Li Shimin

Chapter 666

Chapter 666

Li Shimin's complexion gradually darkened.

"Father, forgive me, my son's studies in the martial arts hall, only two subjects of arithmetic and art of war have reached A, and the rest of riding and archery, infantry combat, farmland and other subjects are all C!"

Li Tai hurriedly reported.

Li Shimin's face was flat, without any words, he just looked at Li You who was aside.

Li You trembled, and hastily cupped his hands in salute: "I report to my father, the two subjects of cavalry, archery and military art are A, and the remaining subjects such as arithmetic, infantry combat, and farmland are C and B!"

After finishing speaking, the two secretly looked at Li Shimin in front of them.

"How long have you two been to the lecture hall?"

Li Shimin said quietly.

"Return to father, I have been waiting for the two of you to go to the lecture hall for more than two years!"

Li Tai and Li You hurriedly bowed their hands and said.

"So, your grades in the martial arts lecture hall are still so poor? Could it be that Li Jing, Qin Qiong and others didn't fulfill their duties and didn't teach you well?"

Li Shimin asked coldly.

"Father forgives the sin, it is my son who is stupid!"

The two quickly reported.

"Hmph, stupid?"

Li Shimin snorted coldly, "Wait, one of you was highly praised by the literati of the Tang Dynasty, with the appearance of a saint; the other was praised by those aristocratic families as brave as a Marquis? Now you are humble and stupid in front of me?"

"Father, forgive me, my son is only talented in literature and calligraphy, but he is extremely stupid when it comes to the art of war!"

Li Tai said quickly.

And Li You also hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Father, the same is true for my son! I used to be very arrogant and thought that I was invincible in riding and shooting, but it was only two years ago that I realized that it has always been those dudes who are afraid of my son. The status, but flattering and flattering to the minister, let the minister lose himself!

In fact, among the group of martial arts disciples, Erchen is not even in the top [-]! "

Hearing this, Li Shimin's expression softened a little.

"If you can realize how heavy you are in the martial arts hall, I will send you to the martial arts hall in vain!"

Seeing this, a gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of Li Tai and Li You.

Afterwards, he cautiously asked: "Dare to ask my father, when can my son not go to the martial arts hall?"


Li Shimin's expression darkened, and he looked at Li Tai and Li You quietly.

"You two don't want to go to the martial arts hall anymore?"

"Father is wise!"

Li Tai and Li You were overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

"Smart ass!"

Li Shimin was furious, "You villains want to lead troops to conquer Goguryeo, but I promised you, and you put up your face, and sent you to the lecture hall, but you actually want to give up halfway?

Do you know what kind of behavior this is?
This is a deserter!

The three-year academic system of the Martial Arts Hall, if you don't finish three years, don't even think about quitting! "

Hearing this, Li Tai and Li You's expressions suddenly turned bitter.

The days of martial arts lectures are really too difficult!

But facing Li Shimin, the two of them didn't have the courage to refute.

Li Shimin turned his head again, looking at Li Yun, Li Yun, and Li Zhen.

"It's the same with you. In two years, everyone will go to the martial arts hall for three years!"

"Yes, Father!"

The little ones trembled even more in front of Li Shimin, not daring to say a word.

Seeing this, Li Shimin was a little helpless.

Then, he waved his hand.

"Ke'er hasn't come back for a year, come back now, go and see your mother and concubine!"

"Yes, Father!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Li Ke's eyes, and he quickly saluted Li Shimin, then slightly arched his hands at Li Chengqian, and hurriedly walked towards the harem.

However, after leaving Liangyi Hall, he did not go to look for his mother and concubine, but greeted Empress Changsun first, and then went to see his biological mother Concubine Yang!
Wait until all the puppies have been sent away.

In the Liangyi Hall, only Li Chengqian and Li Shimin were left.

"Ke'er has conquered eight cities in Goguryeo and has [-] soldiers!"

Li Shimin said seemingly casually.

However, Li Chengqian heard something else.

With a chuckle, "Third brother is good at fighting. It is my great fortune to win so many cities from Goguryeo in just two years!"

"As the king of Wu, Ke'er has made such great achievements, but you, as the crown prince, don't you have the slightest feeling?"

Li Shimin asked in surprise.

"Reporting to my father, you are naturally happy for my third brother, and I am happy for my Great Tang!"

Li Chengqian's face was full of joy.

Seeing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but startled.

"Are you happy?"


Li Chengqian nodded sincerely.

Seeing this, Li Shimin's eyes became even more suspicious.

"Aren't you afraid to go on like this, Ke'er's reputation surpasses yours?"

"Father, my son followed Jin Wangshu to America and brought back sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn, which are the gods of the country!"

Li Chengqian said calmly.

"Besides, according to what Uncle Jin said, my father is in his prime. In more than ten years, when all the dignitaries of my family in the Tang Dynasty and Li Tang's relatives lead troops, they will conquer several feudal states outside the Tang Dynasty. After closing the door to enjoy their luxurious life in the city.

And at that time, all the honorable families of my Tang Dynasty can conquer overseas.

As for the throne, there may not be many princes paying attention!
Maybe, by then, Erchen will also want to go overseas all day..."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyelids twitched subconsciously.

Do you want to add some burdens to the prince in the future?

Let it stay away from some tyrants?
Thinking about it, Li Shimin looked at the pile of memorials in front of him, and said to Li Chengqian.

"I'm going to pay a visit to Aye, and you, for me, review all the memorials on the case table!"

After finishing speaking, he went out directly.

Behind him, Li Chengqian was stunned.

Isn't today the day before the New Year's Eve?

And in the past few days, all the courtiers are resting at home, where are these memorials that need to be reviewed urgently?

It's a pity that when Li Chengqian raised his head, Li Shimin had already taken Li Wei with him and disappeared.



Li Xuan was very excited.

Princess Jin is pregnant again.

For the New Year's Day, add another piece of joy.

And this year's New Year's Eve dishes are even more plentiful.

On each table, there are also steamed sweet potatoes, steamed potatoes, steamed pumpkin, hot and sour potato shreds, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes!
In addition, there are sweet and tempting popcorn.

Up and down Lijiazhuang, everyone is very happy.

After the Spring Festival, it entered the eighth year of Zhenguan.

Datang up and down, are still immersed in the joy.

And Tubo and Tuyuhun in the west of the Tang Dynasty, Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla in the east of the Tang Dynasty, and even further tribes such as Tiele, Huihe, Mohe, Shiwei, etc., are also beginning to move around.

Wait until the frontier army sends this news back to Datang.

It's February and the weather is starting to warm up.

Following several cavalrymen with three banners on their backs, they rushed into Chang'an city one after another.

Li Jing, Cheng Zhijie, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and other important officials also hurriedly followed the eunuch into the Hall of Liangyi.

"Your Majesty, these vassal hozen must have learned about the Thunder Guards, so they want to unite and deter me from the Tang Dynasty!"

Fang Xuanling said with a serious face.

Cheng Zhijie snorted softly, and said directly: "Fart, these hozen are not deterrent, but want to take advantage of the spring plowing of my Tang Dynasty, and want to unite and invade my Tang Dynasty together!"

On the side, Li Jing, Du Ruhui and others also had resentment on their faces.

"Although my Great Tang is not afraid of these barbarian hozens, if there is a war, my Great Tang's spring farming will inevitably be delayed!"

Changsun Wuji said worriedly.

"What's the best strategy, my loves?"


(End of this chapter)

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