Li Shimin

Chapter 665

Chapter 665
Along with Prince Zhuang Nei, Su Guogong Zhuangzi, Wei Guogong Zhuangzi...the sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other gods of these Zhuangzi have all had a bumper harvest.

The whole Chang'an was once again caught in a commotion.

The heads of those aristocratic families, who have accumulated so many days of depression, have also been vented.

They couldn't buy sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn in Jinwangzhuang.

However, Wei Guogong, Su Guogong, Qi Guogong...these are also from aristocratic families, and they can't get a few catties?

When these people are only concerned about those sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn.

In a certain house in Chang'an City.

A group of barbarians in sweaters and white sheepskins sat beside a burning iron stove, talking resentfully.

"The news has been confirmed. Then Emperor Tang really formed an army to help those aristocratic families attack our vassals and cities!"

"Tang people are extremely shameless!"

"No credibility at all!"

"We and other small countries still call it Tian Khan!"

"Hmph, this thief captured my Turkic warrior, how dare he treat my Turkic warrior as a slave, build roads and build cities for him, and suffer insults from those Tang people!"

"Everyone, this matter must be sent back to China as soon as possible!"

"We must not procrastinate any longer. I heard that the Tang people had already auctioned off the military quotas of five aristocratic families a few days ago, and the Emperor Tang earned tens of millions of money!"

"In the past, the Emperor Tang just borrowed armaments from the aristocratic family, and he had already attacked several cities in our vassal state. Now, he sent troops directly, wouldn't he want to attack at least a dozen cities?"


Immediately, the envoys of Tuyuhun and Baekje's small countries turned pale.

A dozen cities?
If at least one of their countries is attacked, wouldn't it be necessary to directly capture half of their country?
Especially Tuyuhun, they were attacked by that Longxi Li family, and they have lost four cities now.

The envoys of Tubo and Goguryeo glanced at these small country envoys whose faces had turned pale, and sneered.

"Now, the King Jin of the Great Tang has brought back to the Great Tang the gods that can produce [-] catties of grain per mu. If Datang planted these gods all over the country of the Tang Dynasty, the national power of the Great Tang would definitely be able to It will be twice as strong again, and by that time, I will have no chance to wait for the surrounding countries!"

"It's best for you to advise your respective kings not to take any chances. The Turkic Jieli Khan and the Turkic Khan are the end. Although they are still alive, they are often called into the palace. , was bullied by the Emperor Tang and all the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty!
The dignity of the Turks has been trampled under their feet. "

"As for everyone, you have seen the treatment of the Turkic nobles!"

"Furthermore, I heard that the great Tang family treated us and other nobles of the feudal kingdom even more cruelly, as long as they invaded the city, all the nobles would not be left behind, and the whole family would be killed!
Even children who are not as tall as a wheel are not spared! "

"They are simply a group of demons!"


"Resist, must resist Baotang!"

Soon, all the envoys of the vassal state in the room had firm expressions on their faces.

They were all scared.

They also knew about the atrocious things that happened after the Great Tang family invaded their country.

However, no matter how their king sent envoys to write letters of credence to Emperor Tang, there was no response.

Even, some envoys would be intercepted and killed halfway before they entered the Tang Dynasty!

Now, with the assistance of the Tang army, wouldn't those Tang families be even more brutal?

In the past, it was only when they plundered Great Tang. How could it be like now that Great Tang turned to plunder these small countries like them?

It's just that all of them subconsciously left the situation in Wa country behind.

Soon, a group of barbarians conspired for half a day.

So they sent all kinds of confidants one by one, with secret letters, quietly left Chang'an and scattered away.

The people in Chang'an City didn't notice any of this.

Perhaps, I noticed it, but didn't take it seriously!

In the eyes of the nobles of the Tang Dynasty and the aristocratic family, these small barbarian countries are all meat on their chopping boards, and they can eat whatever they want!

After all the dignitaries and aristocratic families took away some of the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn from the houses of Cheng Zhijie, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others.

In Chang'an City, it also began to slowly subside.

Perhaps the only ones that are still busy are the iron mines to the west of Chang'an City.

Since the harvest of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn.

Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others are even more interested in building giant steel ships.

Every ten days or so, the Thunder Guards conduct military training around those iron mines.

Every time, the earth shakes and the mountains shake.

Then, the miners were all beaming.


Soon, with a heavy snow will be shrouded in Guanzhong.

It is the seventh year of Zhenguan, the last day!
Up and down the Tang Dynasty, all the common people and courtiers were all smiling.

Although there was a major flood in the Tang Dynasty this year, the court had sufficient food reserves and there was no famine.

Moreover, King Jin also asked Datang to find sweet potatoes that could yield twelve stones per mu and potatoes that could yield seven stones per mu from overseas.

Even if they can't plant this year, next year, the year after, or wait three or four years, there will always be an opportunity, and it's their turn to plant these.

By that time, the food in their home can fill a warehouse.

Even if God does not give them food for a year, they will not suffer from famine.

Moreover, with such sufficient food, they can also marry the cubs in the family a mother-in-law, or give birth to a few more cubs, and they will not be afraid of running out of food!

The hearts of all Tang people are full of hope.

There is only one family, but his eyes are full of despair!
Taiji Palace, Liangyi Hall.

Li Ke, who went out to fight Goguryeo, also rushed back with several carts of gifts in time for the New Year's Eve.

"My son sees my father!"

"Haha, Ke'er has grown a lot in recent years!"

When Ke saluted, Li Shimin hurriedly stood up from the throne and walked towards Li Ke.

"Thank you, father, for caring about my son!"

There was also a flash of excitement in Li Ke's eyes.

Although he, Li Ke, is of the blood of the previous dynasty, he can now expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty and conquer the Goguryeo hozen.

"Father, my son, this year, captured two more cities in Goguryeo!"

"Hahaha, good, you really deserve to be my prince!" Li Shimin was overjoyed.

"Father, I heard that Father needs a lot of steel. It happens that there are many iron mines in Goguryeo, and the iron-making skills are mature. My son brought back 200,000 catties of pig iron for Father!"

Reported by Li Ke.

"200,000 pounds?"

Hearing this, both Li Shimin and Li Chengqian were shocked.

"Father, brother, Goguryeo has more iron mines than my Tang Dynasty. The only downside is that the winter is too cold to mine ore, or there will be more!" Li Ke said proudly.

"Ke'er has really grown up!"

Li Shimin looked relieved.

Regarding this, Li Chengqian on the side also looked relieved, without any jealousy.

Anyway, what the master said, even though the Tang Dynasty has clansmen and aristocratic families, no matter how many achievements they have made, they are all working for him to make money!
Li Shimin nodded slightly, and then looked down at Li Tai and Li You.

"Qingque, as an assistant, how are you two studying in the martial arts hall?"


Hearing this, both Li Tai and Li You couldn't help but look bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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