Li Shimin

Chapter 659

As soon as the edict was sent to the provincial university, all the chief officials immediately reviewed it.

After confirming that it was correct, a group of prepared eunuchs went to announce the edict with the edict!

Twelve edicts.

Among the ten proclamation teams, except for the eunuch team next to Li Shimin, they went directly through the Taiji Palace and headed for the East Palace.

The remaining nine teams came out from the Zhuque Gate one by one, and headed for the palaces of various princes and counties in Chang'an City.

Among them, two teams were divided, and went directly along Zhuque Street, out of Mingdemen, and headed for Lijiazhuang in the south of the city.

Such a large and festive team is rare, though.

However, all the common people and dignitaries in Chang'an City can still recognize at a glance that these are rewarding angels!
"So many awarding angels?"

"Such a magnificent scene, or will I be able to see it when the Great Tang Jianguo was born?"

"What kind of big event happened to my Tang Dynasty?"

"Could it be, it's going to change again!"

"You don't want to talk nonsense, your Majesty is now in his prime, how can the sky change?"

"Exactly, now that my Tang Dynasty is flourishing and prospering day by day, this time must be a great joy!"

"This year, the more than 30 prefecture cities in Henan and Hedong were flooded. Your Majesty did not mobilize food from Guanzhong and Guannei, so the disaster relief was successful!"

"Also, now that Your Majesty has wiped out all the Turks, and brought Goguryeo, Baekje, and the Hozen vassal states of the Wa Kingdom to my Tang Dynasty to beg for mercy, how can the sky change?"

All the common people stared angrily at the person who misspoken.

As common people, they only like whoever can bring them substantial benefits, make them full and not hungry, that's how simple it is!

Now, Li Shimin is clearly on the verge of doing this.

Therefore, all the people do not want Li Shimin to have any accidents!

Suddenly, a few commoners seemed to have discovered something, and pointed at the proclaiming team with surprise on their faces.

"After entering through the gate of the Daofang, it seems to be the Duke of Qi's mansion!"

"It really is!"

"Go, hurry over and have a look, Duke Qi is the uncle of the current dynasty, it must be a great joy!"

In fact, there is no need to shout, after the proclaiming team went directly to Duke Qi's mansion, the surrounding people and pedestrians had already surrounded them.

For the matter of conferring titles, most of the principals in the Duke of Qi's mansion are prepared.

Therefore, according to the previous procedures, the whole government respectfully accepted the imperial edict.

After thanking the eunuch who announced the edict, he sent the eunuch who announced the edict out of the gate.

However, the people surrounding the gate of the mansion were blown up.

"It turns out that His Royal Highness the King of Jin took these young gentlemen out to sea for so long, to go to Datang to find those gods such as sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes!"

"And, I brought them all back!"

"So, we are blessed!"

"Haha, this matter must be..."

All the people were overjoyed.

at the same time.

Immediately after the edict was proclaimed, a group of forbidden troops rushed out from nowhere.

Post a notice at the gates of each city and square city!
Soon, there were people who could read and read aloud.

"The king of Jin brought his prince Li Chengqian, king of Huaiwei Li Baoding, son of the king of Hejian County Li Chongyi, son of Duke Qi's son Changsun Chong...Three thousand big Tang sons, three giant steel ships, three large ships, and three small boats, from Qingzhou Harbor Set off and head east all the way.

It took one year and eight months to travel tens of thousands of miles, and finally found sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other gods for the Tang Dynasty from the extreme eastern continent.

Today, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn planted in Jinwang Lijiazhuang have all been harvested.

Twelve stones per mu of sweet potato!
Seven stones per mu of potatoes!

Corn yields six stones per mu!

They are all called by me and the Chinese and military officials of the DPRK!
Such a fetish is the blessing of my Tang Dynasty, the blessing of the common people, and the blessing of the country...

I hereby confer rewards on King Jin...Prince...King Huaiwei..."

The following words, all the common people have long been unwilling to pay attention.

At this moment, there are only three sentences in everyone's mind.

"Twelve stones per mu of sweet potatoes... seven stones per mu of potatoes... six stones per mu of corn..."


"Oh my god, the grain yield of twelve shi per mu!"

"God bless me Tang!"

"I didn't expect that such a fetish could appear in my Tang Dynasty?"

"A good king!"

"His Royal Highness Prince Jin is indeed a virtuous king!"

"It's a great thing, it's a great thing..."

"The old man's guess is right, this time it really is a big happy event!"

"Come on, hurry up and pass this matter on to the Patriarch!"

"Hurry up, the Patriarch doesn't even know about such a big event..."

In an instant, the entire city of Chang'an really exploded.

The court shook.

All the people are celebrating, crying, drinking, and running wildly...

There are also some people who are ecstatic while running to the house anxiously.

Although they heard the news, they were all overjoyed.

However, when they thought of such important news, for such a long time, their Patriarch didn't know about it at all, and he was full of anxiety.

And after the imperial edict was posted, the housekeepers and stewards in Duke Qi, Duke Su, and Duke Wei also got the news immediately.

Everyone didn't bother to congratulate their young man on his title, but stared blankly at his young man with shocking eyes.

"Dalang, is this true?"


"Can sweet potatoes really yield twelve stones per mu? Seven stones for potatoes? Six stones for corn?"

"This is the production in Master's Manor. We don't know the production in our house..."

Before Cheng Chusi and Changsun Chong finished speaking, all the old housekeepers stared at each other with solemn faces.

"Don't worry Dalang, the villain will take people to sleep in those sheds for the next few days until all the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn in the house are taken back to the warehouse!"

"Exactly, please don't worry, my lord, even if you risk my life waiting for me, not even an ant can enter those greenhouses!"



In the other courtyards of the major families in Chang'an City.

All the family stewards or the children of the family rushed into the other courtyard with anxious faces.

"You guys are in such a panic, what's the proper way?"

Seeing the flustered state of these children in their own family, the faces of the heads of the aristocratic families subconsciously darkened.

"Patriarch forgive me!"

The disciples in charge who came to report the notices outside had just finished their ceremony.

Outside, a few children from aristocratic families rushed in again.

"Patriarch, something is wrong..."

Before the words fell, the whole person froze in place.

In front of them, their Patriarch was staring at them with a dark face.

"What is it that makes you all so panicked?"

"Patriarch, a notice was posted in the city, saying that the sacred sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn that King Jin brought back from overseas last time have been harvested today.

Twelve stones per mu of sweet potatoes, seven stones per mu of potatoes, six stones per mu of corn..."

"Twelve stones!"

Immediately, the Patriarchs of various aristocratic families were shocked.

"how can that be?"

"How can there be such a god in the world?"

"No, why is it such an important fetish, and why hasn't the old man received a single message for such a long time?"

"Come on, prepare the car, the old man is going out!"

Saying that, the faces of the patriarchs of the aristocratic families changed drastically, and they hurried out.

But the patriarchs of the Qinghe Cui family, Xingyang Zheng family, Cheng family, Du family, and Fang family who had known the news for a long time were just full of surprises.

Afterwards, he also quickly ordered his servants to prepare the car and go out.

Not only do they want to seize the opportunity, but they also want to cut off the back road for those aristocratic families.


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