Li Shimin

Chapter 660 There must be a copy of the Qinghe Cui family

King Jin was in Lijiazhuang, constantly tossing out some surprises.

In addition, His Majesty suddenly allowed them, these families, to go out of the Tang Dynasty to attack the vassal state, and to establish the king and the state.

These aristocratic families seem to have seen the opportunity for the family to change!
Maybe, their aristocratic families can also take advantage of this opportunity to catch up with the five surnames and seven surnames in one fell swoop!

No, it should be the Six Clans. The Jinyang Wang Clan has been removed from the five surnames and the seven Clans!

Especially Cui Xuanlan, after hearing the servant's report.

A look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he directly ordered his servants to prepare the car, and then headed out of the city.

After half an hour.

Just when the heads of those aristocratic families were still like headless chickens, they were visiting all the nobles in the city.

Cui Xuanlan was already standing in a glass shed in Lijiazhuang, looking excitedly at the corn in the hands of the farmers.

"King Jin, how does this kind of corn taste when eaten?"

"The tender corn that has just grown corn tastes very sweet. And these mature corn need to be ground into flour like wheat before eating. This way, it also has a special taste!"

Li Xuan explained slowly.

"So good!"

Cui Xuanlan's face was filled with surprise immediately, and he bowed his hands directly to Li Xuan to salute.

"With this fetish, the Tang Dynasty does not know how many more people can live every year. King Jin's move will benefit the common people in the world, and the merits are immeasurable!"

Li Xuan quickly turned sideways and stepped aside, "Yue Zhang is serious, in fact, I went looking for sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., just to satisfy my appetite!"

Cui Xuanlan's face froze, "The king of Jin is too humble, such an achievement will surely be passed down through the ages!"

Obviously, Cui Xuanlan didn't believe Li Xuan's words at all.

In this regard, Li Xuan could only sigh helplessly.

He didn't continue to entangle these things, although when he went to sea, the biggest motivation was really for these two things, peppers and sweet potatoes.

Who would have thought that they would all be found in one go!

"Since my father-in-law is here, today I will invite him to taste the dishes made of sweet potatoes, potatoes and cornmeal!"

"Haha, I can't wish for it, I'm looking forward to it!"

Cui Xuanlan looked overjoyed.

With corn, you only need to remove the layer of transparent bran on the corn kernels, and then grind the corn into powder, which is cornmeal.

Then, like ordinary flour, some dates are stuffed into the cornmeal, and the corn is steamed into steamed buns, that is, steamed buns.

As for sweet potatoes, steam and bake.

Potatoes are steamed, baked, and hot and sour potato shreds.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, steamed pumpkin, boiled pumpkin and millet soup, and a big stew.

In this way, meat and vegetables are combined, and a few steamed buns are added.

In future generations, it will be an ordinary meal of farm food in northern Shaanxi.

However, at this moment, for the largest family in the Tang Dynasty, the Patriarch of the Qinghe Cui family, these ordinary meals are extremely rich.

The amount of food is also more than doubled compared to the past!

"King Jin, the steamed buns made from this corn are really delicious! But the sweet potatoes and potatoes are peerless delicacy, delicacy in the world!"

After the meal, Cui Xuanlan was involuntarily infected by Li Xuanhe, and lay paralyzed on the sofa.

"Sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn taste really good!"

Li Xuan nodded slowly.

"It's just that the corn pasta tastes a bit rough!"

Cui Xuanlan said with some regret.

"This matter is indeed the only shortcoming of cornmeal, but the yield of corn is high, and an acre can produce six stones, which can feed the common people!"

Li Xuan said, "Moreover, corn is more drought-resistant than rice and wheat, and it can be grown even in barren land!"

"In addition, in a field, corn can also be interplanted with sweet potatoes and potatoes, which can save a lot of fields!"


Cui Xuanlan couldn't help but startled.

"It is to plant corn and sweet potatoes, or potatoes, at the same time in a piece of land. The stems of corn mainly grow on the top, while the stems and leaves of potatoes and sweet potatoes also grow at the bottom.

Both are planted at the same time without affecting each other! "Li Xuan explained.

"A field with two crops grown at the same time?"

After understanding, Cui Xuanlan's eyes lit up immediately.

"In this way, a family can grow enough food for a year with only five acres of land?"

"I don't know!"

Li Xuan shook his head slowly, "I haven't tried this yet, and I don't know how interplanting corn and potatoes, or sweet potatoes, will yield?"

"It's okay, it's okay, even if one acre of corn yields four stones, and one acre of potatoes yields four stones, that's four times as much as the one acre of rice planted before!"

Cui Xuanlan still looked excited.

Seeing that Cui Xuanlan had fallen into self-excitement, Li Xuan wisely didn't disturb him.

After a while, Cui Xuanlan realized.

Then he looked at Li Xuan expectantly, "Your Majesty, how do you plant this kind of sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn?"

"Sweet potatoes need to grow seedlings, potatoes are directly cut into pieces and buried in the soil, and the seeds of corn are corn kernels!"

Li Xuan said.

"Then I wonder if King Jin can give me some sweet potato, potato and corn seeds?"

Cui Xuanlan said hastily.

"Your father-in-law is too polite!"

Li Xuan chuckled, "Qinghe Cui's family is Mi'er's natal family, and you are Chenglu's grandfather. No matter how few of these sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other seeds in Lijiazhuang, I will give you a share!"

"Thank you King Jin!"

Cui Xuanlan was overjoyed.

As for after he got the seeds of these sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other gods, what did the remaining families think?He didn't care at all, the Qinghe Cui family had the capital to be fearless of any aristocratic family.

Moreover, this is a gift from Qinghe Cui's uncle to Qinghe Cui's family!
Li Xuan nodded slowly, then remembered something, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

"It's just, is there anyone in Qinghe Cui's family who can grow sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn?"


Hearing this, Cui Xuanlan couldn't help being startled.

"Father-in-law can send someone to Lijiazhuang, and then follow the farmers of Lijiazhuang to plant it once and learn it!"

Li Xuan said with a smile, "Or, father-in-law can let Cui Hongmo learn from the farmers, and then Cui Hongmo will teach the Cui family to plant!"

"It's the old man who found some old farmers in Cui's house and came to Li's house to study!"

Cui Xuanlan hurriedly said, "Old Fifth is so stupid, if you ask him to play with the fields and learn how to grow crops, I'm afraid he won't be able to learn it in two years!"

"So, it will be arranged by Yue Zhang!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly.

It is true that some people are not born to handle crops.

After getting what he wanted, Cui Xuanlan relaxed, played with Li Chenglu in Lijiazhuang for a while, and waited until it was getting dark before returning to Chang'an City.

And the patriarchs of the aristocratic families in Chang'an City also entered the various noble houses as they wished, and got the news they wanted to know.

However, to their disappointment, there were not too many sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn grown in Jin Wang Li's Village.

However, you can produce twelve shi of sweet potatoes, seven shi of potatoes, and six shi of corn per mu!
This kind of fetish is still spreading outwards at an extremely fast speed with Chang'an as the center.

In less than a few days, the entire Tang Dynasty was plunged into shock and carnival.

Especially the patriarchs of the aristocratic families gathered together from time to time, thinking of obtaining sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn.

However, after discussing and discussing, they suddenly found out that some families seemed to have obtained sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn seeds first.

As for the rest of the family, although the family is huge, they are not close to the Jin Wang's children, so they can only watch from the sidelines.

In the past, when encountering problems, the aristocratic family group could unite and unite to the outside world. It seems that there have been several bottomless cracks!
These aristocratic families can't help but feel depressed, feeling like they've been quietly poached!

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