning to their respective homes, they began to sort out the children and titles of those who had entered the court as officials in their respective families.

Suddenly, several families were happy and others were sad!

Some aristocratic families who were officials in the court began to mutter and curse from time to time.

As for who to scold?

Anyway, someone from Lijiazhuang cannot escape!
Furthermore, the ministers who formulated those terms cannot escape!
Another five days later.

Li Xuan told Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and others that the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn in Lijiazhuang can be officially harvested!

After receiving the news, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, Cheng Zhijie, Changsun Wuji, Li Xiaogong and other ministers Xungui, even the old man Li Yuan came to Lijiazhuang early.


The sun is high and slanting, shining warmly on people.

Li Xuan brought Li Baoding, Wang Xuance and others, even Xue Rengui specially asked Li Ji for leave, and brought all the soldiers from the army who followed Li Xuan to America to Lijiazhuang.

Everyone holds a brand new steel shovel in their hands, starting from the first sweet potato, digging.

After two shovels went down, several huge purple-red sweet potatoes were directly shoveled out.

Behind him, someone was carrying a basket, revealing a sweet potato, and went in to pick one up, making sure not to miss any sweet potato.

In a glass shed, sixteen soldiers were digging from both sides to the middle at the same time.

Soon, in less than a quarter of an hour, under the eyes of everyone's full expectation, the one-acre glass greenhouse seemed to be plowed again.

Every inch of land has been turned upside down.

And in one corner, there were twenty huge horse baskets neatly placed, all of which contained pieces of clean sweet potatoes.

"How many pounds?"

After confirming that there were no missing sweet potatoes in this glass greenhouse, Li Shimin, Li Yuan and the others looked expectantly at Li Chang who was weighing sweet potatoes one by one.

On the side, Li Chengqian, Xue Rengui and others, as well as Fang Xuanling, Li Xiaogong, Li Ji and other courtiers, also looked at Li Chang excitedly.

Soon, after calculating twice.

Li Chang bowed his hands to Li Shimin and Li Xuan with an excited face.

"Reporting to the Supreme Emperor, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the sweet potatoes dug out of the glass greenhouse here total 280 catties!"

"280 catties?"




"I am a blessing to the Tang Dynasty!"

Immediately, cheers resounded in the entire greenhouse.

Although the sweet potato harvest had already been deduced last time, it must be just an inference.

Now, the sweet potatoes grown on an acre of land are placed in front of everyone, and no one will question it anymore.

After a while.

The news that the yield of sweet potatoes per mu exceeded twelve stones spread throughout Lijiazhuang.

Even great Confucians such as Li Ji and Zuo Gong, who stayed in the school and taught, couldn't bear it anymore, and brought a group of disciples to watch.

Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji and others were all excited, they picked up a sweet potato directly, their eyes were red, Li Xuan was a little worried, this His Majesty of the Tang Dynasty, don't show him a big show of eating raw sweet potatoes!

"Your Majesty don't need to be so excited, let's look at the production of sweet potatoes in the other greenhouses."

Looking at the excited expressions of Li Shimin, Li Yuan and others beside him, Li Xuan reminded.

"It's a pole, it's a pole!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Li Yuan and others also hurriedly restrained their expressions, and followed Li Xuan to the glass shed next door.

And this time, the sweet potatoes in the glass greenhouses next door were also dug out by a group of farmers.

After so many years.

All the farmers in Lijiazhuang have mastered the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of three-digit numbers.

By the time Li Xuan and the others passed by, the production of sweet potatoes in these glass greenhouses had also been calculated.

"My lord, a total of 120 [-] stones of sweet potatoes have been dug out in this glass greenhouse!"

"My lord, 310 stones have been dug out of this glass greenhouse!"

"Your Majesty, [-] stones have been dug out from this room!"

"Your Majesty, one thousand 180..."

After listening to the reports of the farmers, everyone was shocked again.

After a moment of dead silence, everyone burst into louder cheers, congratulating Li Shimin again and again.

"His Majesty is overjoyed!"

"With this fetish, my Great Tang should be prosperous!"

"Benefits are immeasurable!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath and looked at Li Xuan excitedly.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be so anxious. The yield of these sweet potatoes is so high, and there are also the reasons for these glass greenhouses, the fertile fields, and the farmers in the village who take care of them day and night. If they are placed elsewhere, it may not be possible to harvest so many sweet potatoes!"

Li Xuan said again.

Li Shimin was taken aback for a while, and after thinking about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

However, he always felt that something was wrong.

On the side, Li Xuan said again: "Your Majesty, sweet potatoes are only a supplementary food and cannot be used as a staple food. Now, it's time to dig potatoes!"


Hearing this, Li Shimin woke up suddenly, and hurriedly urged.

"Sliced ​​potatoes quickly!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan responded, and walked towards the potato shed beside him.

Only two acres of potatoes were planted.

Therefore, two potato greenhouses can be dug at the same time.

The first shovel was still started by Li Shimin, Li Yuan, and Li Xuan.

Afterwards, it was Xue Rengui and a group of soldiers who followed them to America to dig.

Potatoes are not big in size, but they are better in quantity.

Around, Li Yuan, Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Cheng Zhijie and others followed behind Xue Rengui and others like human monitors.

Even if it is a small potato as big as the cover of your finger, you have to pick it up.

Therefore, it takes a lot more time to plan potatoes.

However, no one cares.

Everyone was engrossed and waited until the last basket of potatoes had been weighed.

Everyone in the shed breathed a sigh of relief.

But, immediately after, they subconsciously began to follow suit.

"730 five catties!"

"810 pounds!"

Finally, looking at the calculated results, everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

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