Li Shimin

Chapter 661 Big Profit

However, at this time, these aristocratic families have lost their minds to think about it.

The sequential auction for the dispatch of the guards has begun!

It is still the tea house on Suzaku Street.

Still a familiar venue.

Only the host has changed from Li Chang, the chief executive of Jinwangfu, to Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian County, and the auction item has changed from liquor to a 6000-people guard team.

At the time of the auction, a group of Marquis Wu had quietly set up a net within a hundred steps of the entire teahouse.

At the same time, on the outermost periphery, there are a group of young servants in green clothes, all of whom are servants of various aristocratic families.

They are also watching closely, as long as there are sneaky people approaching, especially those barbarian hozens with big beards, blue eyes, yellow hair, or strange smells all over their bodies, they will directly give Tow away.

Anyway, those barbarian hozens must not be allowed to interfere in the biggest partnership between the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the other aristocratic families of the Tang Dynasty!
And in the teahouse.

The atmosphere was solemn.

After Li Xiaogong stepped onto the auction stage, explained all the rules, and knocked down the small hammer in his hand.

The entire auction floor immediately became lively.

Among them, the five surnames and six families shouted the most, as well as the Hedong family, the Jiangnan family, and the Luoyang family. These families are not only rich, but also have at least the children of county officials or third-rank officials in their families!
As for the rest of the families, they were all small families, and those families that did not have noble children in the court could only sit quietly aside. After hearing the rules, they lost even the intention of bidding.

In addition, there are a lot of honorable families who are still asking for prices, such as the family behind Cao Guogong Li Ji, Pingbei ancestor Shangfang Xu, a low-key big family.

There are thousands of child servants in the family, and thousands of bells are accumulated!

Li Ji is not only the Duke of the Tang Dynasty, but also the captain of the guards, so the Xu family naturally has an auction privilege.

There is also Cheng Zhijie's family, Jeju Dongah Fang's family; Qinghe Fang's family where Fang Xuanling lives; Du Ruhui's Jingzhao Du family...

At this moment, these aristocratic families finally had a new understanding of the privileges of the nobles and officials of the Tang Dynasty.

However, this time it is only an auction for the order of dispatching troops for the guards in the spring of next year, and five companies will be dispatched first.

Then, the order of the five houses will be auctioned out in turn.

The Cui family of Qinghe directly occupied a spot; the Li family of Longxi had the addition of noble children such as Li Jing, the Duke of Dai, and Li Keshi, the Duke of Danyang, and occupied a spot; the rest were the Zheng family of Xingyang, Zhao The Li family of the county also occupies a place each.

Last place.

It was the Wang Clan of Qi County. Although the power of the entire Wang Clan was greatly reduced because the branch of the Taiyuan Wang Clan was destroyed by the King of Jin, the Qi County Wang Clan separated from the Taiyuan Wang Clan in time and escaped disaster.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

The Wang family of Qi County took out half of the family property directly, and under the shocked eyes of all the aristocratic families, they directly fought for the next place.

Seeing all the aristocratic families around them clicked their tongues.

Qi County Wang is crazy!

Five places were selected, and the remaining order, the five did not compete again.

Anyway, even if these five families cannot be given to them next year, each family can lay down three cities.

In the year after next, they will be the first to attack these three families!
In this auction, the eyes of all the aristocratic families who watched it were red.

And Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong and others are also full of enthusiasm.

Just for these five companies, at least more than 50 iron ore, more than 50 catties of pig iron, [-] coal, [-] hectares of fertile land, and [-] pieces of cloth were provided to Datang...

Anyway, add it up piecemeal.

Datang's net profit is at least tens of millions!
Looking at the ledger brought up by Li Xiaogong, Li Shimin couldn't even close his mouth.

"I didn't expect that the Thunder Army had already earned tens of millions of money for Datang in less than two months after it was formed! There are also those aristocratic families who can produce 500,000 catties of pig iron!"

"Your Majesty, as long as the Thunder Army can fight well next year, they will earn even more next year!"

Li Xiaogong said with a light smile.


Li Shimin was overjoyed immediately.

"Your Majesty, this money is not enough to build three giant steel ships!"

On the side, Fang Xuanling said in a low voice.


Immediately, Li Shimin's expression froze.

"The court is still too poor!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Datang is still too poor. Especially if the steel in Datang is used as requested by King Jin, I want to lead troops to go out to plunder Goguryeo!"

Cheng Zhijie said with a worried face.


Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong and others stared at Cheng Zhijie in unison.

"Originally, my Tang Dynasty allowed those aristocratic families to conquer the surrounding vassal states privately, and those vassal states were already full of dissatisfaction. Every day, the vassal state hozen came to give me a memorial and protest against me.

If you, a black man, lead troops out to plunder Goguryeo again, the vassal states around the king may join forces and start a war against me, Tang Dynasty! "

Li Shimin said unhappily.

"Your Majesty, it's just a group of barbarian hozens. As early as a few years ago, they were not our opponents. Now, those aristocratic families are also starting to actively exert their strength, and those hozens are not my opponents in the Tang Dynasty.

No matter what they come, as long as you give that old Cheng an army of [-], you can capture them all and build roads and mines for me in the Tang Dynasty! "

Cheng Zhijie was still full of excitement.

"You black man, if we fight together, thousands of people on the frontiers of the Tang Dynasty will suffer again!" Li Shimin angrily scolded.

"Wait a few more years, when Tubo is completely in civil strife caused by caravans, Linyi and other small countries are included in the territory of our Tang Dynasty, and small countries such as Tuyuhun, Goguryeo, and Baekje are divided up and occupied by the powerful families of our Tang Dynasty.

Those foreign countries and small countries around my Tang Dynasty are all meat on my Tang chopping board! "

On the side, Changsun Wuji was also speculating negatively.

Although Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and others did not speak, they all nodded subconsciously.

Obviously, they all have the same opinion about the vassal states around Datang.

Otherwise, they wouldn't all acquiesce to those aristocratic families going out to fight crazily.

"Xiao Gong, the pig iron and iron blocks auctioned by these aristocratic families should be received as soon as possible, and handed over to the Shaofu Supervisor and General Supervisor. After refining the fine steel and making enough musket bombs, the rest will be used to make big steel ships! "

Li Shimin gave instructions to Li Xiaogong.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Li Xiaogong replied.

Afterwards, Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling at the side again.

"Auxiliary machine, Xuanling, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn in your house are almost harvested!"

Hearing this, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others hurriedly saluted Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty is wise, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn seedlings have all started to wither and turn yellow. Wait a few more days, and we will be able to harvest them completely!"

"Although the output of these three items is high, in Datang, these three items are still relatively rare, and these items should be eaten as little as possible, and they will be kept as seeds and continue to be planted!"

Li Shimin said slowly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely watch out for those evil spirits, and never let them ruin it at will!"

Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji said solemnly.


Li Shimin nodded slightly.

at the same time.

In Chang'an City, the patriarchs of the aristocratic families who did not auction off the guards next year focused their attention on Li Family Manor again.

There, there are 10,000 catties of potatoes, more than 10,000 catties of sweet potatoes, and more than [-] catties of corn.

They didn't compete for the feudal kingdom city next year. With so many catties of wonders, they will always be able to compete for one catty!

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